Ms. 150.

16 folios; 17,5×26 cm; 31-35 lines; irregular, small naskhi. Single words are written in red ink. Thick paper, in part damaged and repaired. Pasteboard binding, slightly damp-stained. Owners' remarks on fol.1r: Abd al-Hamid Ibn Abd al-Rahim and Muhammad al-Baytar. Copied by Ibrahim Ibn Uthman Ibn Muhammad during 6 Rabi' II 878/31 August 1473 ( 6v ) . fol. 11 is written by a later hand and on different paper.

[2453] fols. 2r-4r: Abu Ishaq Ibrahim Ibn Muhammad Ibn Mahmud al-Naji al-Dimashqi al-Shafi'i أبو إسحق إبراهيم بن محمد بن محمود الناجي الدمشقي الشافعي : al-Mu'in ala fi'l sunnat al-talqin المعين على فعل سنة التلقين .

On the author ( 810/1407-900/1495 ) and this text → Kahhale I 106; GAL II 98; S II 117 no. 10. Up to now only one Ms. ( Cambridge 1347,13 ) was known. This rare treatise is different from the anonymous Talqin ba'd al-dafn تلقين بعد الدفن ( Princeton 1967 ) ; it is an instruction for the dead and is an elaboration of a chapter in the Hadith, the Kitab al-jana'iz كتاب الجنائز ; → e.g. Ibn Maja ابن ماجة , Sunan سنن Kitab al-Jana'iz كتاب الجنائز‏ ; → e.g. Ibn Maja ‏ ابن ماجة‏ , Sunan سنن ‏ Kitab al-Jana'iz كتاب الجنائز 3 = ed. Muhammad Fu'ad Abd al-Baqi محمد فؤاد عبد الباقي (Cairo 1952) I, no. 1444-6.

Beginning ( after the Basmala ) :
‏ الحمد لله الذي وفقنا لإتباع الكتاب السنة وجعلها للمتمسك بهما أوقى جنّة ... وبعد فمن المعلوم المعمول به قديما حديثا بلا شك ولا إنكار تلقين الميت بعد الدفن والمختار انه قبل ‏إهالة التراب بأن ينادى : يا عبد الله بن أمة الله أو نحو هذا ...‏

‏ ... وليكن هذا آخر المعين على فعل سنة التلقين ، ولله الحمد والمنة وصلواته وسلامه على نبيه وصفيه محمد الذي جاء بالكتاب والسنة وعلى آله وأصحابه وتابعيهم وعلينا ‏معهم حتى نجتمع بهم يوم القيمة وندخل صحبتهم إن شاء الله الجنة ،
According to the colophon, the text was jotted down ( ta'liq تعليق ) by Ibrahim Ibn Uthman Ibn Muhammad إبراهيم بن عثمان بن محمد , the copyist. He copied ( as the following texts ) this treatise during the lifetime of the author.

[2454] fols. 4v-6v: al-Naji الناجي : Tathbit qawl "sami'a Allah li-man hamidahu" تثبيت قول "سمع الله لمن حمده".

On the author → preceding text. This title is not mentioned in the bio-bibliographical sources. It is an explanation of the custum to say "sami'a Allah li-man hamidahu" when one raises one's head when one bows in the prayer ceremony.

Beginning ( after the Basmala ) :
‏ الحمد لله على ما أنعم وصلى الله على سيدنا محمد وعلى آل محمد وصحبه وسلم وبعد : فإن السنة عند إمامنا الشافعي رضي الله عنه لكل مصلّ من إمام ومأموم ومنفرد إذا ‏ابتدأ برفع رأسه من الركوع أن يقول "سمع الله لمن حمده" فإذا انتصب قائما واعتدل بعوده إلى الهيئة التي كان عليها ...‏

‏ ‏ والحمد لله الذي هدانا لهذا وما كنا لنهتدي لولا أن هدانا الله وصلواته وسلامه على نبيه وصفيه محمد الذي أعطاه لم يعط سواه وعلى آله وأصحابه وأتباعه من كل حرّ أواه ، ‏تمت ،

[2455] fols. 7r-9r: al-Naji الناجي : Fi dhikr shafa'at nabiyina Muhammad salla Allah alayhi wa-sallam في ذكر شفاعة نبينا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم .

