Ms. 80.

145 folios; 16×29 cm; ±15 lines; nasta'liq. Single words are overlined in red ink. Brownish paper, stained with water and repaired. Geometrical watermark on fol. 126. Original leather binding; cover with ornamental frame and centre-ornament, with two additional smaller ornaments above and below it. Spine damaged. Two different owners' stamps on fol. 144r (illegible); owners' remarks: on fol. 1r with the year 1304/1886-7; on fol. 144v with the dates Safar 1244/August 1828 and Ramadan 1249/January 1835; on fol. 145v with the date 22 Rajab 1305/24 March 1888. Copied 1079/1668.

[2154] fol. 1r: Some notes, among them a short remark on the genealogy of ancient philosophers, from Aristotle to Luqman لقمان , and on the etymology of their names.

[2155] fols. 1v-144r: Athir al-Din al-Abhari أثير الدين الأبهري : Hidayat al-hikma هداية الحكمة , part 2 (fi al-tabi'iyat في الطبيعيات ) and 3 (fi al-ilahiyat في الإلاهيات ), with commentary by Mir Husayn Ibn Mu'in al-Din al-Maybudi مير حسين بن معين الدين الميبودي .

On al-Abhari (died 663/1264) and his encyclopedia Hidayat al-hikma هداية الحكمة , of which part 2 and 3 are commented by al-Maybudi during 880/1475, → GAL I 464 1a5 and S I 840 1a5 (mentions the mss. and old editions).
Folios 1-124 contain many glosses in the margin and in part between the lines. Between folios 27/28, 54/55 and 118/119 glosses are added on loose sheets of paper; folios 55v and 94v contain drawings. On the numerous authors of glosses → GAL (as above).

Ms. 81.

227 folios; 14,5×20,5 cm; 24-25 lines; naskhi, tending to nasta'liq; text within red frame. The chapter-headings are written in red ink, single sentences are overlined in red. Geometrical drawings on fols. 178-179; 181; 183-185 and 188-189. Smooth paper, in part stained with water; therefore, the text on fols. 43v, 117 and 129-130 is damaged. Modern red leather binding, covers and flap with centre-ornament and geometrical frame. Owner's stamp on fol. 1r (illegible). Copied 27 Ramadan 1105/22 May 1694.

[2156] fols. 1v-227r: Najm al-Din Ali Ibn Umar al-Qazwini al-Katibi نجم الدين علي بن عمر القزويني الكاتبي : Kitab Hikmat al-ayn كتاب حكمة العين , with commentary (sharh شرح ) by Mirak Shams al-Din Muhammad Ibn Mubarakshah al-Bukhari ميرك شمس الدين محمد بن مبارك شاه البخاري .

On al-Katibi (died 675/1276 or later), Kitab Hikmat al-ayn (a work on metaphysics and physics) and the commentary by Muhammad Ibn Mubarakshah al-Bukhari (8th/14th century) → GAL I 466 no. II and S I 847 no. II. Text and commentary are published by Ja'far Zahed جعفر زاهد , Mashhad 1974 (= Ferdowsi University Publications no. 47).

Ms. 82.

6 folios; 14,3/15,3 (fol.1) × 21 cm; 23 lines; Turkish naskhi. Single words are written in red ink. Brownish paper. Hand of the 11th/17th century.

[2157] fols. 1r-6r: Muhammad Ibn Musa al-Talishi محمد بن موسى الطالشي : al-Nuskha al-Talishiya النسخة الطالشية .

On the author (wrote in the 9th/15th century) → Kahhale XII 64; Brockelmann (GAL I 467 no.II/2) mentions al-Talishi (Brockelmann: al-Talishi التالشي ) as author of a commentary on Najm al-Din al-Katibi نجم الدين الكاتبي , Kitab Hikmat al-ayn كتاب حكمة العين(written 884/1479 on behalf of Sultan Ya'qub سلطان يعقوب ). This commentary cannot be our text, which is a short monograph on meteorology according to Aristotelian doctrine.

