Ms. 30.

100 folios; 13×17,3 cm; 11 lines; in part vocalized naskhi; single words are written in red ink or overlined. Thick paper, in part water-stained. Cloth binding with red leather spine. Owner's remark: Ibrahim Ya'qubi and the years 1960 and 1961. Copied at the end of Rajab 1095/12 July 1684 by Abd al-Salam Ibn Abd al-Rahman al-Shatti al-Hanbali.

[2052] fols. 1v-100v: Abd al-Rahman Ibn Muhammad Ibn Muhammad al-Imadi al-Hanafi al-Dimashqi عبد الرحمن بن محمد بن محمد العمادي الحنفي الدمشقي : Hadiya ala madhhab al-Imam al-jalil Abi Hanifa هدية على مذهب الإمام الجليل أبي حنيفة .

On the author (died 1051/1641) and his compendium on principles of religious duties, mainly on the preconditions of prayer (still unpublished) → GAL II 291 no. 3 and S II 402 no. 3 (two mss.). Further mss. are nos. 31, 32 and 38. A few notes are in the margin. Beginning and end of the Ms. are identical with Ms. Berlin 3532.

Ms. 31.

42 folios; 14,5×19,5 cm; 17 lines; naskhi; single words are written in red ink. Yellowish, slightly spotted paper; front-page is repaired. Pasteboard binding; spine and flap with red leather. Covers and flap are pasted with paper decorated with coloured flower-design. The Ms. has in addition a wrapper pasted with marbled paper and with red leather edges. On fol. 1r owner's remark with the year 1070/1659-1660. Hand of the 11th/17th century.

[2053] fols. 1v-42v: Abd al-Rahman Ibn Muhammad Ibn Muhammad al-Imadi al-Hanafi al-Dimashqi عبد الرحمن بن محمد بن محمد العمادي الحنفي الدمشقي : Hadiya ala madhhab al-Imam al-jalil Abi Hanifa هدية على مذهب الإمام الجليل أبي حنيفة .

→ the description of Ms. no. 30. The Ms. has the title (fol. 1r): Hadiyat Ibn al-Imad li-ibad<at> al-ubbad fi al-salat wa-ma yata'allaqu biha هدية ابن العماد لعباد (عبادة) العباد في الصلاة وما يتعلق بها . Compare Ms. no. 32 and Ms. Berlin 3532: Hadiyat Ibn al-Imad ila ibadat al-ubbad fi shurut al-salat هدية ابن العماد إلى عبادة العباد في شروط الصلاة .

Ms. 32.

40 folios; 16×22,7 cm; 19 lines; clearly written naskhi, written by two different hands; fols. 1-13 sometimes tend to riq'a and in part are written in violet ink. Single words are written in red ink or overlined in black. Pasteboard binding, covers pasted with marbled paper. Owner's remark on fols. 1r: Muhammad Adib al-Hurani and the year 1314/1896-1897(sic). Copied Dhu al-Qa'da 1315/24 March 1898 (sic) by Khalid Ibn al-Hajj Ahmad al-Aswad.

[2054] 1v-39v: Abd al-Rahman Ibn Muhammad Ibn Muhammad al-Imadi al-Hanafi al-Dimashqi عبد الرحمن بن محمد بن محمد العمادي الحنفي الدمشقي : Hadiya ala madhhab al-Imam al-jalil Abi Hanifa هدية على مذهب الإمام الجليل أبي حنيفة .

The Ms. has the title (fol. 1r): Hadiyat Ibn al-Imad li-ibad<at> al-ubbad هدية ابن العماد لعباد (عبادة) العباد ; cf. mss. nos. 31 and 38 and the description of Ms. no. 30. On fol. 40r follows a short note on "what must be done during the prayer" according to the doctrine of Abu Hanifa.

Ms. 33.

29 folios; 13×18,9 cm; 10 lines; vocalized naskhi; fols. 7-14 are written by a different hand. Single words are written in red ink. The text is collated. Paper with varying quality, sometimes repaired (some loss of text on fol. 12r); smooth paper, with European watermark on fols. 3,6,16 etc.: "Giovanni Battista Ghigliotti". Cloth binding (one cover damaged) with red leather spine. Notes, in part in Persian, in the margin of fol. 28v, with the year 1246/1830. Copied 3 Dhu al-Qa'da 1230/7 October 1815.

