Ms. 50.

65 folios; 14,5×20,3 cm; 16 lines; naskhi. Single words are written in red ink. Thick, in part spotted and water-stained paper. Paste-board binding with brown leather spine and flap. Owner's remark on fol. 1r mentioning Yusuf (Ibn) Ubayd. Hand of the 11th/17th century.

[2094] fols. 1v-65v: Molla Husayn Ibn Iskandar al-Hanafi ملا حسين بن إسكندر الحنفي : Jawahir al-masa'il fima yahtaju ilayhi kull aqil wa-jahil جواهر المسائل فيما يحتاج إليه كل عاقل وجاهل

On the author (wrote about 1060/1650) and this still unedited paraenetic work on religious principles, prescriptions and admonitions → GAL S II 646 (mentions two mss. in Mosul).

The book consists of 22 sections (fusul فصول‏ ):
1) Fi bayan al-niya wa-hukmiha ‏ في بيان النية وحكمها‏ (1v-4r);
2) Fi bayan talab al-ilm wa-fadlihi ‏ في بيان طلب العلم وفضله‏ (4r-6r);
3) Fi bayan taqlid madhhab al-ghayr wa-kayfiyat al-jawab idha su'ilna an madhhabina wa-madhhab ghayrina ‏ في بيان تقليد مذهب الغير وكيفية الجواب إذا سئلنا عن مذهبنا ومذهب غيرنا.‏ (6r-11r);
4) Fi bayan al-amr bi-al-ma'ruf wa-al-nahy an al-munkar ‏ في بيان الأمر بالمعروف والنهي عن المنكر‏ (11r-12v);
5) Fi bayan tajwid al-qur'an wa-ma yata'allaqu bihi ‏ في بيان تجويد القرآن وما يتعلق به‏ ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (12v-14v);
6) Fi bayan qawl "la ilaha illa Allah" wa-risalat Muhammad ‏ في بيان قول "لا إله إلا الله" ورسالة محمد (14v-16r);
7) Fi bayan al-i'tiqad wa-huquq al-ibad ‏ في بيان الاعتقاد وحقوق العباد‏ (16r-20r);
8) Fi bayan ma yujibu al-kufr qawlan wa-fi'lan wa-i'tiqadan ‏ في بيان ما يوجب الكفر قولا وفعلا واعتقاد (20r-23r);
9) Fi bayan tajdid al-nikah ‏ في بيان تجديد النكاح‏ ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (23r-25r);
10) Fi bayan al-iman wa-al-nudhur mulakhkhasan ‏ في بيان الإيمان والنذور ملخصا‏ ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (25r-28r);
11) Fi bayan al-iqtida' bi-al-imam ‏ في بيان الاقتداء بالإمام‏ (28r-31r);
12) Fi bayan ahamm masa'il al-wudu' ‏ في بيان أهم مسائل الوضوء‏ (31r-33v);
13) Fi bayan al-ghusl ‏ في بيان الغسل‏ (33v-36r);
14) Fi bayan tathir al-anjas ‏ في بيان تطهير الأنجاس‏ (36r-38v);
15) Fi bayan al-istinja' wa-dukhul al-hammam ‏ في بيان الاستنجاء ودخول الحمام‏ (38v-41r);
16) Fi bayan al-salat ‏ في بيان الصلاة‏ (41r-45v);
17) Fi bayan al-niya hal al-shuru' fi al-salat ma'a bayan al-zuhr al-akhir ba'd al-jum'a في بيان النية حال الشروع في الصلاة مع بيان الظهر الأخير بعد الجمعة‏ (45v-48v);
18) Fi bayan masa'il shatta ‏ في بيان مسائل شتى‏ (48v-56v);
19) Fi bayan aja'ib makhluqat Allah ‏ في بيان عجائب مخلوقات الله‏ [quotes Ibn Abi Hatim ابن أبي حاتم , Tafsir تفسير ‏ and Abu Shaykh أبو شيخ , Kitab al-Azama ‏ كتاب العظمة‏ ] (56v-60r);
20) Fi bayan al-targhib bi-dhikr al-janna ‏ في بيان الترغيب بذكر الجنة‏ ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (60r-61r);
21) Fi bayan al-tarhib min dhikr jahannam wa-ghayriha ‏ في بيان الترهيب من ذكر جهنم وغيرها‏ (61v-63v);
22) Fi bayan ahwal al-akhira wa-ma yata'allaqu biha ‏ في بيان أحوال الآخرة وما يتعلق بها‏ (63v-65v).