Our treatise is nowhere mentioned; it consists of three chapters:
1) fols. 1r-v: a preface ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (tamhid تمهيد ), with two sections on mahiyat al-jism ماهية الجسمand inqilab al-anasir انقلاب العناصر ;
2) fols. 1v-5v: four fundamentals (usul أصول ):
a) fi al-bukhar في البخار ;
b) fi al-dukhan في الدخان ;
c) fi al-rih wa-kayfiyat husuliha في الريح وكيفية حصولها ;
d) fi bayan qaws quzah في بيان قوس قزح ;
3) fols. 5v-6r: khatama خاتمة .

Beginning (after the Basmala):
وبه نستعين ، الحمد لوليه والصلوة على نبيه محمد وآله الطيبين الطاهرين وصحبه أجمعين ، أما بعد : فهذه رسالة مرتبة على تمهيد وأصول أربعة وخاتمة ، التمهيد مشتملة على مقدمتين : الأولى في ماهية الجسم وأقسامه على الاجمال ، فالجسم جوهر قابل للابعاد الثلثة المتقاطعة ..
...عند صدمات عاصفات القهر الإلهي وصواعق نداء إذا دكت الأرض دكا دكا ... تمت النسخة الطالشية ،

In the margin are some notes, a few of them in Persian.

Ms. 83.

143 folios; 20,8×15 cm (fols. 1-5); 15×21,5 cm (fols. 6-66); 15,5×21,5 cm (fols. 67-143); 16-21 lines; naskhi and nasta'liq (fols. 1-5). Single words are written in red ink or overlined. The text is within a red frame on fols. 1-5 and 117v-131v. The text is written by at least eight different hands. The paper is in part greenish (fols. 67-71; 86-113) or yellowish (fols. 72 and 81); slightly spotted, water-stained and damaged. Pasteboard binding with leather spine, damaged. Owner's stamp on fols. 1v, 7v and 135r (illegible). Hand of the 11-12th/17-18th century. A reader's note on fol. 5v mentions Dhu al-Hijja 1064/October 1654 and as place "Madrasat Akil". The copyist of the text on fols. 114-132 is Muhammad Ibn Hasan Ibn Muhammad (→ fol. 131v).

[2158] fols. 1v-5v: Muhammad Ibn Muhammad al-Barda'i محمد بن محمد البردعي : Hashiya ala Husam al-Din al-Kati, Sharh Isaghuji حاشية على حسام الدين الكاتي ، شرح إيساغوجي .

On al-Barda'i (died 927/1521) and his still unpublished glosses (introduced by aqulu أقول in red ink) to the Sharh Isaghuji (introduced by qala قال in red ink), a commentary by Husam al-Din al-Hasan al-Kati حسام الدين الحسين الكاتي (died 760/1359) on al-Abhari الأبهري (died 663/1264), Kitab al-Isaghuji كتاب الإيساغوجي , an introduction to logic, → GAL I 465 II 1a; S I 841 II 1a and Kahhale XI 272. Beginning and end of the commentary can be found in the description of Ms. Berlin 5232.

[2159] fols. 6v-44v: Muhi al-Din al-Talishi ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (al-Taliji) ‏ محي الدين التالشي (التالجي)‏ : Hashiya ala Husam al-Din al-Hasan al-Kati, Sharh Isaghuji حاشية على حسام الدين الحسن الكاتي ، شرح إيساغوجي , with many notes in the margin.

On al-Talishi (ca. 1440-ca. 1500) who in 1479 wrote a commentary on al-Qazwini al-Katibi القزويني الكاتبي , Hikmat al-ayn حكمة العين (→ Rescher, Development 239) and on his unedited glosses (introduced by aqulu أقول in red ink) to Husam al-Din al-Hasan al-Kati (died 760/1359), Sharh Isaghuji (introduced by qala قال in red ink), a commentary on al-Abhari الأبهري (died 663/1264), Kitab al-Isaghuji كتاب الإيساغوجي , → GAL I 465 no. II 1d and S I 842 no. II 1d. A further Ms. (fragment) is Ms. Daiber, Catalogue, no. 55.
On fols. 45r-v follow some notes in Arabic and Turkish.