[2055] fols. 1v-28v: Zayn al-Abidin Ali Ibn al-Husayn Ibn Ali Ibn Abi Talib زين العابدين علي بن الحسين بن علي بن أبي طالب : al-Sahifa al-kamila الصحيفة الكاملة or al-Sahifa al-sajjadiya الصحيفة السجادية .

The titleless text is a fragment of a collection of prayers which are ascribed to Zayn al-Abidin (died between 92/710 and 99/717), a grandson of Ali Ibn Abi Talib and which were commentated very often (→ GAS I 526-7). Our fragment is based on a redaction which e.g. can be found in the Berlin mss. 3769 and 3770; on further mss. and two rare editions in Delhi and Lucknow → GAS I 526. An English translation with annotations can be found in W. C. Chittick, The Psalms of Islam. As-Sahifat al-kamilat as-sajjadiyya: Imam Zayn al-'Abidin 'Ali Ibn al-Husaiyn. With a foreword by S. H. M. Jafri. London 1988. The prayers were written down by Muhammad Ibn al-Hasan Ibn Ahmad Ibn Ali Ibn Muhammad Ibn Umar Ibn Yahya al-Alawi al-Husayni محمد بن الحسن بن أحمد بن علي بن محمد بن عمر بن يحيى العلوي الحسيني in the midst of the 6th/12th century. As in the Berlin mss. (→ below) he informs us in a long riwaya روايةabout previous transmitters and their dates. On fols. 8v-10v he gives (as Ms. Berlin 3769, fols. 10v-13r) an enumeration of all prayers according to the riwaya of al-Mutahhari المطهري the first prayer begins on fol. 10v; most of the following prayers (= Ms. Berlin 3769, fols. 19v-224r) are missing, however: apparently there is a very long lacuna afetr fol. 13v; fol. 14 seems to contain the end of the du'a' fi tadhallul li-llah دعاء في تذلل لله (Ms. Berlin 3769, fol. 224r) and on fol. 14v our Ms. continues with the last prayer, the du'a' fi istikshaf al-humum دعاء في استكشاف الهموم (= Ms. Berlin 3769, fol. 225v). The end (fol. 16r) is identical with Ms. Berlin 3769, fol. 228v. In the Berlin Ms. (fols. 228v-230v) as in our Ms. (fols. 16r-221), some more prayers by Zayn al-Abidin follow, with the chapter-heading: mimma ulhiqa bi-ba'd nusakh al-Sahifa wa-kana min tasbihihi a'ni Zayn al-Abidin (Ms. wrong al-Ayidin) alayhi al-salam مما ألحق ببعض نسخ الصحيفة وكان من تسبيحه أعني زين العابدين عليه السلام .

[2056] On fols. 22r, ult.-28v follow prayers for every day of the week. They are not in Ms. Berlin 3769,but can be found at the end of two Berlin mss. with the number 3770. In his description Ahlwardt mentions an edition published 1248/1832 in Calcutta.

Ms. 34.

58 folios; 11×15,5 cm; 11 lines, Turkish naskhi. Single words are written in red ink. Fol. 1v has a primitively drawn vignette. In part brownish and water-stained paper. Leather cover, partly damaged. According to the colophon on fol. 58v copied Sha'ban 1208/March 1794.

[2057] 1v-58v: Abu al-Layth al-Samarqandi أبو الليث السمرقندي ;: al-Muqaddima fi al-salat المقدمة في الصلاة ; , with anonymous commentary.

On text and author ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (died 373/983 or later) → GAS I 448. A critical edition of this text on the preconditions of prayer is being prepared by Muhammad Haron, University of the Western Cape/South Africa. The Ms. starts with the text of the Muqaddima which already contains some alterations and additions; the anonymous commentary begins on fol. 5v,6:
قوله بأن الصلوة يعني الصلوة في اللغة عبارة عن الدعاء وفي الشريعة عبارة عن اسم الأفعال التي سميت شروطا وركنا ، قوله فريضة هي المفروضة ، ..
The commentary is similar but not completely identical with that in Ms. Berlin 3510 and seems to have used it. As Ms. Berlin is copied approximately 1000/1591 our author apparently wrote after that date.
والعاشر : ترك الإيمان كافر وتارك العمل لا كافر والحادي عشر : الأنبياء عليهم السلام في الإيمان لا في العمل متفقون ، والثاني عشر سواء بين المسلمين والمسلمات في اللفظ كما قالوا أجمعين لا إله إلا الله محمد الرسول (!) الله بشهادة واما في العمل لا (!) يتّبعون (..).