The Ms. is incomplete at the end.
Beginning (after the Basmala):
أما بعد حمدا لله حقّ حمده والصلاة والسلام على سيدنا محمد رسوله وعبده وعلى آله وصحبه من بعده، يقول العبد الفقير إلى مولاه الغني المدعو بمنلا حسين بن إسكندر الحنفي عامله الله بلطفه الحقي : فإني استخرت الله تعالى في جميع مسائل مختلفة متفرقة من أهمّ المهمّات التي لا بد للمكلف من معرفتها ...

The Ms. seems to have been written during the lifetime of the author (by himself?); confirmation of this being perhaps the expression amalahu Allah bi-lutfihiعامله الله بلط فه at the beginning of the text.

Other paraenetic works: → text nos. [2046], [2118], [2127]-[2129], [2207], [2294], [2298], [2373] and [2396].

Theology: creed, eschatology, kalam كلام

Ms. 51.

76 folios; 14×20 cm; 17 lines; somewhat stiff naskhi. Single words are written in red ink. Yellowish paper, sometimes water-stained. Pasteboard binding with leather spine. Copied in the middle of Jumada II 1030/7 May 1621 by Muhammad Ibn Sayyid Abd al-Haqq (fol. 72v).

[2095] fols. 1v-72v: al-Shaybani الشيباني : Aqida عقيدة , with commentary by Alawan Ibn Atiya Ibn al-Hasan Ibn Muhammad al-Hamawi علوان بن عطية بن الحسن بن محمد الحموي : Bayan al-ma'ani fi sharh aqidat al-Shaybani بيان المعاني في شرح عقيدة الشيباني .

On al-Shaybani (died 189/805) and his Creed in 79 verses → GAS 431 no. X. Its authenticity is perhaps doubtful. On Alawan (died 936/1530) → GAL II 333; S II 461. Further mss. of his still unedited commentary are mentioned in GAS I 432 no. X b (2 mss.); another copy is Princeton no. 2209 (Sharh al-aqida al-Shaybaniya شرح العقيدة الشيبانية ).
As Alawan informs us at the beginning of his commentary (1v 11ff.), he used the commentary by Ajlun عجلون (died 876/1472; → GAS I 431f.) which he summarized and supplemented. According to Ms. Berlin 1935, Alawan finished his commentary in 925/1519. At that time he was approximately 70 years old. His commentary refers to many sources and shows his thorough acquaintance with lexicography, grammar, tafsir, hadith, fiqh and theology.
The commented text is written in red ink. In the margin are a few notes.

[2096] fols. 73r-76r: Two excerpts from Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani ابن حجر العسقلاني (died 973/1565 or later), al-Fath al-mubin fi sharh al-arba'in الفتح المبين في شرح الأربعين , a commentary on Nawawi النووي (died 676/1278), Kitab al-Arba'in كتاب الأربعين , a collection of 40 traditions; → GAL I 396 no. IX 11; S I 683 no. IX 11 and on Nawawi's Kitab al-Arba'in → the description of Ms. 10.

Ms. 52.

41 folios; 8,3×20 cm; 28 lines; small Persian nasta'liq. Single words are written in red ink or overlined in red or black. Brownish paper; some folios are slightly spotted. Leather covers with ornamental double lines. Copied Jumada II 1057/July 1647 (fol. 7r).

[2097] fols. 1v-4v: Anonymous: Aqidat ahl al-sunna عقيدة أهل السنة .

The text abruptly begins as follows:
إنّ العالم محدث والعالم عبارة عما سوى الله تعالى ودليل حدوثه خلوه من الأعراض..

As a comparison shows, our text is a paraphrase of Abu al-Ma'ali Abd al-Malik Ibn Abd Allah al-Juwayni أبو المعالي عبد الملك بن عبد الله الجويني (died 478/1085), Kitab Luma' al-adilla fi qawa'id ahl al-sunna كتاب لمع الأدلة في قواعد أهل السنة , a creed following the Ash'arite doctrine; compare text, French translation and glossary by Michel Allard, Textes apologétiques de Juwayni (Beyrouth 1968), pp. 99-195. Other editions are by Fawqiya Husayn Mahmud فوقية حسين محمود (Cairo 1965) and by Abd al-Aziz Izz al-Din al-Sayrawan عبد العزيز عز الدين السيروان (Beirut 1987).
On the top of fol. 1r the copyist added: hadha fi ilm usul al-kalam هذا في علم أصول الكلام .