On the author → fols. 2r-4r. This text on the intercession ( shafa'at ) of the Prophet is not mentioned in any bio-bibliographical source . It is possible that it is a chapter in al-Naji, Kanz al-raghibin al-ufat fi al-ramz fi al-mawlud al-Muhammadi wa-al-wafat كنز الراغبين العفاة في الرمز في المولود المحمدي والوفاة : compare the description of Ms. Berlin 2574. At the end the copyist added: Min fawa'id shaykhina al-shaykh al-Hafiz Burhan al-Din al-Naji من فوائد شيخنا الشيخ الحافظ برهان الدين الناجي , "Part of the notes by ...Burhan al-Din al-Naji".

Beginning ( after the Basmala ) :
‏ الحمد لله الذي علّمنا ما لم نكن نعلم وكان فضله علينا عظيما وصلى الله ... وبعد : فلنبينا في الآخرة شفاعات رزقناها الله ووفقنا لجميع الطاعات ...‏

‏ واستغفر له الملكان وفتحت له أبواب الجنة ونادت الملائكة بأولى الله ادخل من أي باب شئت ،‏

[2456] fols. 9r-10v: al-Naji الناجي : Qala'id al-marjan ( murjan ) fi al-warid kidhban fi al-badhinjan قلائد المرجان في الوارد كذبا في الباذنجان .

On the author → fols. 2r-4r. This text on traditions concerning the eating of egg-plant ( badhinjan ) is not mentioned in any biobibliographical source.

Beginning ( after the Basmala ) :
‏‏ الحمد لله الذي علّم الإنسان ما لم يعلم وصلى الله على سيدنا محمد ... هذا شيء مكتوب ردّا لجواب عجيب مقلوب وقع لبعض فقهاء زماننا بدمشق ... أما بعد : فإنّ بعض من لا ‏يعنى بالحديث النبوي ...‏

... ، هذا اختصرت واقتصرت والله الموفق ... وصلواته وسلامه على نبينا محمد المؤيد بالعصمة وعلى آله وصحبه والتابعين والعلماء والأئمة ،

[2457] fols. 11v-14r: Ibn Zuqqa'a ابن زقاعة : Diwan ديوان , a fragment.

On the author ( died 816/1414 ) and his poetical work → GAL S II 8; Kahhale I 89. Our text may be a section of the collections of poems of which several mss. are preserved: → besides Brockelmann ( GAL ) also Mingana 1794 ( 520 ) and 1795 ( 1366 ) ; Princeton 4176 and 4261 ( fols. 92r-93; 139r-142r ) . The first qasida قصيدة ( metre: basit بسيط) in praise of the Prophet Muhammad ( fols. 11v-12v ) is identical with Ms. Berlin 7888, fols. 36v-39r.
On fols. 14r-v follow some notes which begin with an excerpt from al-Subki السبكي , Arus al-afrah عروس الأفراح ( title not mentioned in GAL ).

[2458] fols. 14v-16v: Burhan al-Din Ibrahim al-Abnasi برهان الدين إبراهيم الأبناسي : al-Ajwiba al-Abnasiya an al-as'ila al-Yafi'iya الأجوبة الأبناسية عن الأسئلة اليافعية .

A second Ms. of this rare text, 10 riddles by Abd Allah Ibn As'ad Ibn Ali al-Yafi'i عبد الله بن أسعد بن علي اليافعي ( died 768/1367 ) and the answers by his pupil al-Abnasi, is in the British Museum ( Suppl. 1205, 1 ) ; → GAL S II 228 no. 22. On al-Abnasi ( 725/1305-802/1399 ) → Kahhale I 117.

Beginning ( after the Basmala ) :
أحمد الله على نعم لا تحصى وآلاء لا يستقصى وأشكر على ما أولى وأسأله اللطف في الآخرة...

فذاك لقيط ما له أسوة بهم – ولم يتعدّ المرء أبناء جنسه ،

Ms. 151.