Ms. 35.

128 folios; 14×21,5 cm; vocalized Turkish naskhi, two different hands. Single words and sentences are written in red ink. The text is within a red frame. The paper is stained with water. Red leather binding with flap (loose), each with centre-medaillon filled with flowers; the covers have a double-lined frame. The inside of both covers is pasted with marbled paper. Hand of the 13th/beginning 19th century.

[2058] fols. 1v-109r: Abu al-Layth al-Samarqandi أبو الليث السمرقندي : al-Muqaddima fi al-salat المقدمة في الصلاة, with commentary by Abd Allah Ibn Muhammad al-Marzifuni عبد الله بن محمد المرزيفوني .

On the Muqaddima → preceding Ms. - The commentator cannot be identified; according to the colophon he wrote his commentary in Istanbul (108v8); this must be added to those mentioned in GAS I 448f. The text begins with the Muqaddima, with some additions which are not specified as such. The commentary starts on fols. 6v2 in the same manner as the preceding Ms.; it is not identical with it, however, the end being totally different:
فلا تغفلوا من القرآن وسائر العلم لأنه قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم : من علّم القرآن وغيره في حال الصغر فضل في حال الكبر ، صدق رسول الله وصدق حبيب الله. تمت هذه الكتاب (!) بعون الله الملك الوهاب .

The relation between this commentary and that of the preceding Ms. is not yet clear and needs further investigation. It seems that al-Marzifuni is later and may have used the commentary preserved in Ms. 34, which is slightly older.

[2059] fols. 110v-121v: Anonymous: Shurut al-salat شروط الصلاة .

The text is identical with Ms. 37, fols. 67v-76v; → the description below.

[2060] fols. 122r-125r: A prayer, followed by a commentary in Turkish, called Sharh du'a' Qush شرح دعاء قوش . On fol. 125r follows a fragment of another prayer and on fols. 126r and 128v some scribe's notes, in part in Turkish ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (128v).

Ms. 36.

35 folios; 12,4×25,5 cm; 29 lines; Turkish naskhi; text written within a red frame; single words are overlined in red. Smooth paper, slightly spotted or water-stained (text on fol. 2v damaged). Copied 5 Shawwal 1100/23 July 1689 in Istanbul by Abd al-Salam al-Arzakiyani.

[2061] fols. 2v-34v: Lutf Allah al-Nasafi al-Kaydani لطف الله النسفي الكيداني : Matalib al-musalli = Muqaddimat al-salat مطالب المصلي = مقدمة الصلاة , with commentary (sharh شرح ) by Muhammad al-Quhistani al-Samadani Shams al-Din محمد القوهستاني الصمداني شمس الدين .

On the author (lived ca. 750/1349) and his treatise on the preconditions of prayer, commentated by Muhammad al-Quhistani in 947/1540 → GAL II 198 no. 1d and S II 269 no. 1d ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎(mentions a rare edition printed 1302/1884-5 in Tashkent, together with a Persian translation and an edition and Persian translation of the commentary, published 1315/1897-8 in Lahore). There are a few notes in the margin. The commentator is not mentioned; however, compare Ms. Berlin 3525.

Ms. 37.

79 folios; 14×20 cm; ±15 lines; Turkish naskhi. Single words are written or overlined in red. The text on fols. 1-34 is written within a red frame. The binding is damaged; the front cover is lost. fol. 79v and the inside of the back cover contain a list of names and birthdays of the owner's family. The oldest date given there is 1216/1801-2 and the youngest is 1240/1824-5. Copied 1116/1694-5 (fol. 67r) and 1128/1715 (fol. 19v).

[2062] fols.1r-18r: al-Birkawi البركوي ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎(al-Birgiliالبرگلي) : Mu'addil al-salat معدل الصلاة .

