Ms. 20.

267 folios; 16×22 cm; 27 lines; unvocalized naskhi; single words are written in red ink. European paper with watermarks. Cloth binding with red leather spine and flap. Copied by Muhammad Ibn Hasan al-Baytar at the end of Muharram 1296/ca. 25 January 1879.

[2034] fols. 9v-265v: Abu Abd Allah Kamal al-Din Muhammad Ibn Hamza al-Harrani al-Hanafi al-Maturidi أبو عبد الله كمال الدين محمد بن حمزة الحراني الحنفي الماتريدي: Kitab Nahj al-najat ila al-masa'il al-muntaqat كتاب نهج النجاة إلى المسائل المنتقاة .

The author is only mentioned in Kahhale XI 163 with the name Muhammad Ibn Kamal al-Din Ibn Muhammad Ibn Husayn Ibn Muhammad Ibn Hamza al-Husayni al-Hanafi محمد بن كمال الدين بن محمد بن حسين بن محمد بن حمزة الحسيني الحنفي (died 1085/1674). Two more mss. of this work on applied law are Princeton no.1241 and Köprülü no. 658. - Isma'il Pasha al-Baghdadi, Idah II p.695 ascribes the text to Izz al-Din Abu al-Abbas Hamza Ibn Ahmad al-Husayni al-Sharif al-Dimashqi al-Shafi'i عز الدين أبو العباس حمزة بن أحمد الحسيني الشريف الدمشقي الشافعي (died 874/1469-70). This cannot be correct, however, as the text refers to later works, e.g. (fol. 85v7) to Mu'in al-mufti معين المفتي by Muhammad Ibn Abd Allah al-Arabi محمد بن عبد الله العربي , who wrote ± 986/1577 (→ GAL II 311; S II 427). - The description of the above-mentioned Köprülü manuscript correctly mentions as date of death the end of the 11th/17th century; the catalogue of Köprülü library gives as name of the author: Muhammad Ibn Kamal al-Din Muhammad Ibn Muhammad Ibn Husayn Ibn Kamal al-Din Muhammad Ibn al-Sayyid Hamza al-Husayni al-Hanafi al-Dimashqi mawlidan al-Harrani aslan wa-mahtidan محمد بن كمال الدين محمد بن محمد بن حسين بن كمال الدين محمد بن السيد حمزة الحسيني الحنفي الدمشقي مولدا الحراني أصلا ومحتدا (Catalogue I p. 318).
The Köprülü Ms. ends with fol. 265r24 of our Ms., which continues with an epilogue enumerating some of the sources which the author used. After this enumeration we are informed by the author that he finished his book on 18 Dhu al-Hijja 1080/8 May 1670.
In the margin the copyist repeated keywords and sentences. Fol. 5v-6v give an enumeration of the chapter-titles (in red ink) and the subsections. The chapter-titles are:
al-Tahara ‏ ‏ الطهارة‏ (fol. 9v-26r); al-Salat ‏‏ الصلاة‏ (26r-62r); al-Zakat ‏‏ الزكاة‏ (62r-65r); al-Sawm ‏‏ الصوم‏ ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (65r-70r); al-Hajj ‏ ‏ الحج‏ (70r-72r); al-Nikah ‏ النكاح‏ (72r-83r); al-Talaq ‏الطلاق (83r-102v); al-Itq wa-fihi al-tadbir wa-al-istilad ‏ ‏ العتق وفيه التدبير والاستيلاد‏ (102v-108r); al-Iman ‏الإيمان (108r-114r); al-Hudud wa-al-ta'zir ‏‏ الحدود والتعزير‏ ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (114r-120r); al-Jihad wa-fihi alfaz al-islam wa-al-kufr ‏‏ الجهاد وفيه ألفاظ الإسلام والكفر‏ (120r-129v); al-Laqit wa-al-luqta ‏اللقيط واللقطة (129v-131v); al-Abiq wa-al-mafqud ‏‏ الآبق والمفقود (131v-134r); al-Shirka ‏الشركة (134r-137v); al-Waqf ‏الوقف (137v-147v); al-Bay' ‏البيع (147v-157v); al-Kafala wa-al-hawala ‏‏ الكفالة والحوالة‏ (157v-162v); al-Qada' ‏القضاء (162v-168v); al-Shahadat ‏ الشهادات ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (168v-176v); al-Da'wa ‏الدعوى (176v-183r); al-Wakala ‏الوكالة (183r-185v); al-Iqrar ‏الإقرار (185v-189v); al-Sulh ‏الصلح ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (189v-193r); al-Mudaraba ‏المضاربة (193r-196r); al-Wadi'a ‏‏ الوديعة‏ ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (196r-201r); al-Ariya ‏العارية ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (201r-204r); al-Hiba ‏الهبة ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (204r-207r); al-Ijara ‏‏ الإجارة‏ ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (207r-218v); al-Makatib ‏المكاتب ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (218v-221r); al-Wala' ‏‏ الولاء‏ ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (221r-222v); al-Ikrah ‏‏ الإكراه‏ ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (222v-227r); al-Hajr ‏الحجر ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (227r-229v); al-Ma'dhun ‏المأذون ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (229v-230v); al-Ghasb ‏الغصب ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (231r-234v); al-Shuf'a ‏الشفعة (234v-237r); al-Qisma ‏القسمة ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (237r-238r); al-Shurb ‏الشرب ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (238r-239v); al-Sayd wa-al-dhaba'ih wa-al-udhiya ‏ ‏ الصيد والذبائح والأضحية‏ ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (239v-243r); al-Khatar wa-al-ibaha ‏‏ الخطر والإباحة‏ ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (243r-249r); al-Rahn ‏الرهن ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (249r-253v); al-Muzara'a wa-al-musaqah ‏‏ المزارعة والمساقاة‏ ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (253v-255v); al-Jinayat ‏الجنايات ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (255v-259r); al-Wasaya ‏الوصايا ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (259r-263r); al-Fara'id ‏الفرائض ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (263r-265r).