65 folios; 15,5×21,5 cm ( fols. 1-29v ) and 16,5×21,5 cm; 19 lines ( fols. 1-29v ) and 17-25 lines; naskhi by three different hands, single words are written in red ink or overlined in black; drawings and tables on fols. 30r, 32v, 33v, 36r, 37v, 39r-v, 41r, 51v-53r, 54r, 55r-65r. Two folios are inserted between fols. 41 and 42. The paper is slightly damaged and damp-stained. Pasteboard binding, damaged; spine repaired. The first 29 folios were copied by Ilyas Ibn Muhammad al-Irbili in the year 1238/1822-23; the other parts of the mss. seem to have been copied at a similar time.

[2459] fols. 1r-29v: Qara Da'ud: Hashiya ala al-Sayyid al-Sharif al-Jurjani, al-Kuchak قره داوود : حاشية على السيد الشريف لجرجاني ، الكوچك.

Glosses by Qara Da'ud on al-Jurjani ( died 816/1413 ) , al-Kuchak. This work by al-Jurjani contain glosses on Muhammad Ibn Qutb al-Din al-Razi al-Tahtani محمد بن قطب الدين الرازي التحتاني ( died 766/1364 ) , Tahrir al-qawa'id al-mantiqiya ( = al-Qutbi ) تحرير القواعد المنطقية ( = القطبي), a commentary on part I ( al-Tasawwuratالتصورات ) from Najm al-Din Ali Ibn Umar al-Qazwini al-Katibi نجم الدين علي بن عمر القزويني الكاتبي ( died 675/1276 or later ) , al-Risala al-Shamsiya fi al-qawa'id al-mantiqiyaالرسالة الشمسية في القواعد المنطقية.
On more mss. and two old printings ( Calcutta 1230/1815; Cairo 1323-7/1905-9 ) of this text on logic → GAL I 466 no. I 1, a, a; S I 845 no. I 1, a, a.
The colophon of the Ms. ascribes the glosses to Ibn Nasr ( ? ) Da'ud al-Khawafi ‏ ابن نصر (؟) داوود الخوافي‏ .A comparison of our text with Ms. Berlin 5262 enables us to identify the author as Qara Da'ud who, according to Ahlwardt ( description of Ms. Berlin 5262 ) , wrote about 810/1407 and was a pupil of Sa'd al-Din al-Taftazani سعد الدين التفتزاني ( died 791/1389 or later ). Ahlwardt denies any identity with Da'ud Ibn Kamal al-Qujawi داوود بن كمال القوجوي ( died 948/1541 ) . Such an identification can be found in Brockelmann ( GAL ) ; it seems to be doubtful. Perhaps the author should be identified as Muhammad Ibn Shihab al-Din Ibn Mahmud Ibn Muhammad Ibn Yusuf Ibn al-Hasan al-Khawafi محمد بن شهاب الدين بن محمود بن محمد بن يوسف بن الحسن الخوافي ( 777-852/1375-1449: → Kahhale X 73 ) who is said to have written a book on logic and glosses on "Adudعضد " = al-Risala al-Adudiya الرسالة العضدية = Adud al-Din al-Iji's Risala fi adab al-bahth رسالة في آداب البحث or his Risala al-wad'iya الرسالة الوضعية .
Our Ms. is incomplete at the beginning; the colophon differs slightly from that in Ms. Berlin 5262.

[2460] fols. 30r-49v: Baha' al-Din al-Amili بهاء الدين العاملي : Khulasat al-hisab خلاصة الحساب .

On the text on arithmetic and its author → description of Ms. 124.
The Ms. is incomplete at the beginning and has a lacuna between fols. 33 and 34. It starts in the first chapter ( fols. 30r-33v ) and fol. 34r continues in the middle of chapter 2 ( → Ms. Berlin 5998 ) .

[2461] fols. 50r-65r: Shams al-Din Muhammad Ibn Ashraf al-Husayni al-Samarqandi شمس الدين محمد بن أشرف الحسيني السمرقندي : Ashkal al-ta'sis ( = al-Risala al-riyadiya ) أشكال التأسيس ( = الرسالة الرياضية) with commentary by Musa Ibn Muhammad al-Rumi Qadizade موسى بن محمد الرومي قاضي زاده .