[2160] fols. 46r-50r: Athir al-Din al-Abhari أثير الدين الأبهري : Isaghuji إيساغوجي , with notes in the margin.

On the author (died 663/1264) and his introduction to logic → GAL I 464 no. II and S I 839 no. II. A further Ms. is Ms. Daiber, Catalogue, no. 136 (fols. 5v-10v).

[2161] fols. 50v-66r: Husam al-Din al-Hasan al-Kati حسام الدين الحسن الكاتي ; Sharh Isaghuji شرح إيساغوجي = Qala aqulu قال أقول .

On al-Kati (died 760/1359) and his unpublished commentary on al-Abhari الأبهري (died 663/1264), Isaghuji → GAL I 464 II 1 and S I 841 II 1 (mentions some old editions published in India). On glosses to this commentary → the preceding texts on fols. 1v ff.
fols. 66v-67 contain some notes, in part in Turkish.

[2162] fols. 67v-84r: Shams al-Din Muhammad Ibn Hamza al-Fanari شمس الدين محمد بن حمزة الفناري : Sharh Isaghuji شرح إيساغوجي = al-Fawa'id al-Fanariya الفوائد الفنارية .

On al-Fanari (died 834/1431) and his notes to al-Abhari's Isaghuji → GAL I 465 II 2 and S I 842 II 2. al-Fanari's notes are not a commentary which strictly keeps to the text; they give general considerations.
Between fols. 79/80 and 83/84 notes are added on a loose slip of paper.

[2163] fols. 86v-112r: Qul Ahmad Ibn Muhammad Ibn Khidr قول أحمد بن محمد بن خضر : Hashiya ala al-fawa'id al-Fanariya حاشية على الفوائد الفنارية .

On the glosses to the Fawa'id al-Fanariya (→ preceding text) and their author (wrote about 950/1543) → GAL I 465 no. I 2a; S I 842 no. I 2a and Daiber, Catalogue, no. 45, fols. 252v-272v.
The end differs slightly from Ms. Berlin 5240. In the margin are some notes. Between fols. 105/106 and 113/114 notes on loose slips of paper are inserted.

[2164] fol. 114r: Sachaqlizade ساچقلي زاده : Zubdat al-munazara زبدة المناظرة .

On the author (died 1150/1737) and his unpublished treatise on the art of disputation → GAL II 370 no.7. A further Ms. is Daiber, Catalogue, no. 32, fol. 5r.

[2165] fols. 114v-131v: Shah Husayn Efendi al-Antaki شاه حسين أفندي الأنطاكي : al-Risala al-Husayniya fi fann al-adab الرسالة الحسينية في فن الآداب , with anonymous commentary.

The Ms. has neither title nor author. In Ms. Berlin 5335 the commentary is attributed to Ali al-Fardi علي الفردي ; this must be wrong as Ali al-Fardi's commentary can be found in the margin of our text. On more copies of the same anonymous commentary → Princeton no. 3393.
On the unpublished Risala al-Husayniya, a treatise on the art of disputation (adab al-bahth آداب البحث ) and its author (died 1130/1718) → GAL S II 482. A further Ms. is Daiber, Catalogue, no. 45, fols. 229v-251r (the commentary in this Ms. is anonymous and should not be attributed to Ali al-Fardi ).
In the margin are many glosses, mostly by Ali al-Fardi (died 1127/1715; cf. Ms. Princeton no. 3394), by Dabbaghi-zade دباغي زاده (= Shaykh al-Islam Muhammad Ibn Mahmud Ibn Ahmad Dabbagh-zade شيخ الإسلام محمد بن محمود بن أحمد دباغ زاده , who died 1114/1702 [GAL II 430] ?) and by Yakan يكان (= Ahmad Ibn Muhammad Yakan/Yegen/Yaegaen أحمد بن محمد يكان ) al-Mar'ashi المرعشي who died 1165/1752; → GAL S II 482 and Ms. Princeton no. 3400.
Notes can be found on loose slips of paper between fols. 115/116; 116/117; 117/118 and 120/121.