Other mss. on fiqh hanafi: → text nos. [2089], [2338], [2339], [2343], [2404] and [2420].

فتوى مالكي Fiqh: fatwa maliki.

Ms. 21.

25 folios; 14,5×22,2 cm; 20 lines; maghribi; title and single words are written in red or yellow ink. Thick, smooth paper. Copied 13 Sha'ban 1264/15 June 1848 by al-Arab Ibn al-Hajj Muhammad Ibn al-Hajj al-Arab (fol. 24r).

[2035] fols. 1v-6v: Abd al-Qadir Ibn Muhi al-Din Ibn Mustafa Ibn Muhammad Ibn al-Mukhtar Ibn Abd al-Qadir al-Hasani al-Jaza'iri عبد القادر بن محي الدين بن مصطفى بن محمد بن المختار بن عبد القادر الحسني الجزائري: Husam al-din li-qat' shubah al-murtaddin. Ajwibat Amir al-mu'minin Sayyid al-Hajj Abd al-Qadir Ibn Muhi al-Din حسام الدين لقطع شبه المرتدين. أجوبة أمير المؤمنين سيد الحاج عبد القادر بن محي الدين.

On the author (1222/1807-1300/1883) who was engaged in the fight against the French → GAL II 509; S II 886f.; Kahhale V 304-305. Our treatise on those who enter into a covenant of protection ( dhimma ذمة ) with an unbeliever ( kafir كافر ) is nowhere mentioned.

الحمد لله حمدا يوافى نعمه ويكافى ... وبعد: يأخي إني رأيتك متعطشا لسماع كلام ساداتنا في هؤلاء الذين ركبوا الكافر ودخلوا تحت ذمّته شعوبا وقبائل أصاغر وأكابر فأجبت إذا كان أذكر لك...
... فلا تقتل المرأة لأنها لم تحارب. وفي هذا كفاية لمن كان له قلب أو ألقى السمع وهو شهيد. تمّ بحمد الله وحسن عونه ما قصدناه جوابا لسؤال بعض المحبّين وقطعا لشبه المرتدّين ونحن مرابطون لا كتاب معنا... انتهت بحمد الله وحسن عونه وتوفيقه آمين.

According to the colophon the text was written by the author during 1258/1842, five years before he surrendered to the French.

[2036] fols. 7r-10v: Abd al-Qadir Ibn Muhi al-Din عبد القادر بن محي الدين : An answer to a question by Ali al-Rasuli al-Fasi علي الرسولي الفاسي .

The chapter-heading is: wa-min ba'd nass li-su'al min al-Sayyid al-Hajj Abd al-Qadir ومن بعض نص لسؤال من السيد الحاج عبد القادر.
The text is perhaps part of the preceding text as it, too, deals with those who enter a covenant with unbelievers and even fight together with them.