On this still unedited compendium of Euclid's geometry, its author ( still alive 700/1300 ) and the commentary by Qadizade ( died 815/1412 ) → GAL I 468 no. III and S I 850 no. III; on Qadizade → GAL I 212.
The text is incomplete at the end, as a comparison with Ms. Berlin 5943 shows. In the margin are many geometrical drawings and a few glosses.

Ms. 152.

42 folios; 12,7×19,9 cm; 17-27 lines; naskhi; three different hands. Spotted and water-stained paper. Copied during 1200/1785-6 ( fols. 20r, 21r, 22r, 24v ) and 1179/1765-6 ( fol. 42r; copyist: Mustafa Abd Allah ) in the Madrasat Kuluk [= apparently the Turkish town Kölük between Urfa and Malatya] ( 20r,7; 24v ) .

[2462] fols. 1v-19v: Anonymous ( = perhaps Abd al-Haqq Miskin Ibn Sayf al-Din Ibn Sa'd Allah al-Dihlawi عبد الحق مسكين بن سيف الدين بن سعد الله الدهلوي) : al-Farqiyat الفرقيات .

The author of this lexicographical treatise on selected terms in alphabetical sequence with special regard to differences in meaning compared with "synonyms" cannot be identified. He quotes quite a lot of older authorities like Akhfash أخفش , Kisa'i كسائي , al-Farra' الفراء , Jawhari جوهري , Sibawayh سيبويه , Ibn al-Sikkit ابن السكيت , Zamkhshari زمخشري etc., but also later works on ta'rifat تعريفات ( e.g. by Jurjani جرجاني ) and works on theology. Several times the author mentions as source Dede Khalifa ( died 966/1558; Kahhale I 125 ) . This is not the latest authority, however; a terminus post quem is a quotation from Khalkhali's خلخالي glosses to Dawwani دواني ( died 907/1501; → GAL S II 209 no. VII 1a ) . Khalkhali died 1014/1605, and as the Ms. was copied in the 2nd half of the 18th century our text apparently was composed before or during the 2nd half of the 12th/18th century. Bio-bibliographical sources mention two authors who wrote on furuq فروق in the 18th century:
1 ) Abu al-Fida' Isma'il Haqqi al-Brusawi أبو الفداء إسماعيل حقي البروسوي ( died 1137/1724 ) ; his Kitab al-Furuq كتاب الفروق is printed in Istanbul 1251/1835 ( → GAL S II 653 no. 9 ) and preserved in two mss. in Princeton ( → Princeton 3775 ) .
2 ) Ni'mat Allah al-Jaza'iri نعمة الله الجزائري ( died 1130/1718 or 1121/1700 ) wrote a treatise on Furuq al-lugha فروق اللغة ( → GAL S II 586; not mentioned in Kahhale XIII 110! ) . A new edition ( Furuq al-lughat ) appeared 1380/1961 in Najaf ( ed. Asad Allah al-Isma'iliyan أسد الله الإسماعيليان ) and 1987 in Damascus ( ed. Muhammad Radwan al-Daya
محمد رضوان الداية ) . A comparison with this edition and with the quotations in Khwansari خوانساري , Rawdat al-jannat fi ahwal al-ulama' wa-al-sadat روضات الجنات في أحوال العلماء والسادات VIII ( Beirut 1390/1970 ) , 53,9-11 confirms that our text is not written by al-Jaza'iri.
The authorship of the above mentioned Haqqi Brusawi is doubtful too:
a ) our text gives Persian equivalents several times;
b ) a passage on fol. 14v2, namely wa-dhakara m ( = al-musannif, the author of our text ) fi sharhihi lil-Masabih anna al-qadara tafsil qada'ihi... وذكر م (المصنف) في شرحه للمصابيح أن القدرة تفصيل قضائه...hints at an author among the numerous commentators on al-Baghawi البغوي ( died 516/1122 or later ) , Kitab Masabih al-sunna كتاب مصابيح السنة. In the list of commentators given by Brockelmann ( GAL I 364; S I 620-622 ) we find Abd al-Haqq Miskin Ibn Sayf al-Din Ibn Sa'd Allah al-Dihlawi ( died 1052/1642 ) as Persian translator and commentator of the Masabih مصابيح , entitled Lama'at al-tanqih لمعات التنقيح or Ashi''at al-lama'at أشعة اللمعات ( GAL I 364 I end; S I 621f.; Kahhale V 91 ) . al-Dihlawi is also known as commentator on al-Sakhawi السخاوي ( died 634/1243 ) , Sifr al-sa'ada wa-safir al-ifada fi al-lugha سفر السعادة وسفير الإفادة في اللغة , as commentary on Zamakhshari's grammar al-Mufassal المفصل ( GAL I 291 no. 4a; S I 510 no. 4a ) .
Therefore, we may assume that al-Dihlawi is author of the Farqiyat. This text belongs to the very few treatises on furuq al-lugha
فروق اللغة . Two older examples are: Abu Hilal al-Askari أبو هلال العسكري ( died 395/1005; → GAL S I 193f. ) , al-Furuq al-lughawiya الفروق اللغوية ( ed. Husam al-Din al-Qudsi حسام الدين القدسي , Cairo 1353/1934-5 ) ; and Abu al-Hasan Sa'id Ibn Hibat Allah Ibn al-Hasan أبو الحسن سعيد بن هبة الله بن الحسن ( 436/1044-495/1101 ) , Maqala fi dhikr al-furuq wa-al-hudud مقالة في ذكر الفروق والحدود‏ which is still unedited ( on two mss. → GAL I 486 no. 3; S I 888 no. 6; a 3rd Ms. is Academia das Ciencias de Lisboa V.292, fols. 1v-32r ) .