On the author (died 981/1573) and his treatise on the necessity of prayer and the disadvantages of its omission → GAL II 441 no. 9 and S II 655 no.9. The beginning of the Ms. is defective; compared with Ms. Berlin 3529 our text does not have the introduction (muqaddima مقدمة : Berlin, fols. 19-25) and starts in the midst of the matlab fi adilla min al-kitab wa-al-sunna مطلب في أدلة من الكتاب وا لسنة(Berlin, fols. 25r-29r); the Tanbih fi afat al-tark تنبيه في آفات الترك(Ms. Berlin, 29r-34v) is in our Ms. on fols. 4v-9r; the khatama ختامةfollows on fols. 9r-18r (= Ms. Berlin, 29r-40v). - A second Ms. is text no. [2377].

[2063] On fols. 18v-19v follows a supplement on ruku' ركوع during prayer according to Koran and tradition.

خرّج أبو داود والنسائي عن أنس رضي الله عنه يقول : ما صليت وراء أحد بعد رسول الله ...
ويقرأ في الحصر إلى آخره. تمت الكتاب بعون الله الملك الوهاب.

[2064] fols. 20v-32r: Abu al-Fath Ahmad Ibn Sa'id أبو الفتح أحمد بن سعيد (Ms. Berlin 2065: Abu al-Fath Muzaffar Ibn Ahmad Ibn Mas'ud al-Hanafi أبو الفتح مظفر بن أحمد بن مسعود الحنفي ): Aqidat bayan al-iman wa-al-shari'a عقيدة بيان الإيمان والشريعة .

Our Ms. has no title; the author is mentioned in GAL S II 994 no. 51 among those who cannot be identified. Our text, of which a second copy is Ms. Berlin 2065 (copied 1093/1682), sets out to prove that belief and law consist of 20 aspects, of which five are related to the heart (qalb قلب ), five to the tongue (lisan لسان ), five to the extremities of the body ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (jawarih جوارح and five to other limbs (kharij al-jawarih خارج الجوارح ). The text gives definitions of central terms like iman إيمان , islam إسلام , ihsan إحسان , tawhid توحيد , shari'a شريعة , din دين , ijma' إجماع etc. The author follows the Hanafite doctrine.

[2065] fols. 32v-34v: Anonymous: Arba'un aqa'id أربعون عقائد .

The text, a theological summary on the attributes of God, has no introduction and begins:
... وبعد فهذه أربعون عقائد. فصل منها عشرة واجبات وهي أن تعتقد أن الله تعالى واحد في أزلية غير منقسم في ذاته
إنك رءوف رحيم وصلى الله على سيدنا محمد وآله وصحبه وسلم تسليما كثيرا <إ>لى يوم الدين والقرار. تمت... .

[2066] fols. 35r-39v are blank; on fol. 40r is a short poem in Turkish.

[2067] fols. 40v-52v: A collection of excerpts from works on religious duties, mainly on prayer; fols. 40v: Min al-Tawfiq hashiyat Sadr al-Shari'a من التوفيق حاشية صدر الشريعة ; Ja'far al-Sadiq ‏ جعفر الصادق‏ ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (40v-41v); ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (Kitab) al-Inaya ‏ (كتاب) العناية‏ ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (41v-42v); al-Masabih ‏ المصابيح‏ ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (43r); Sharh al-Nawawi ‏ شرح النووي‏ ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (44r); Sharh shir'at al-Islam ‏ شرح شرعة الإسلام‏ (45r); <al->Jami' al-saghir ‏ <ال>جامع الصغير ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (45r); al-Sihah ‏ الصحاح‏ ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (45v, 46r, 46v); Rawdat al-ulama' ‏ روضة العلماء‏ ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (46v); al-Ikhtiyar ‏ الاختيار‏ ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (47r); al-Asl الأصل ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (48v); Umur al-din أمور الدين ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (51r); al-Ta'ama الطعامة ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (51r).

[2068] fols. 52v: Du'a ahdname دعا عهدنامه .

A short prayer in Arabic, as can be found written on shrouds ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎(kafan كفن ).

[2069] fols. 53r-58v: Anonymous: Kitab Tajwid كتاب تجويد (on Koran recitation), in fully vocalized Turkish.