[2037] fols. 10v-24r: Muhammad Ulaysh al-Maliki al-Maghribi al-Azhari محمد عليش المالكي المغربي الأزهري : al-Masa'il al-jihadiya المسائل الجهادية .

Answers by Ulaysh (died 1299/1881), a contemporary of Abd al-Qadir Ibn Muhi al-Din عبد القادر بن محي الدين (s. above) to questions about those who enter a covenant of protection with unbelievers. The title is mentioned neither in Brockelmann (GAL II 486; S II 738f.) nor in Kahhale (IX 12). Our text (copied 1848) is written before Ulaysh became Mufti مفتي the Malikites in Egypt (in 1270/1853).

ما قولكم في إقليم من المسلمين هجم الكافر العدو...
... مع اختيارهم للإقامة والعمل على غير استقامة والله سبحانه وتعالى أعلم وبه التوفيق.

[2038] fols. 24v-25r: Mustafa al-Fallaqi مصطفى الفلاقي : Answer to a question about those who entered into a covenant with unbelievers.

The author was Imam and teacher at the Azhar-mosque in Cairo, a contemporary of the preceding two persons; they wrote shortly before 1264/1848, the date of the copy.

شيعي Fiqh: shi'i

Ms. 22.

257 folios; 17,5×25 cm; 21 lines; unvocalized naskhi, in part without diacritical points. Notes in the margin of fol. 3r. Yellowish-brownish paper, the last two folios are repaired (with some loss of text). Original brown leatherbinding. Copied Jumada II 1041/December 1631 (fol. 110r), Rajab 1041/January 1632 (fol. 129r) and Sha'ban 1041/February 1632 (fols. 174v and 255r). Owner's stamp on fol. 2r (Isma'il Ibn Muhammad Qasim); according to a note on the same page Muhammad Rasul Ibn Abd al-Aziz became the new owner of the Ms. during Rabi' I 1228/March 1813.

[2039] fols. 2v-255r: Abu Ja'far Muhammad Ibn Ya'qub al-Kulini (al-Kulayni) أبو جعفر محمد بن يعقوب الكليني : al-Kafi fi ilm al-din الكافي في علم الدين , a section from the furu' فروع .

The ms. contains the chapters on al-Nikah ‏ النكاح‏ ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (2v-110r), al-Aqiqa ‏ العقيقة‏ ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (110v-129r), al-Talaq الطلاق ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (129v-174v), al-Hudud الحدود ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (175r-212r) and al-Diyat الديات ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (212r-255r). These chapters correspond to the printed text (Teheran 1961) vol. V pp. 320-574 and vol. VI pp. 2-53 (= Kitab al-Nikah ‏ كتاب النكاح‏ ); vol. VI pp. 54-176 (= Kitab al-Aqiqa كتاب العقيقة‏ ; Kitab al-Talaq كتاب الطلاق‏ ); vol. VII pp. 174-270 and 271-377 (= Kitab al-Hudud كتاب الحدود ‏ ; Kitab al-Diyat ‏ كتاب الديات‏ ).

On the author (died 328/939 or 329/940-1) and his Kafi, the oldest Shiite collection of laws based on hadith → GAS I 540f.; W. Madelung, art. al-Kulayni in EI2; Halm, Schia p.50f. Ayatullah al-Azmi al-Sayyid Husayn al-Tabataba'i al-Barujirdi آية الله العظمي السيد حسين الطباطبائي البروجردي , Tajrid asanid al-Kafi تجريد أسانيد الكافي , I-II, Qom 1409/1988-9 lists the transmitters of all traditions. - The Kafi became one of the four canonical collections on which Imami law is based. Still unknown is its relation to older corpora juris which, like those by Malik Ibn Anas مالك بن أنس (died 179/795; → GAS I 457ff.), his pupil al-Shaybani الشيباني (died 189/805; → GAS I 421ff.) and the moderate Shiite Abd al-Razzaq Ibn Hammam عبد الرزاق بن همام (died 211/827; → GAS I 99; cf. his Musannaf fi al-hadith مصنف في الحديث , I-XI, Beirut 1970-2), rely more on traditions than on individual judgement (ra'y رأي ).

Ms. 23.