Beginning ( after the Basmala ) :
‏ وبه نستعين ، الفرق بين الآل والأهل : الآل لا يستعمل إلا في الاشراق والأهل يستعمل في الاشراق وغيره ، كذا في المصلوب ، الفرق بين الآل والاصحاب ...‏
والثاني أشدّ من الأول لاحتياج الاكساب بينهما قطعا بخلاف الأول ، تمت الفرقيات بعون الله الملك الوهاب ،

On fol. 11r, 16 the bab al-ta' باب الطاء is missing; it is added on fols. 27r-v.

[2463] fols. 19v-20r7: Anonymous ( = al-Dihlawi? الدهلوي ؟ ) : Risala fi huruf al-ta'rif رسالة في حروف التعريف .‏

A grammatical treatise on the four meanings of the determinating letters. As the author refers to some texts which are also quoted in the preceding treatise, it may hve been written by the same scholar. ‏

Beginning ( after the Basmala ) : ‏
‏‏ الحمد لمن عرف بجهولنا والصلوة على سيدنا والمشفع ذنوبنا ، وبعد فقد لاح لنا بعد تتبع كلام العلماء المهرة واستقصاء تحقيقات ...‏
‏ ... وللمؤمنين يوم يقوم الحساب ، تمت هذه الرسالة في مدرسة كولوك سنة ١٢٠٠ ،

[2464] fols. 20r8-20v: Anonymous: A short grammatical treatise, in Turkish.

[2465] fols. 20v-21r: Anonymous ( perhaps Abu Sa'id Muhammad Ibn Mustafa al-Khadimi أبو سعيد محمد بن مصطفى الخادمي ) : A titleless treatise on the smoking of tobacco ( perhaps: Risalat al-Dukhan رسالة الدخان ) .

Beginning ( after the Basmala ) :
‏ الحمد لوليه والصلوة على نبيه وآله ، وبعد فأمر الدخان كثر فيه الفتاوى ...‏
‏‏ ثم كتبت كتابي بالقلم العلل ثم بعد الزمان يكون من الدلائل إلى توفيق الرحمن ذي الجلال سنة ١٢٠٠ ،‏

The beginning of the text is nearly identical with three mss. in Princeton ( no. 2087 ) where it is ascribed to Abu Sa'id Muhammad Ibn Mustafa al-Khadimi أبو سعيد محمد بن مصطفى الخادمي ( died 1176/1762; → GAL II 446; S II 663f. ) . Bursali I 298 no. 21 mentions among the works by al-Khadimi a treatise entitled Risalat al-dukhan. This may have been the title of our text.