[2098] fols. 4v-7r: al-Juwayni الجويني : Kitab al-Waraqat كتاب الورقات .

On text and author → description of Ms. 11. The Ms. has neither author nor title; the copyist added at the beginning: hadha fi ilm usul al-fiqh هذا في علم أصول الفقه .

[2099] fols. 7v-40r: Muhammad Ibn Yusuf Ibn Umar al-Sanusi محمد بن يوسف بن عمر السنوسي : Aqidat ahl al-tawhid al-sughra (= Umm al-barahin) ‏ عقيدة أهل التوحيد الصغرى (= أم البراهين)‏ , with commentary by the author himself.

On the author (died 892/1486 or 895/1490) and his Aqida with his own commentary (still unedited) → GAL II 251; our text is identical with mss. Berlin 2008 and 2009 (end different). Some notes and excerpts, in part in Persian, can be found on fols. 1r and 41v.

Ms. 53.

79 folios; 10,5×15 cm; 15 lines; irregular naskhi. Single words are written in red ink. Thick, smooth paper, in part spotted. Owner's remark on fols. 1r: Abd al-Salam al-Shatti al-Hanbali and the year 1278/1861-2 = the Damascene poet al-Shatti who lived from 1256 till 1295(1840-1878); → Kahhale V 226. Modern cardboard binding. Copied 29 Dhu al-Hijja 1092/9 January 1682 (fol. 34r); 8 Rabi' I 1093/17 March 1682 (fol. 77r) and 10 Muharram 1093/19 January 1682 (fol. 79v). fol. 34r mentions as copyist Abd al-Rahim Ibn Abd al-Qadir Ibn Sulayman.

[2100] fols. 1v-34r: Isma'il Ibn Abd al-Baqi al-Yaziji إسماعيل بن عبد الباقي اليازجي : al-Kawkab al-nurani bi-sharh aqidat al-allama al-Shaybani الكوكب النوراني بشرح عقيدة العلامة الشيباني .

On al-Yaziji, a Hanafite jurist, preacher and teacher at the Umayyad mosque of Damascus (1050-1121/1640-1709) → Kahhale II 275. Brockelmann (GAL) has no entry on al-Yaziji; neither Brockelmann, nor Kahhale or Sezgin (GAS I 431f.) in their chapters on al-Shaybani (died 189/805) mention al-Yaziji's commentary on al-Shaybani's Creed (Aqida). According to a remark on fol. 34r, al-Yaziji finished his commentary on 13 Safar 1079/23 July 1668. Some notes are in the margin; lacunas are after 19v and 29v.

Beginning (after the Basmala):
أحمد الله على التوحيد وأشكره على إنعامه المزيد وأشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وحده ... وبعد فيقول الشيخ إسماعيل بن عبد الباقي اليازجي ... هذه تعليقات أوضحت بها العقيدة الموسومة بالشيبانية في اعتقاد أهل السنة.
... ومن قرأه وأقرأه آمين، والله أعلم بالصواب وإليه المرجع والمآب ،

[2101] fols. 34v-71v: Isma'il Ibn Abd al-Baqi al-Yaziji إسماعيل بن عبد الباقي اليازجي : Nur al-ma'ali li-sharh Bad' al-amali fi usul al-din نور المعالي لشرح بدء الأمالي في أصول الدين .

This commentary by al-Yaziji (on him s. above) on al-Ushi الأوشي (wrote ca. 563/1173), al-Qasida al-lamiya fi al-tawhid القصيدة اللامية في التوحيد = Bad' al-amali بدء الأمالي or Qasidat yaqulu قصيدة يقول (→ GAL I 429 no. I and S I 764 I) is mentioned neither in Brockelmann (GAL) nor in Kahhale. The text of Bad' al-amali is written in red ink. Lacunas are after fols. 40v, 44v, 45v, 55v and 62v.

Beginning (after the Basmala):
نحمد الله الرحيم الرحمن الكبير المتعالي السلطان ونشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وحده ... وبعد فيقول الشيخ ... إسماعيل بن عبد الباقي الشهير بابن كاتب الينكحيرية (كذلك في الهامش) : لما رأيت كتابي ضوء اللآلي شرح بدء الأمالي ... استخرت الله تعالى في تحرير شرح آخر واضحا...
... ويجمعنا وأحبابنا في جنته بفضله وحكمه وكرمه ونعمته، هذا آخر ما أردنا من هذا الشرح اللطيف أيا واقفا عليه بالله ، انظر إليه بعين التصحيح لا التصحيف، فإنّ الإنسان محلّ الخطأ والنسيان، انتهى،

After a short remark by another hand (fol. 71v) follows:

[2102] fols. 72v-77r: Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani ابن حجر العسقلاني : Nukhbat al-fikar fi istilah ahl al-athar نخبة الفكر في اصطلاح أهل الأثر .