115 folios; 18,5×25,5 cm; 17 lines; naskhi; chapter-headings and single words are written in red ink; some words are overlined in red. Smooth, slightly brownish paper, sometimes repaired. Black leatherbinding, rubbed; remnants of a centre-medallion on the covers. Hand of the 12th/18th century.

[2040] fols. 1v-115v: Muhammad Ibn al-Hasan Ibn Zayn al-Din al-Shahid al-Thani Ibn Ali Ibn Ahmad al-Amili محمد بن الحسن بن زين الدين الشهيد الثاني بن علي بن أحمد العاملي : Sharh al-Istibsar = Istiqsad al-i'tibar fi sharh al-Istibsar شرح الاستبصار = استقصاد الاعتبار في شرح الاستبصار .

The author died 1030/1621 in Mecca; his work is a commenting redaction of Abu Ja'far Muhammad Ibn al-Hasan Ibn Ali al-Tusi Shaykh al-Ta'ifa ‏ أبو جعفر محمد بن الحسن بن علي الطوسي شيخ الطائفة‏ ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (died 458/1066 or later), Kitab al-Istibsar fima ukhtulifa fihi min al-akhbar ‏ كتاب الاستبصار فيما اختلف فيه من الأخبار‏ , an extract from al-Tusi’s Kitab Tahdhib al-ahkam ‏ كتاب تهذيب الأحكام‏ ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (a commentary on al-Mufid ‏ المفيد‏ [died 413/1022], al-Muqni'a المقنعة ‏ ; → GAS I 550), in which traditions concerning that which is allowed and forbidden is critically examined. On al-Tusi → GAL I 405 and S I 707; the commentary by Zayn al-Din al-Amili زين الدين العاملي is mentioned by al-Mirza Abd Allah Efendi al-Isbahani ‏ الميرزا عبد الله أفندي الإصبهاني‏ ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (12th/18th century), Riyad al-ulama' wa-hiyad al-fudala' ‏ رياض العلماء وحياض الفضلاء‏ , ed. Ahmad al-Husayni ‏ أحمد الحسيني V (Qom 1401/1980), p. 590, 3 as "Sharh al-Istibsar ‏ شرح الاستبصار‏ ". Abd Allah Efendi adds: "Thalath mujalladat fi al-tahara wa-al-salat ‏ ثلاث مجلدات في الطهارة والصلاة‏ "; this information cannot be confirmed from al-Tusi’s Kitab al-Istibsar (→ the enumeration of chapters in ms. Berlin 1272) and from our ms., which appears to be a part of a more extensive work and which contains chapters not belonging to tahara and salat‏ ‏.

Our ms. has the following sections:
al-bab 3: Fi al-muharramat في المحرمات (3v);
al-bab 4: Fi al-ila' ‏ في الإيلاء‏ ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (8r);
al-bab 5: Fi al-li'an ‏ في اللعان‏ ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (11r); Kitab al-Firaq ‏ كتاب الفراق‏ ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (60r); Kitab al-itq ‏ كتاب العتق‏ ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (92v); Khatama خاتمة ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (103v); Wasiya ‏ وصية ‏ ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (103v) etc.
The text ends in the chapter on mukataba مكاتبة ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (113v ff.). Our ms. has no consistent division in sections and subsections; in addition, it is possible that the order of the text is disturbed in some cases. At least in one case (after fol. 3v) there exists a lacuna. In addition, it is evident from the above-mentioned sections that our ms. contains only the last third of the original and is incomplete at the end: cf. al-Tusi الطوسي ‏ , Kitab al-Istibsar ‏ كتاب الاستبصار‏ , ms. Berlin 1272, fol. 291v (Kitab al-Talaq كتاب الطلاق‏ ) - 356v (Kitab al-Wasaya كتاب الوصايا‏ ).
Our text is mentioned with the title Istiqsad al-i'tibar fi sharh al-Istibsar ‏ استقصاد الاعتبار في شرح الاستبصار‏ in GAL S III 1286 (ad p. 450, no. 3a) and ascribed there to the author Abu Ja'far Muhammad Ibn Abi Mansur al-Hasan Ibn Zayn al-Din al-Amili al-Sha'mi أبو جعفر محمد بن أبي منصور الحسن بن زين الدين العاملي الشأمي . Brockelmann (GAL) mentions one ms.
In the margin of the ms. are many notes.