The orthography of the text hints at a pronunciation of the Turkish as is usual in eastern Anatolia and among Kurdish tribes (information by B. M. Kellner, Free University of Berlin).

[2070] fol. 59r: Fragment of a treatise on Tajwid تجويد , in Turkish.

[2071] On fol. 59v follows a Turkish excerpt on Luqman لقمان the wise and on fols. 60r follows an Arabic excerpt on the belief in God.

[2072] fols. 60v-67r: Lutf Allah al-Nasafi al-Kaydani لطف الله النسفي الكيداني : Matalib al-musalli مطالب المصلي .

On the author (lived ca. 750/1349) and on this treatise about prayer → GAL II 198 no. 1 and S II 269 no.1. Our Ms. has the title Kitab Fiqh Kaydani كتاب فقه الكيداني ; however, compare Ms. Berlin 3524. In the margin are some notes. The text is collated.

[2073] fols. 67v-76v: Anonymous: Kitab Shurut al-salat كتاب شروط الصلاة .

Another copy is Ms. Berlin 3540. The text is different from those ascribed to al-Akhdari الأخضري (GAL S II 706 no.3), Abu Abd Allah Abd al-Rahman Ibn Sa'id أبو عبد الله عبد الرحمن بن سعيد (GAL S II 959 no.6), Asim Ibn Abi Hazim عاصم بن أبي حازم ( S II 960 no.20) and Kamal Pasha كمال باشا (GAL II 451 no. 55). The text is collated. A few notes are in the margin or between the lines. fols. 76v-78r contain an appendix with short prayers, fols. 78r-79 some notes and excerpts in Turkish.

Ms. 38.

40 folios; 15×20 cm; 20 lines; naskhi; single words are written in red ink. Smooth paper, slightly spotted. Original leather covers with centre-ornament and frame; their inside is pasted with marbled paper. The flap is missing and the spine is damaged. Owner's stamp on fols. 1r (illegible). Copied 14 Sha'ban 1057/14 September 1647 (fols. 38v), apparently by Manjaq Pasha, student of Abd al-Rahman al-Imadi (→ below).

[2074] fols. 1v-38v: Abd al-Rahman Ibn Muhammad Ibn Muhammad al-Imadi عبد الرحمن بن محمد بن محمد العمادي : Hadiyat Ibn al-Imad li-ibadat al-ubbad هدية ابن العماد لعبادة العباد .

On the author (died 1051/1641) and further mss. of this unpublished text on the preconditions of prayer description of Ms. no. 30.

In the margin are some notes taken from Nihayat al-murad نهاية المراد ; al-Bazzaziya = al-Fatawa al-Bazzaziya البزازية = الفتاوى البزازية (→ GAL II 225); Kanz al-daqa'iq كنز الدقائق = perhaps Kanz al-daqa'iq fi al-furu' كنز الدقائق في الفروع by Abu al-Barakat al-Nasafi أبو البركات النسفي (GAL S II 265); Akhtari الأختري (GAL S II 630); Sharh al-Masabih شرح المصابيح (by Izz al-Din Ibn Malak عز الدين بن ملك → GAL S II 315; or by Abd al-Rahman al-Adhra'i عبد الرحمن الأذرعي → GAL S II 932).

[2075] fols. 38v-39r: Manjaq Pasha Ibn Muhammad Ibn Manjaq Ibn Abi Bakr al-Yusfi منجق باشا بن محمد بن منجق بن أبي بكر اليوسفي : Qasida قصيدة in praise of the Emir of Damascus called al-Amir Ibn al-Amir Ibn al-Akarim wa-al-Amajid الأمير بن الأمير بن الأكارم والأماجد .