A summary of Ibn al-Salah al-Shahrazuri ‏ ابن الصلاح الشهرزوري‏ (died 643/1243), Kitab Ma'rifat anwa' ilm (ulum) al-hadith ‏ كتاب معرفة أنواع علم (علوم) الحديث (→ description of Ms. no. 7, text no. [2017]).
The text begins abruptly with the definition of khabar خبر (= ms. no. 7, fol. 2r9)

After two blank pages (77v-78r) follows:

[2103] fols. 78v-79v: Isma'il Ibn Abd al-Baqi al-Yaziji إسماعيل بن عبد الباقي اليازجي , a titleless theological treatise.

Beginning (after the Basmala):
أما بعد حمد الله والصلاة على نبيه المصطفى وبعد فيقول الشيخ ... إسماعيل اليازجي ... اعلم أن اله الخلق قديم حي مدبر حق مقدر مريد للخير والشرّ ...
والدعوات مقبولة والعالم حادث كالهيولي ، والله أعلم بالصواب ، تمت ،

The date mentioned on fol. 79v (10 Muharram 1093/19 January 1682) shows that the text was copied during the lifetime of the author.

Ms. 54.

198 folios; 17×25 cm; 25 lines; naskhi. The text is sometimes overlined in red ink; the chapter-headings are written in capitals. The paper is yellowish and some folios are repaired. Several folios are stained with water. Pasteboard binding with brown leather spine, slightly damaged. On the inside of the front cover is written in thuluth: al-jild al-awwal min Kitab Ihya' ulum al-din lil-Imam Muhammad al-Ghazzali الجلد الأول من كتاب إحياء علوم الدين للإمام محمد الغزالي . On folios 1v-2r are some short notes in Turkish mentioning the year 1237/1821 and on fol. 198r a later hand added an overview of the contents of Ghazzali's Ihya'. Hand of the late 9th/15th century.

[2104] fols.7r-198r: al-Ghazzali الغزالي : Kitab Ihya' ulum al-din : كتاب إحياء علوم الدين , part I. The Ms. starts with the end of chapter 3 in the first book (Kitab al-ilm كتاب العلم ), in the edition of Cairo 1346/1927, vol. I p. 34, 2. It ends with the last chapter of Kitab Tartib al-awrad wa-tafsil ihya' al-layl كتاب ترتيب الأوراد وتفصيل إحياء الليل (= end of vol. I of the Cairo edition).
The text is collated by a later hand; in the margin are some notes.

Ms. 55.

135 folios; 13×17 cm; 13 lines; carefully written and in part vocalized naskhi. Single words are written in red or gold ink. The text is written within a red or gold frame. Smooth, thin paper. Pasteboard binding with red leather spine; the covers are pasted with marbled paper. Owner's stamp on fol. 2r and owner's remarks on fol. 1r mentioning the names Muhammad Hijazi Ibn al-Sayyid Muhammad Abd Allah Ibn Qadib Alban (?) al-Hijazi and al-Sayyabi al-Kawakibi al-Hanafi al-Halabi. Two vignettes, on fols. 2r and 2v, in the colours gold, blue and green. Mameluke style, hand of the 9th-10th/15th century. Copied by Amir Ali Ibn Sayyid.

[2105] fols. 2v-133v: Najm al-Din al-Nasafi نجم الدين النسفي : Aqa'id عقائد , with commentary by Sa'd al-Din al-Taftazani سعد الدين التفتازاني (Sharh al-aqa'id al-Nasafiya شرح العقائد النسفية ).

On the Maturidite creed by al-Nasafi (died 537/1142) and the commentary by al-Taftazani (died 791/1389) → GAL I 427 and S I 758. It was "most important in the dissemination of Maturidi dogma" (W. Madelung, art. Maturidiyya, EI2 VI 848 col.a).
In the margin are some notes written in nasta'liq.

Ms. 56.

225 folios; 14×26 cm; 24 lines. Nasta'liq. Chapter-headings are written in red ink; the commented text is overlined in red. Brownish paper, heavily stained with water; therefore, the text of a few pages is not easily readable. Flexible leather cover with ornamental frames, damaged. Owner's remark on fol. 76v, mentioning Muhammad Ali Ibn Abi al-Qasim and the year 1223/1808. Hand of the 12th/18th century.