Beginning (after the Basmala):
وبه نستعين. الحمد لله الذي جعل الكائنات على وجوده أعدل شاهد وأفاض على عباده من النعم ما ... أما بعد فيقول محمد بن الحسن بن زين الدين ... إنّي قد اعتمدت في شرح الاستبصار في تصحيح الأخبار ما عليه الأكثر من الاكتفاء بتزكية الواحد غير أن في نظري القاصر نوع الكلام ...

Fiqh: marriage law

Ms. 24.

4 folios; 11×15,5 cm; 20 lines; clearly written naskhi; single sentences are written in red ink, some words are overlined in red. Brownish and damp-stained paper. Copied 1221/1806-7 by Muhammad Ibn al-Sayyid Ahmad al-Harawi.

[2041] fols. 1v-3v: Jalal al-Din al-Suyuti جلال الدين السيوطي : al-Zahr al-basim fima yuzawwij fihi al-hakim الزهر الباسم فيما يزوج فيه الحاكم .

On the author ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (died 911/1505) and this still unpublished commented Qasida قصيدة on marriage law → GAL II 153 no. 196 (sic) and S II 191 no. 195 (Brockelmann wrongly "185"). The text consists of 5 verses which are based on a long Qasida by Siraj al-Din al-Bulqini سراج الدين البلقيني (died 805/1403; GAL S II 110) and on which Suyuti has written a commentary.

قال الشيخ الإمام ... أبو الفضل جلال الدين السيوطي رحمه الله ورضي عنه آمين : أما بعد : حمد الله على توفيقه ... قد وقفت على نظم قصيدة طويلة لشيخ الإسلام سراج الدين البلقيني رضي الله عنه وأرضاه جمع فيها الصور التي يزوج فيها الحاكم وأوصلها إلى عشرين صورة فنظمتها في خمسة أبيات ...
فلا تباع لمصلحة انتظار العتق. فإن كانت قد توجد وقد لا توجد بيعت. انتهى ذلك والحمد لله وحده وصلى الله على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه ووارثيه وحزبه آمين. تمّ.

Fiqh: ikhtilaf al-madhahib اختلاف المذاهب

Ms. 25.

216 folios; 13×25 cm; 22 lines; nasta'liq; somewhat brownish paper. Original dark-red leather covers ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎(damaged) with flap and each with centre-ornament filled with flowers. Owner's stamp on fol. 4v. Copied by Murtada (?) Ali Hamzawi al-Nabrudar (?) on 2 Rabi' II 1102/3 January 1691.

[2041a] fols. 4v-216v: Radi al-Din Abu al-Qasim Ali Ibn Sa'd al-Din Abu Ibrahim Musa Ibn Ja'far Ibn Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Ibn Muhammad Ibn Ta'us al-Ta'usi (= Abd al-Mahmud) رضي الدين أبو القاسم علي بن سعد الدين أبو إبراهيم موسى بن جعفر بن محمد بن أحمد بن محمد بن طاؤوس الطاؤوسي (= عبد المحمود) : Kitab al-Tara'if wa-madhahib al-lata'if = Kitab al-Tara'if fi ma'rifat madhhab al-tawa'if كتاب الطرائف ومذاهب اللطائف = كتاب الطرائف في معرفة مذهب الطوائف .

The author (died 664/1266; → Kahhale VII 248) wrote his book as a Shiite critic of the peculiarities of Sunnites and their division into four schools ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (Malikiya, Hanafiya, Shafi'iya and Hanbaliya). The author introduces himself in the text with the pseudonym Abd al-Mahmud Ibn Ma'ruf عبد المحمود بن معروف and as a member of the ahl al-dhimma أهل الذمة , i.e. as belonging to Jews and Christians living under Muslim rule; he did so because he wished to present his criticism of Sunnite Islam without any restrictions. Against Strothmann pp. 88-162 (on the Tara'if → p. 101) and Brockelmann (GAL S I 912), this book gives evidence of Ibn Ta'us' interest in theological questions; cf. for example part II (fol. 116v ff.) which starts with a critic of the deterministic position of Sunnites. The quotations by Ibn Ta'us attest to his extensive knowledge of Sunnite and even Mu'tazilite sources: e.g. on p.483, 19f. of the new edition (→ below) the author mentions "al-Nazzam النظام , Kitab al-Futya كتاب الفتيا "- apparently a reference to a quotation from al-Nazzam's juridical work Kitab al-Nakth كتاب النكث in al-Jahiz' الجاحظ Kitab al-Futya كتاب الفتيا ; the latter is quoted in Shi'ite literature; → J. van Ess, Das Kitab al-Nakth des Nazzam und seine Rezeption im Kitab al-Futya des Jahiz, Göttingen 1972 (= Abhandlungen der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen, Philol. -hist. Kl. 3.F., Nr. 79), p. 10 and Daiber, Der Islam 51, 1974, p. 155-160.
The book is available in two defective editions: Teheran 1302/1884-5 and Qom 1400/1980 and was translated several times into Persian. It deserves more attention as a document of the dialogue between Sunnites and Shiites. The book is not a systematic discussion and is not divided into sections and chapters. The book turns out to be a reflection of current discussions. - A comprehensive study on Ibn Ta'us does not yet exist. More aspects come to light in Zeina Matar, The Faraj al-ma'mun فرج المأمون of Ibn Tawus: a thirteenth century work on astrology and astrologers. Ph.D. thesis University of New York 1986, and in E. Kohlberg: Medieval Muslim Scholar at Work: Ibn Tawus and His Library. Leiden, New York, Köln 1992 (= Islamic Philosophy, Theology and Science XII); on the Kitab al-Tara'if s. ib. pp. 57-59.