[2166] fols. 132v-135v: Shah Husayn Efendi al-Antaki شاه حسين أفندي الأنطاكي : al-Risala al-Husayniya الرسالة الحسينية .

The same text as on fols. 114v-131v, however without commentary.

[2167] fols. 136v-143v: Sachaqlizade ساچقلي زاده : Risala fi fann al-munazara = al-Risala al-Waladiya رسالة في فن المناظرة = الرسالة الولدية .

On the art of disputation, written by Sachaqlizade (died 1150/1737) for his son. On further mss. of this unpublished treatise → GAL II 370 no. 5 and S II 498 no. 5.
In the margin and on a loose slip of paper (between fols. 136/137) are some notes.

Ms. 84.

36 folios; 10,6×14,6 cm; 10 lines; naskhi, tending to nasta'liq. Some words are overlined in red or written in red ink. Brownish paper.The folios are in part loose. Owner's remark on fol. 1r: Muhammad Abd al-Qadir Ibn Abd Allah Efendi and the year 1236/1820-1. Copied by Muhammad Ibn Ahmad. Hand of the 12th/18th century.

[2168] fols. 1v-35v: Athir al-Din al-Abhari أثير الدين الأبهري : Kitab al-Isaghuji كتاب الإيساغوجي , with commentary (sharh شرح , also called Qala aqulu قال أقول ) by Husam al-Din al-Hasan al-Kati حسام الدين الحسن الكاتي .

On al-Abhari (died 663/1264), his short handbook on logic and the commentary by al-Kati (died 760/1359) → text no. [2161].
In the margin are some notes. As the folios are loose, some of them may be disordered or missing.

Ms. 85.

127 folios; 9,5×17 cm; 16-19 lines; small nasta'liq, often without diacritical points. Single words are written in red ink. Smooth, brownish paper, sometimes repaired and stained with water. Original leather binding, made from one piece. Covers with decorative geometrical lines. Owner's stamp on fols. 14r and 126r. Copied 10 Rabi' II 1080/7 September 1669 (fols. 10v); Rabi' I 1080/ July-August 1669 and 1072/1661/1662 (fols. 114v).

[2169] fols. 2v-10v: Burhan al-Din Ibn Kamal al-Din Ibn Hamid ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎(al-Bulghari) ( برهان الدين بن كمال الدين بن حميد(البلغاري: Hashiya ala dibajat sharh Qutb al-Din = Hashiya ala sharh al-Tahtani ala al-Shamsiya حاشية على ديباجة شرح قطب الدين = حاشية على شرح التحتاني على الشمسية .

The nisba al-Bulghari can be found in the Ms. Princeton 3212. The author cannot be identified. On more mss. of Burhan al-Din's glosses to Qutb al-Din al-Razi al-Tahtani قطب الدين الرازي التحتاني (died 766/1364), Tahrir al-qawa'id al-mantiqiya (= al-Qutbi) تحرير القواعد المنطقية (=القطبي) , a commentary on Najm al-Din al-Katibi نجم الدين الكاتبي (died 675/1276 or later), al-Risala al-Shamsiya fi al-qawa'id al-mantiqiya الرسالة الشمسية في القواعد المنطقية → GAL I 466 I 1f.; seven mss. are in Leningrad: Chalidov I p. 264, nos. 5756-5762.

[2170] fols. 11v-14r: Rashid al-Din al-Watwat al-Khwarizmi رشيد الدين الوطواط الخوارزمي : Risalat al-Rashid al-Khwarizmi fi al-shakk ala qiyas al-khulf wa-al-ashkal al-muqtasir[a] ala al-kulli wa-al-kuthr رسالة الرشيد الخوارزمي في الشك على قياس الخلف والأشكال المقتصرة على الكلي والكثر .