[2106] fols. 1v-76r; 78r-86v; 89r-225r: parts of Abu Ja'far Nasir al-Din al-Tusi أبو جعفر نصير الدين الطوسي (died 672/1274), Tajrid al-aqa'id (al-kalam) ‏ تجريد العقائد (الكلام)‏ , with commentary (al-Sharh al-jadid ‏ الشرح الجديد‏ ) by Ala' al-Din Ali Ibn Muhammad al-Kushji علاء الدين علي بن محمد الكوشجي (died 879/1474).

al-Tusi belonged to the Imamite Shi'a; → Halm, Schia, p.79ff. and references given there. His summa of Imamite scholastic theology, the Tajrid al-aqa'id (Strothmann 57ff.), was commented very often (→ GAL I 509 II 2 and S I 925-927 II 2). On the mss. and four old lithographic editions of the commentary by al-Kushji → GAL (as obove) no. c. Our Ms. is incomplete, as becomes evident from a comparison with the description of a copy in the Buhar Library in Calcutta (→ Husayn, Catalogue, p.497) and in Berlin (Ms. no. 1763).
Our Ms. contains the following parts:
fols. 1v-42v: al-Maqsad al-thalith fi ithbat al-sani' wa-sifatihi المقصد الثالث في إثبات الصانع وصفاته ;
fols. 42v-49v: al-Maqsad al-rabi' fi al-nubuwa المقصد الرابع في النبوة;
fols. 49v-63r: al-Maqsad al-khamis fi al-imama المقصد الخامس في الإمامة ;
fols.63r-76r: al-Maqsad al-sadis fi al-ma'ad المقصد السادس في المعاد ;
fols. 78r-86v: a fragment, perhaps from al-Maqsad al-awwal fi al-umur al-amma المقصد الأول في الأمور العامة .
The following pages till 88v are blank. fols. 89r-225: [al-Maqsad al-thani fi al-jawahir wa-al-a'rad المقصد الثاني في الجواهر والأعراض ]. The beginning is missing; on fol. 147v begins the 5th subsection (fasl فصل ) on a'rad أعراض. This subsection can also be found in Ms. Berlin 1764, which until now could not be identified exactly.

Ms. 57.

54 folios; 15,5×21,5 cm; 21 lines; clearly written naskhi. Single words are written in red ink. Smooth paper. Modern cardboard binding. A note on fol. 1r mentions Husayn Salim al-Dajani, Mufti of Yafa (1202-1274/1788-1858; → Kahhale IV 10). Hand of the 13th/19th century.

[2107] fols. 1v-53v: Abd al-Ghani al-Nabulusi عبد الغني النابلسي : al-Anwar al-ilahiya fi sharh al-Muqaddima al-Sanusiya الأنوار الإلهية في شرح المقدمة السنوسية .

A commentary by Abd al-Ghani al-Nabulusi (died 1143/1731) on Abu Abd Allah Muhammad Ibn Yusuf al-Sanusi أبو عبد الله محمد بن يوسف السنوسي (died 892/1486 or later), al-Muqaddima المقدمة , an introduction to theology.
al-Sanusi's Muqaddima ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎(→ GAL II 251 no. VI and S II 355 no.VI) is published by J.D. Luciani, Les prolégomenes théologiques de Sanusi (Alger 1908). From Abd al-Ghani's still unedited commentary two mss. are mentioned in GAL II 251 no. VI (with the title al-Anwar al-bahiya الأنوار البهية ) and S II 476 no. 143.

Beginning (after the Basmala):
وبه نستعين، الحمد لله الموجود وجميع الموجودات بالنسبة إلى وجوده الحقيقي عدم الواحد الأحد المخالف للحوادث القائم بنفسه ... أما بعد فيقول الفقير ... عبد الغني بن إسمعيل بن (!) النابلسي الحنفي ... هذا شرح لطيف وضعته على المقدمة السنوسية ...

The commentary begins:
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم أي ابتداء بكل اسم من أسماء الذات ...

End (also the end of the Muqaddima):
وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين آمين آمين ،

Ms. 58.