Other mss. related to ikhtilaf al-madhahib اختلاف المذاهب : → text no. [2283] and [2406].

Fiqh: religious duties

Ms. 26.

111 folios; 14×19,5 cm; ±14 and (fol. 103ff.) 21 lines; not very carefully written naskhi different hands on fol. 99v ff.; single words and sentences are written in red ink or overlined. Brownish paper, spotted and water-stained. Modern cardboard binding. Hand of the 12th/18th century or (fol. 103ff. and notes on fol. 1ff.) later.

[2042] fols. 1v-96v: Muhammad al-Bulghari محمد البلغاري : Khazinat al-ulama' wa-zinat al-fuqaha' خزينة العلماء وزينة الفقهاء .

The author (died 821/1418) is not mentioned in Brockelmann (GAL). Kahhale XI 316 has only a short article on him: "Muhammad Ibn Mahmud al-Bulghari al-Hanafi: fadilun; min atharihi: Khazinat al-ulama' wa-zinat al-fuqaha' محمد بن محمود البلغري الحنفي : فاضل : من آثاره : خزينة العلماء وزينة الفقهاء ". Kahhale does not mention any Ms.; his information is taken from Isma'il Pasha al-Baghdadi, Hadiyat al-arifin إسماعيل باشا البغدادي، هدية العارفين (II 183). The source of this information cannot be identified and bio-bibliographical books do not contain an entry on Muhammad al-Bulghari. According to his nisba the author belongs to the Turkic people called "Bulghar بلغار " (between the Volga and the Kama) in Islamic literature; as I. Hrbek, art. Bulghar (in EI2 I, 1960, p.1307) informs us, "we do not possess any remnants of literary activity of the Bulghars" (with the exception of tomb-inscriptions from the 12th till the 14th centuries). If date and ascription of the text are correct, our Ms. appears to be a unique remnant of the oldest Islamic literature written by Bulghars.
In the introduction al-Bulghari declares that by request of some friends he has collected all traditions relating to the shari'a شريعة and tariqa طريقة as an "instruction" (tabsira تبصرة ) for those who desire it and as a note (tadhkira تذكرة ) for those who have questions (fol. 2v10) and as a "shelter for the preachers" (junna lil-wa'izin جنة للواعظين ).
The work has the following chapters, called "sessions" (majlis مجلس ):
1) Fi bayan fadl al-tasmiya ma ja'a fihi min al-akhbar wa-al-riwayat wa-al-ayat wa-al-hikayat في بيان فضل التسمية ما جاء فيه من الأخبار والروايات والآيات والحكايات(fol. 2v-10r).
2) Fi bayan fadl al-wudu' wa-al-tahara في بيان فضل الوضوء والطهارة (10r-20v).
3) Fi bayan mawaqit al-salat wa-kayfiyatiha wa-afdaliha mimma ja'a fihi min al-akhbar wa-al-ayat wa-al-riwayat wa-al-hikayat في بيان مواقيت الصلاة وكيفيتها وأفضلها مما جاء فيه من الأخبار والآيات والروايات والحكايات (20v-23v).
4) Fi bayan fadl al-adhan wa-al-iqama في بيان فضل الآذان والإقامة (23v-27r).
5) Fi bayan fadl al-i'dad <li>l-salat wa-al-kashf an mabda'iha في بيان فضل الإعداد للصلاة والكشف عن مبدئها (27r-32v).
7 <sic>) Fi bayan ta'zim al-salat wa-al-khushu' fiha في بيان تعظيم الصلاة والخشوع فيها (32v-38v).
8) Fi bayan fadl al-dhikr al-thana' ba'd al-iftitah في بيان فضل الذكر الثناء بعد الافتتاح (38v-41v).
9) Fi bayan al-isti'dha ba'da al-thana' wa-khtilaf al-ulama' fihi في بيان الاستعاذة بعد الثناء واختلاف العلماء فيه (41v-53v).
10) Fi bayan fadl qira'at surat al-ikhlas في بيان فضل قراءة سورة الإخلاص (53v-57v).
11) Fi bayan fadl al-ruku' wa-al-sujud في بيان فضل الركوع والسجود (57v-60v).
12) Fi al-qu'ud fi akhir al-salat في القعود في آخر الصلاة (60v-67v).
13) Fi bayan fadl al-salawat ala al-nabi (s'm) fi akhir al-salat في بيان فضل الصلوات على النبي (صعم) في آخر الصلاة (67v-74v).
14) Fi bayan fadl al-salawat ala al-nabi alayhi al-salam في بيان فضل الصلوات على النبي عليه السلام (74v-77r).
15) Fi bayan fadl al-khuruj min al-salat في بيان فضل الخروج من الصلاة (77r-81v).
16) Fi bayan fadl al-jama'a في بيان فضل الجماعة (81v-86v).
18 <sic>) Fi bayan fadl salat al-jum'a wa-fada'il yawmiha في بيان فضل صلاة الجمعة وفضائل يومها (86v-100v; lacuna after 96v).
The text ends abruptly on fol. 96v. It is not clear how much is missing from the work.