The author (died 578/1182 in Khwarizm خوارزم ) is wellknown as poet and philologist (→ GAL I 275f.; S I 486; EI2 VIII, art. Rashid al-Din al-Watwat). We do not know of any treatise on logic written by him. The introduction to this treatise is written in an elegant style, in part in rhymed prose. The authorship of Rashid al-Din al-Watwat al-Khwarizmi seems quite possible.

Beginning (after the Basmala):
الحمد لله على سوابغ نعمائه ولواحق الآية والصلاة على نبيه النقيه ... وبعد : فقد عرض لمحرر هذا المكتوب في تعيين عكس القضية...
ولا يكون العكس صحيحا كما رأيت من الأمثلة في هذه الرسالة والله أعلم بحقائق الأشياء ، تمت الرسالة للوطواط بدون الإسقاط والزيادة المطابقة بالنسخة الأصل والله أعلم ،

[2171] fols. 15v-114v: Ali Ibn Muhammad al-Sayyid al-Sharif al-Jurjani علي بن محمد السيد الشريف الجرجاني : Hashiya ala sharh Qutb al-Din ala al-Shamsiya = Hashiya ala al-Tasawwurat = Kuchak حاشية على شرح قطب الدين على الشمسية = حاشية على التصورات = كوچك .

Extensive notes by al-Jurjani ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (died 816/1413) to Qutb al-Din al-Razi al-Tahtani قطب الدين الرازي التحتاني (died 766/1364), Tahrir al-qawa'id al-mantiqiya (= al-Qutbi) تحرير القواعد المنطقية (= القطبي ), a commentary on Najm al-Din al-Katibi نجم الدين الكاتبي (died 675/1276 or later), al-Risala al-Shamsiya fi al-qawa'id al-mantiqiya الرسالة الشمسية في القواعد المنطقية (part I = al-Tasawwurat التصورات ); → GAL I 466 I 1a; S I 845 I 1a and description of Ms. 86.
The text is collated. In the margin are many glosses. On a Ms. with glosses to al-Jurjani's notes by Imad al-Din Ibn Yahya al-Farisi عماد الدين بن يحيى الفارسي (Qara Hashiya) → Daiber, Catalogue, no. 204.

[2172] fols. 116v-126r: Mansur منصور : Hashiya ala sharh Qutb al-Din حاشية على شرح قطب الدين .

Glosses to Qutb al-Din's commentary on Najm al-Din al-Katibi نجم الدين الكاتبي , al-Risala al-Shamsiya fi al-qawa'id al-mantiqiya الرسالة الشمسية في القواعد المنطقية (on which → above, fols. 15v-114v).
The author cannot be identified. He seems to refer to the glosses by al-Sharif al-Jurjani الشريف الجرجاني : → sharh al-Qutbiya lil-Risala al-Shamsiya wa-hawashihi al-sharifa شرح القطبية للرسالة الشمسية وحواشه الشريفة (fol. 116v). Therefore, he may have written his glosses to Qutb al-Din al-Razi al-Tahtani قطب الدين الرازي التحتاني , Tahrir al-qawa'id al-mantiqiya (= al-Qutbi) تحرير القواعد المنطقية (= القطبي) after 816/1413.

Beginning (after the Basmala):
أحمد الله على ما وفقنا للتصديق بمصنّف الرسالة الشمسية الإشراق والسلام على من أشرقها وجمعها ... قال الفقيه نعمان(؟)المشهور بمنصور:يقول إن للمنطق فأقول ..

In the margin are some glosses. The libraries of Berlin and Princeton do not have a comparable text.

Ms. 86.