[2466] fols. 21r-22r: Anonymous: Kitab al-Hisab كتاب الحساب .

Further mss. of this short introduction to arithmetic are Mingana no. 1900 and Princeton 4844. The title can be found in the Princeton Ms.

[2467] fols. 22v-24v: Abu al-Qasim Ibn Abi Bakr al-Laythi al-Samarqandi أبو القاسم بن أبي بكر الليثي السمرقندي : Fara'id al-fawa'id li-tahqiq ma'ani al-isti'ara = al-Risala al-Samarqandiya فرائد الفوائد لتحقيق معاني الاستعارة = الرسالة السمرقندية .

On the author ( wrote around 888/1483 ) and this treatise about the metaphor → description of text no. [2192].
The Ms. has neither title nor author. A modern hand added the wrong identification "al-Farida ala Isam الفريدة على عصام ". fols. 25-26 are blank; fols. 27r-v is a supplement to the text on fols. 1v-19v and should be inserted on fol. 11r,16.

[2468] fols. 28v-42r: Athir al-Din al-Abhari أثير الدين الأبهري : Kitab al-Isaghuji = al-Risala al-Athiriya fi al-mantiq كتاب الإيساغو جي = الرسالة الأثيرية في المنطق , with anonymous Turkish commentary.

On al-Abhari's introduction to logic → description of Ms. 83. The commented Arabic text is overlined in black ink.


An Old Manuscript of the Druze Canon.

Ms. 153.

153 folios; 14,5×10 cm; 11-13 lines; partly vocalized and carefully written naskhi. Single words and partly the chapter-headings are written in red ink. Moreover, the chapter-headings are written with great letters. Fols. 1-41 and 152 are copied by a different ( perhaps slightly later ) hand and on paper which differs from the rest: it is less thick and is not as smooth as fols. 42-151. Chapter-headings of this section are rendered in red, black or green ink. - In the margin are sometimes a few commenting or supplementing notes.
Brownish and dirty paper, partly damaged and badly repaired: therefore, some loss of text ( a few words ) on fols. 46v, 87r-v, 96r-97v. The beginning of the >Ms. is missing. Original leather binding ( partly damaged and repaired ) with a few geometrical ornaments.
The Ms. is undated; paper and ink point at a very old age. It seems to be copied in the 8/14th or 9/15th century and therefore is one of the oldest Druze manuscripts. Like Ms. 64 it contains a collection of mostly unpublished texts belonging to the Druze Canon.

[2469] fols. 1r-5v: Anonymous: al-Risala al-damigha lil-fasiq. al-Radd ala al-Nusayri la'anahu al-Mawla fi kulli kawrin wa-dawrin الرسالة الدامغة للفاسق. الرد على النصيري لعنه المولى في كل كور ودور .

The beginning and the title of the text are missing. Compare, however, Ms. Berlin 4325. The text is a refutation of a Nusayri and his Kitab al-Haqa'iq wa-kashf al-mahjub كتاب الحقائق وكشف المحجوب.On the authorship compare Wehr, Zu den Schriften Hamza's im Drusenkanon, ZDMG 96, 1942, p. 205.

[2470] fols. 5v-18v: [Hamza Ibn Ali حمزة بن علي ]: al-Risala al-mawsuma bi-al-rida wa-al-taslim ila kaffati al-muwahhidin wa-ila jami' man shakka fi mawlana الرسالة الموسومة بالرضى والتسليم إلى كافة الموحدين وإلى جميع من شك في مولانا .
Compare the description of text no. [2121].

[2471] fols. 18v-32r: [Hamza Ibn Ali حمزة بن علي ]: Risalat al-Tanbih ila jama'at al-muwahhidin wa-rufi'at ila al-hadra al-lahutiya wa-utliqat رسالة التنبيه إلى جماعة الموحدين ورفعت إلى الحضرة اللاهوتية وأطلقت .
Compare the description of text no. [2122].

[2472] fols. 32r-41r: [Hamza Ibn Ali حمزة بن علي ]: al-Risala al-mawsuma bi-Risalat al-nisa' al-kabira = Risalat al-nisa' al-kabira الرسالة الموسومة برسالة النساء الكبيرة = رسالة النساء الكبيرة .
The text can also be found in Ms. Berlin 4328; Majdu' مجدوع , index p. 328.