The author included many anecdotes ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (hikayat حكايات ) as illustration of religious duties, mainly of prayers, and gives details on religious practice.
The author seldom mentions his sources. A first study of the text gives the impression that he has a preference for anecdotes and popular stories. In a similar way 163 years after our author Sharaf al-Din Husam al-Din al-Bulghari شرف الدين هسام الدين البلغاري compiled in his Risala-i Tawarikh-i Bulghariya (in Tatar language) fabulous stories on the propagation of Islam and the lives of saints (→ Hrbek, art. Bulghar in EI2 I 1307b).

Beginning (after the Basmala):
الحمد لله الذي لم يلده والد ولا يرثه مولود العظيم الذي لا ينازعه معبود الواحد الذي لا يقوم بذات حادث ... وبعد : يقول العبد العاجز الضعيف محمد البلغاري ... قد سأل مني بعض إخواني جعهلم الله تعالى في الشريعة مصباحا وسراجا وفي الطريقة مفتاحا ومنهاجا أن أجمع لهم فنون الآثار وأكتب لهم صنوف الأخبار ...

[2043] On fols. 97r-99v follows a commentary on Sura 93, 3-11 which at the end (99v3) is ascribed to Abu al-Layth al-Samarqand أبو الليث السمرقندي (died 373/983 or later). On his commentary (so far three volumes containing the commentary on Suras 1-6 were published in Baghdad 1985-6 by Abd al-Rahim al-Zaqqa عبد الرحيم الزقة ) → GAS I 445f. and on an additional old Ms. → Daiber, Catalogue, no.356.

On fols. 99v-100v follow two excerpts taken from Tafasir al-khayrat ‏ تفاسير الخيرات ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (99v4-100r9) and from Sharh Ilqa' (?) raw'in ‏ شرح إلقاء (؟) روع (100r-100v).

[2045] On fols. 101r-102v follow notes and excerps from Hadith and religious literature.
[2046] fols. 103r-105v contain a fragment from a devotional work; copied by a later hand.
[2047] fols. 106v-107r: Mustafa Yusizadeh (?) مصطفى يوسي زاده (؟)‏ Mufti in Mustad (?) مفتي في موستاد (؟)‏ : Ajwiba li-lladhina ta'anu fi al-nawafil bi-al-jama'a أجوبة للذين طعنوا في النوافل بالجماعة .

Author and title cannot be identified.

[2048] On fols. 107r-v follow some more excerpts, in part from a work called Majalis nafisa
مجالس نفيسة .