90 folios; 16×22 cm; 18-21 lines; naskhi. Single words are written in red ink. Thick paper, slightly stained with water and worm-eaten. Damaged leather binding with remnants of a centre-ornament. Copied by Muhammad Ibn al-Sayyid al-Hajji Wali al-Tarsusi on 15 Dhu al-Qa'da 1133/9 August 1721 (fol. 41r) and during Dhu al-Hijja 1133/ September-October 1721 (fols. 85v and 90v).

[2108] fols. 1v-41r: Ibrahim Ibn Muhammad al-Halabi إبراهيم بن محمد الحلبي : Risalat Ahamm al-umur رسالة أهم الأمور .

On this well-known author (not mentioned in the Ms.), a Hanafite who died 956/1549 → GAL II 432 and S II 642. On the still unpublished text, a theological compendium directed against the determinists, and on further mss. → Daiber, Catalogue, no. 17, fols. 15v-48v. In the margin are a few notes. The title is mentioned on fol. 2v3.

Beginning (after the Basmala):
آمنت بالله وبما جاء من عند الله على مراد الله تعالى مجملا ومفصلا وآمنت برسوله وبما جاء من عند رسوله على مراد رسوله ... وبعد : فلا يخفى على أرباب العقول والعلماء الفحول أن الثواب الموعود والأجر المعدود ...

بل عليك الاعتقاد المطابق لاعتقاد أهل السنة والجماعة بشرائط المذكورة جعلني الله وإياكم من الذين يستمعون القول فيتَبعون من أحسنه ، الحمد على التمام وعلى رسوله الصلوة والسلام ،

[2109] fols. 41v-85v: Abu al-Wafa' al-Urdi Ibn Umar al-Urdi أبو الوفاء العرضي بن عمر العرضي : Bulugh al-amani fi aqidat al-Shaybani بلوغ الأماني في عقيدة الشيباني .

The commentary by Abu al-Wafa' al-Urdi (died 1071/1660; → GAL II 292; S II 402) on the Creed (aqida) by al-Shaybani (died 189/805) is mentioned neither in Brockelmann (GAL) nor in Sezgin (GAS I 431f.). al-Shaybani's Aqida (in 79 verses; → also Ms. no. XX) is repeated in the margin of fols. 43r ff.

Beginning (after the Basmala):
الحمد لله الذي تفرد بالوحدانية والقدم ودبّر نظام هذا العالم وأوجده بعد العدم والصلوة والسلام على أشرف مبعوث ... وأما بعد فيقول المفتقر إلى الله تعالى في عموم حالاته الطالب من عفوه وكرمه ...

وهو المؤمن الذي اجتمع مع النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم ومات مؤمنا سرمدا أي أبدا لا نهاية له وصلى الله على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه وسلم تسليما كثيرا ، تمّ الكتاب بعون الله وتوفيقه اللهم اغفر لي ولوالدي ولأستاذي ولجميع المسلمين والمسلمات الأحياء منهم والأموات آمين آمين ،

[2110] fols. 86r-88v: Muhammad Ibn Yusuf al-Sanusi محمد بن يوسف السنوسي : Risala fi ilm al-aqa'id = Aqidat ahl al-tawhid al-sughra = Umm al-barahin رسالة في علم العقائد = عقيدة أهل التوحيد الصغرى = أم البراهين . On the author (died 892/1486 or later) and this well-known "small" Creed → GAL II 250 no. II and S II 353 II.

[2111] fols. 88v-90v: Abu Hanifa أبو حنيفة : Wasiya وصية .

On the author (died 150/767) and his testament on the principles of Islam → GAS I 416 no. IV. An English translation with commentary can be found in A. J. Wensinck, The Muslim Creed (London 1965), p.125ff.

Ms. 59.

18 folios; 15×20 cm; 16-22 lines; naskhi, tending to ruq'a. The chapter-headings are written in red ink. Thin, smooth and yellowish paper. Primitive pasteboard binding. Owner's remark, by Ibrahim Ya'qubi, from the year 1963. Hand of the beginning of the 14th/20th century.

[2112] fols. 1v-19r: Ibn Hajar al-Haythami ابن حجر الهيثمي : al-Qawl al-mukhtasar fi alamat al-Mahdi al-muntazar القول المختصر في علامات المهدي المنتظر .

On the author (died 973/1565) and further mss. of this treatise on the signs of the Mahdi and on erroneous views of his own time and in the past GAL II 388 no.6 and S II 528 no.6 and 529 no.55. The text is edited (Cairo 1994) from three manuscripts (in Riyad) by Abd al-Rahman Ibn Abd Allah al-Turki عبد الرحمن بن عبد الله التركي .