157 folios; 10×20 cm; 13 lines; Persian nasta'liq. Single words are written in red ink or overlined. Smooth, slightly brownish and slightly spotted paper; fols. 15-18 are somewhat damaged by a small hole and the first folios are slightly stained by water. Original leather binding with frame, slightly damaged. Owner's stamp on fols. 2v, 3r and 156r. Notes (an enumeration of birthdays) with the years 1241/1825; 1244/1828 and 1246/1830 on the inside of the back cover; with the years 1292/1875 and 1294/1877 on fol. 157r. Copied by Ibn Mir Muhammad Iyas in the year 1222/1807 = ushr thani [min] ushr thalith [min] khums thalith min nisf awwal min alf thani; → H. Ritter, Oriens 1, 1948, p.237-247.

[2173] fols. 2v-156r: Najm al-Din Ali Ibn Umar al-Qazwini al-Katibi نجم الدين علي بن عمر القزويني الكاتبي : al-Risala al-Shamsiya fi al-qawa'id al-mantiqiya الرسالة الشمسية في القواعد المنطقية , part I (al-Tasawwurat التصورات ); commentary by Muhammad Ibn Qutb al-Din Muhammad al-Razi al-Tahtani محمد بن قطب الدين محمد الرازي التحتاني : Tahrir al-qawa'id al-mantiqiya = al-Qutbi تحرير القواعد المنطقية = القطبي , with glosses by al-Sayyid al-Sharif al-Jurjani السيد الشريف الجرجاني , called al-Kuchak الكوچك .
al-Katibi (died 675/1276 or later), al-Risala al-Shamsiya, a short description of logic, was very often commented. The commentary by Qutb al-Din al-Tahtani (died 766/1364) for its part was often glossed.
Those glosses by al-Jurjani (died 816/1413) are available in old editions; → GAL I 466 no. 1/1 and S I 845 no. 1/1.
On al-Qazwini al-Katibi, Qutb al-Din al-Tahtani and al-Jurjani → Rescher, Development pp. 203f., 215f. and 222f.; → description of Ms. 85.
In the margin are a few notes. Our Ms. is identical with the Ms. Berlin 5260; it has an addition at the end like Ms. Berlin 5261/1.

Ms. 87.

8 folios; 12×18,4 cm; 15 lines; Turkish naskhi. Single words are written in red ink. Smooth, brownish paper. Cardboard covers, pasted with marbled paper (front cover damaged). Hand of the 12th/18th century.
[2175] After a short fragment on logic in Turkish (fols. 1v-2r1) the Ms. contains:

[2176]2r-7v: Anonymous: A titleless treatise on the four syllogistic figures (ashkal أشكال ).

The text begins with the introduction of four code letters as description of the quality and quantity of logical propositions. On a parallel in medieval Latin logic → I.M. Bochenski, Formale Logik (Freiburg/München 21962. = Orbis Academicus III, 2), pp. 244ff. - Fols. 2v-7v contain a description of the four syllogistic figures and their modi; the first figure is missing. [Communication by dr. J. Lameer, Leiden, The Netherlands].
The author refers to a work called al-Mutawwalat المطولات (fols. 5r6 and 6r8); this may be the Sharh al-Mutawwal الشرح المطول (finished 748/1347) by Sa'd al-Din al-Taftazani سعد الدين التفتازاني , the "long commentary" on Muhammad Ibn Abd al-Rahman al-Qazwini Khatib Dimashq محمد بن عبد الرحمن القزويني خطيب دمشق (died 739/1338), Talkhis al-Miftah تلخيص المفتاح , an extract from the 3rd part (on rhetoric) of al-Sakkaki السكاكي (died 626/1229), Miftah al-ulum مفتاح العلوم (→ GAL II 295; S II 516 no.4). If this identification is correct, our text must have been composed after the first half of the 14th century. In any case, it is heavily indebted to Najm al-Din al-Qazwini al-Katibi نجم الدين القزويني الكاتبي (died 675/1276 or later), al-Risala al-Shamsiya fi al-qawa'id al-mantiqiya الرسالة الشمسية في القواعد المنطقية which was commented very often (→ GAL I 466 and S I 845); → the edition published 1323/1905 in Cairo, with the commentary by Qutb al-Din Mahmud Ibn Muhammad al-Razi قطب الدين محمود بن محمد الرازي and the glosses by al-Sharif al-Jurjani الشريف الجرجاني , al-Siyalkuti السيالكوتي , al-Dasuqi الدسوقي , Isam al-Din عصام الدين , Shirbini شربيني , al-Dawwani الدواني and Sa'd al-Din al-Taftazani, part II pp. 302ff./Engl. translation in N. Rescher, Temporal Modalities in Arabic Logic, Dordrecht 1967 ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (= Foundations of Language. Supplementary series 2), pp.39ff.