Ms. 27.

8 folios; 10,7×15,4 cm; 19 lines, naskhi; the text is written within a red frame. Brownish paper. Owner's remark on fol. 1r: Ibn al-Sayyid Yahya (..) al-Hanafi al-Dimashqi; owner's stamp: Abd al-Ghani (?) al-Umari. Hand of the 11th/17th century.

[2049] fols. 1v-8v: Ibn Nujaym al-Misri ابن نجيم المصري : al-Khayr al-baqi fi jawaz al-wudu' min al-fasaqi الخير الباقي في جواز الوضوء من الفساقي .
On the Egyptian jurist (died 970/1563) and on further mss. of this still unedited treatise → GAL II 311 no.7; S II 426 no. 7 and Daiber, Catalogue, no. 39, fol. 3v-8v. On the question whether the ritual ablution with water from basins (fasaqi) as used in schools is allowed or not. The author wrote his treatise during Rabi' I 951/6 June 1544 (fol. 8v). Beginning and end are as in Ms. Berlin 3637.

Ms. 28.

12 folios; 15,6×21 cm; 27 lines; nasta'liq; single words are written in red ink or overlined in red. Water-stained and slightly worm-eaten paper (with some loss of text in a few places). Owner's remark on fol. 1r: Hasan Efendi and the year 1299/1881-2; the same page informs us about the waqf of Hafiz Muhammad and the year 1251/1835-6 (stamp). Hand of the 12th/18th century.

[2050] fols. 1v-12v: Abd al-Wahhab al-Sha'rani عبد الوهاب الشعراني : Mashariq al-anwar al-qudsiya fi bayan al-uhud al-Muhammadiya = al-Uhud al-Muhammadiya al-qudsiya مشارق الأنوار القدسية في بيان العهود المحمدية = العهود المحمدية القدسية .

The Ms. contains only the beginning. The whole text is printed with the title Lawaqih al-anwar al-qudsiya لواقح الأنوار القدسية in the margin of Lata'if al-minan wa-al-akhlaq fi bayan wujub al-tahadduth bi-ni'mat Allah ala al-itlaq لطائف المنن والأخلاق في بيان وجوب التحدث بنعمة الله على الإطلاق (Cairo 1321/1903). On the author (died 973/1565) and this instruction about the necessary performance of religious duties → GAL II 337 no. 14 and S II 465 no. 14. A summary of the contents can be found in Ahlwardt's description of Ms. Berlin 3102.

Ms. 29.

4 folios; 13,6×18 cm; 17 lines; vocalized naskhi; single words are written in red or green ink. Thick brownish paper, in part spotted and repaired. Cardboard covers, the outside pasted with marbled paper. Hand of the 10th/16th century.

[2051] fols. 1v-4v: Ahmad Ibn Ahmad Ibn Badr Ibn Ibrahim al-Tayyibi al-Shafi' أحمد بن أحمد بن بدر بن إبراهيم الطيبي الشافعي : al-Idah al-tamm li-bayan ma yaqa'u fi alsinat al-awamm wa-yahsulu bihi al-haram li-takbir al-malik al-allam الإيضاح التام لبيان ما يقع في ألسنة العوام ويحصل به الحرام لتكبير الملك العلام .

A poem on mistakes made by people in the use and pronunciation of Allah akbar الله أكبر (takbir تكبير ). On the author (died 979/1571) → GAL II 320; S II 441; Kahhale I 146. Our text is nowhere mentioned. al-Burini البوريني ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (963/1556 - 1024/1615), Tarajim al-a'yan min abna' al-zaman تراجم الأعيان من أبناء الزمان , ed. Salah al-Din al-Munajjid صلاح الدين المنجد (Damascus 1959), p. 13, ult. praises al-Tayyibi's beautiful handwriting. Our text is possibly written by the author himself. He is mentioned in the margin of fol. 4v: wa-qalahu raji - radiya al-Aliyu - Ahmad najlu Ahmad al-Tayyibi - afa al-ilahu anhuma bi-rahmatihi... وقاله راجي - رضي العلي - أحمد نجل أحمد الطيبي - عفى الإله عنهما برحمته ...

Beginning (after the Basmala): وبه أستعين. الله جلّ وتعالى أكبر من كل شيء قدره لا يقدر. والحمد لله العلي الأكبر ثم على خير الأنام الأنور .

In the margin are some notes.