[2473] fols. 41v-47r: Hamza Ibn Ali حمزة بن علي : al-Subha al-ka'ina الصبحة الكائنة .

Other mss. of this answer to Abu al-Qasim Mubarak Ibn Ali أبو القاسم مبارك بن علي on the Imamate : →Ms. Berlin 4329; Majdu' مجدوع , index p. 333.

[2474] fols. 47r- 49v: Hamza Ibn Ali حمزة بن علي : Nuskhat al-sijill al-mujtaba نسخة السجل المجتبى .

Other mss. of this certificate of appointment, addressed to Abu Ibrahim Isma'il Ibn Muhammad al-Tamimi أبو إبراهيم إسماعيل بن محمد التميمي : → >Ms. Berlin 4330/1. - A facsimile-edition ( from Ms. St. Petersburg A 173 ) is published by M. Rodinov: Rasa'il al-hikma رسائل الحكمةI-XIV ( St. Petersburg 1995 ) , fols. 2v-10r.

[2475] fols. 49v-55r: Hamza Ibn Ali حمزة بن علي : Taqlid al-Rida safir al-qudra تقليد الرضا سفير القدرة .

Other mss. of this certificate of appointment, addressed to Muhammad Ibn Wahb al-Qurashi al-Rida محمد بن وهب القرشي الرضا : → Ms. Berlin 4330/2.

[2476] fols. 55v-61r: Hamza Ibn Ali حمزة بن علي : Nuskhat taqlid al-Muqtana نسخة تقليد المقتنى .

Other mss. of this certificate of appointment, addressed to Ali Ibn Ahmad al-Sammuqi Abu al-Hasan al-Muqtana علي بن أحمد السموقي أبو الحسن المقتنى : → Ms. Berlin 4331/1.

[2477] fols. 61r-v: [Hamza Ibn Ali حمزة بن علي ]: Mukataba ila ahl al-Kidya al-Bayda' مكاتبة إلى أهل الكدية البيضاء .

See above description of text no. [2132]. The copyist vocalized ( as Ms. Berlin ) "ahl al-Kidya" and not "ahl-al-Kudya".

[2478] fols. 62r-63v: Hamza Ibn Ali حمزة بن علي : Risalat al-Insina' رسالة الانصناء .

Other mss. of this admonition to keep to the belief: → Ms. Berlin 4332/1.

[2479] fols. 63v-65v: Hamza Ibn Ali حمزة بن علي : Shart al-imam sahib al-kashf شرط الإمام صاحب الكشف .

Other mss. of these rules of the marriage law: → Ms. Berlin 4332/2; Majdu' مجدوع , index p. 332.

[2480] fols. 66r-67v: Hamza Ibn Ali حمزة بن علي : al-Risala allati ursilat ila wali al-ahd ahd al-muslimin Abd al-Rahim Ibn Ilyas الرسالة التي أرسلت إلى ولي العهد عهد المسلمين عبد الرحيم بن إلياس .

The letter is addressed to the successor of Hamza Ibn Ali, to Abd al-Rahim Ibn Ilyas who is asked to appear in public as son of the uncle of the ruler of the believers. Further mss.: → Ms. Berlin 4334/1.

[2481] fols. 68r-70r: Anonymous: Risalat Khumar Ibn Jaysh al-Sulaymani al-Akkari رسالة خمار بن جيش السليماني العكاري .

Admonition, addressed to Khumar Ibn Jaysh al-Sulaymani al-Akkari, to desist from his unbelief. More mss.: → Ms. Berlin 4334/2.

[2482] fols. 70r-72r: Hamza Ibn Ali حمزة بن علي : al-Risala al-munfadha ila al-Qadiالرسالة المنفذة إلى القاضي .

The qadi Ahmad Ibn Muhammad Ibn al-Awwam أحمد بن محمد بن العوام is asked to do his duties and to send believers in the unity of God ( muwahhid موحد ) for trial to Hamza Ibn Ali. More mss.: → Ms. Berlin 4335/1.