Other mss. related to philosophy: → text nos. [2194], [2259], [2312]-[2316], [2319], [2320], [2367], [2368], [2395], [2459] and [2468].

Art of disputation, semantics

Ms. 88.

55 folios; 15×21 cm; 21 lines; somewhat stiff naskhi. The paper of fols. 1-12 is damaged, with some loss of the notes in the margin. Cardboard binding with leather spine and leather frame (slightly damaged). The covers are pasted with paper which has brownish and red-coloured flower-designs. Copied at the beginning of 1146/July 1733 by al-Faqiri Ibn Shaykh Muhammad in the fortress of Mansur (hisn Mansur) near Sumaysat (in the west of Irak; → Yaqut, Mu'jam al-buldan, ed. F. Wüstenfeld II, Leipzig 1867, p. 278,18ff.).

[2177] fols. 1v-54v: Sachaqlizade al-Mar'ashi ساچقلي زاده المرعشي : Taqrir al-qawanin al-mutadawala min ilm al-munazara تقرير القوانين المتداولة من علم المناظرة .

On the author (died 1150/1731) and this unedited work on logic and the art of disputation (finished 1117/1705) → GAL II 370 no.6 and S II 498 no.6. Beginning and end and an enumeration of the chapters can be found in the description of Ms. Berlin 5333.
In the margin of fols. 1v-10r are many notes. On fol. 55v follows a short note on the attributes of God.

Ms. 89.

62 folios; 13×20,6 cm; 19 lines; small naskhi, tending to nasta'liq. Single words are overlined in black. Thin papier with a water-mark containing the Cyrillic letters "VATN". Some folios are greenish and brownish.
Pasteboard binding with red leather spine. Owner's remark (in Turkish) by al-Hajj Ibrahim Efendi (fol. 1r); Copied 1262/1845-6.

[2178] fols. 1v-61r: Isma'il Ibn Mustafa al-Kalanbawi al-Rumi al-Hanafi إسماعيل بن مصطفى الكلنبوي الرومي الحنفي : Risalat al-Adab رسالة الآداب with commentary by al-Hasan Pashazade الحسن باشازاده , called Fath al-wahhab fi sharh Risalat al-Adab فتح الوهاب في شرح رسالة الآداب.

On al-Kalanbawi (died 1205/1791) and his treatise on the art of disputation (al-adab fi al-munazara الآداب في المناظرة ) → Kahhale II 296. Brockelmann could not identify the author and mentions him as commentator of several treatises (GAL S II 288, 291, 302; S III 1239 above) and among authors whose lifetime is unknown (S II 1015 no. 18a). However, in GAL S II 302 no.1 Brockelmann mentions the Risalat al-adab with the commentary by Hasan Pashazade and an old edition (Istanbul 1281/1864-5).

Beginning (after the Basmala):
الحمد لله ذي الجلال والاكرام والصلوة على رسوله الملزم حجته الباهرة على الكفرة ... فيقول العبد القاصر ... الحسن باشازاده ... هذا شرح على رسالة الآداب التي هي من بين الرسائل ... قال المص : بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم يتمنا بذكر اسمه تعالى وامتثالا لحديث البسملة واقتداء ... ،

والحمد لله ملهم الصواب والصلوة على رسوله المبعوث بابهر الآيات وفضل الخطاب وعلى آله وأصحابه المرشدين لمن اقتداهم طريق الحق والصواب ، تمت بعون الله وكرمه ،

In the margin are a few notes.