Manjaq Pasha ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (1005-1080/1596-1669) is a well-known poet. He wrote poems in praise of the Sultan (Sultaniyat سلطانيات ) and of other notables in his time (→ GAL II 277 and S II 386; Kahhale XIII 8). The poems were collected by Fadl Allah Muhibbi فضل الله المحبي (died 1082/1671), the father of Muhammad al-Muhibbi محمد المحبي who in his Khulasa خلاصة IV pp.409-423 included an article on Manjaq Pasha ("al-Amir Manjaq الأمير منجق "). According to Zirikli (IIX 224 no.2) the edition of his poems (Damascus 1300/1301) differs from the mss. It is not clear whether the Qasida in our Ms. is included in this edition. Our Ms. was written during the lifetime of Manjaq Pasha and with great probability by himself, as can be seen from the proem of the Qasida (→ below).
The preceding text by Abd al-Rahman al-Imadi عبد الرحمن العمادي (fols. 1v-38v) is written by the same hand. As Muhibbi in his above-mentioned Khulasa (IV 410,11) informs us that Manjaq Pasha was a student of Abd al-Rahman al-Imadi, we can conclude that Manjaq Pasha may have copied Abd al-Rahman al-Imadi's Hadiya هدية directly from his teacher's exemplar and added the Qasida.

ونظمت في أسلاكها درر الأحاديث القلائد مبتركا بحديث منبع بحرها تيك الفرائد وختمتها مسكا بنفخة طيب أحكام المساجد ورقمتها باسم الأمير المنجكي أبي المحامد وهو الأمير محمد باشا .

Beginning of the poem:
فبه محاسن شأمنا ثلث المجادل والمجالد فيها تعود بالعلا
وخرّ للرحمن ساجد والعبد للرحمن في بدء وعند الختم حامد.

Ms. 39.

140 folios; 14,5×20,5 cm; 17 lines; naskhi. Single words are written in red or green ink. Spotted, water-stained and in part damaged brownish paper. Coloured drawings on fols. 30v-32r. Pasteboard binding with leather spine (repaired). Copied Dhu al-Qa'da 1153/January 1741 by Mustafa Ibn al-Hajj Taha from Darkush (near Antioch).

[2077] fols. 1r-122r: Jamal al-Din Abu Umar Mahmud Ibn Muhammad Ibn Ali al-Kurdi al-Qadiri al-Shaykhani al-Shafi'i جمال الدين أبو عمر محمود بن محمد بن علي الكردي القادري الشيخاني الشافعي : Najat al-qari' min fadl al-bari' wa-al-hawi li-anwar al-tanzil wa-al-salat ala al-nabi al-jalil نجاة القارئ من فضل البارئ والحاوي لأنوار التنزيل والصلاة على النبي الجليل .

On the author (died 1119/1707) and this still unedited prayerbook → GAL S III 1285, suppl. to 444 no.19b (mentions one Ms. in Alexandria/Egypt). The Ms. is incomplete at the beginning (one folio is missing). The title can be found on fols. 1r12-14. After a long introduction the text begins on fols. 6v with Fasl fi tasbihat al-qur'an فصل في تسبيحات القرآن ; it continues on fols. 8v with Fasl fi tahmidat al-qur'an فصل في تحميدات القرآن ; fols. 9v: Fasl fi tahlilat al-qur'an فصل في تهليلات القرآن ; fols. 17v: Fasl fi tasbihat wa-tanzilat wa-ad'iya la turaddu da'wat al-da'i biha al-battata فصل في تسبيحات وتنزيلات وأدعية لا ترد دعوة الداعي بها البتة ; fols. 18v: Fasl fi dhikr fu'ad al-salat wa-nata'ijiha فصل في ذكر فؤاد الصلاة ونتائجهاetc.

ولا تعتمد إلا على الله واطلبها من الله ولا تثق بأحد غير الله والتوحيد التوحيد إجماع الكل، وصلى الله على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه وسلم تسليما كثيرا دائما إلى يوم الدين والحمد لله رب العالمين

[2078] fols. 122v-139v: al-Nawawi النووي : Kitab al-Arba'in كتاب الأربعين , with commentary by the author himself, a fragment.

On the author (died 676/1278) of this collection of 40 traditions and his own commentary → GAL I 396 no. IX, 1 and S I 683 no. IX, 1. The text and the commentary by Nawawi is edited with French translation by Louis Pouzet, Une herméneutique de la tradition islamique (Beyrouth 1982); → description of Ms. no.10. As a comparison with the edition of Pouzet shows, the text of our Ms. is slightly shortened and ends with the sixth tradition and its commentary (ed. Pouzet p.26).

[2079] fols. 139v-140r: A fragment from a prayerbook.

[2080] fols. 140v: Abu Damirda' أبو دمرداء : Du'a' دعاء .

The author of this short prayer cannot be identified.