[2483] fols. 72v-79r: [Hamza Ibn Ali حمزة بن علي ]: al-Munajat munajat wali al-haqq المناجاة مناجاة ولي الحق .

See the description of text no. [2123].

[2484] fols. 79v-84r: Anonymous: al-Du'a' al-mustajab الدعاء المستجاب .

See the description of text no. [2124].

[2485] fols. 84v-86r: Anonymous: al-Taqdis du'a' al-sadiqin ( sic ) du'a' li-najat al-muwahhidin al-arifin التقديس دعاء السادقين دعاء لنجاة الموحدين العارفين .‏

See the description of text no. [2125].

[2486] fols. 86v-88r: Anonymous: Dhikr ma'rifat al-Imam wa-asma' al-hudud al-ulwiya ruhani wa-jusmani ذكر معرفة الإمام وأسماء الحدود العلوية روحاني وجسماني .

See the description of text no. [2126].

[2487] fols.88r-93r: [Hamza Ibn Ali حمزة بن علي]: Risalat al-Tahdhir wa-al-tanbih. رسالة التحذير والتنبيه .‏

See the description of text no.[2127].

[2488] fols. 93v-98r: [Hamza Ibn Ali حمزة بن علي ]: al-Risala al-mawsuma bi-al-i'dhar wa-al-indhar al-shafiya li-qulib ahl al-haqq min al-marad wa-al-ihtiyar الرسالة الموسومة بالإعذار والإنذار الشافية لقلوب أهل الحق من المرض والاحتيار .

See the description of text no. [2128].

[2489] fols. 98r-109v: [Hamza Ibn Ali حمزة بن علي ]: Risalat al-ghayba. al-Risala allati waradat ala yad Abi Ya'la wa-hiya Risalat al-tahdhir ba'd al-ghayba bi-shuhur iddatin wa-kana al-khass biha ahl jazirat al-Sham رسالة الغيبة. الرسالة التي وردت على يد أبي يعلى وهي رسالة التحذير بعد الغيبة بشهور عدة وكان الخاص بها أهل جزيرة الشام .

See the description of text no. [2131].

[2490] fols.109v-126v: Isma'il Ibn Muhammad Ibn Hamid al-Tamimi إسماعيل بن محمد بن حامد التميمي : Kitab fihi taqsim al-ulum wa-ithbat al-haqq wa-kashf al-maknun كتاب فيه تقسيم العلوم وإثبات الحق وكشف المكنون .

On the external and internal form of religion, on the nature of man and animals and on the imamate. Further mss.: → Ms. Berlin 4338/2; Majdu' مجدوع , index p. 318.

[2491] fols. 126v-133v: Anonymous: Risalat al-zinad wa-al-sabil al-wadih lil-talib al-murtad رسالة الزناد والسبيل الواضح للطالب المرتاد .

On the knowledge of God and on the interior meaning of paradise and reward. Further mss.: → Ms. Berlin 4339/1;Majdu' مجدوع , index p. 327.

[2492] fols. 133v-141v: Isma'il Ibn Muhammad Ibn Hamid al-Tamimi إسماعيل بن محمد بن حامد التميمي : [al-Risala] al-mawsuma bi-al-sham'a wa-mithliha fi al-tawhid ‏[الرسالة] الموسومة بالشمعة ومثلها في التوحيد.

On the confession of the unity of God and its hidden five substances ( jawahir جواهر) al-irada الإرادة , al-mashi'a المشيئة , al-kalima الكلمة , al-sabiq السابق and al-tali التالي . Further mss.: → Ms. Berlin 4339/2.

[2493] fols. 141v-149r: Anonymous: [al-Risala] al-mawsuma bi-al-rushd wa-al-hidaya [الرسالة] الموسومة بالرشد و الهداية .

See the description of text no. [2129].

[2494] fols. 149r-152r: Anonymous: Shi'r al-nafs wa-ma tawfiqi illa bi-llah شعر النفس وما توفيقي إلا بالله .

See the description of text no. [2130].

[2495] fols. 152r-153r: [Hamza Ibn Ali حمزة بن علي ]: Mithaq wali al-zaman ميثاق ولي الزمان .

See the description of text no. [2118].