Ms. 140.

168 folios; 13×21 cm; ±23 lines; nasta'liq. Yellowish paper. Folios 96v-98r are blank. Modern cardboard binding. Owner: Ali Muhammad Wa'iz and his son and grandson ( 9r ) . A collection of texts, notes and excerpts, copied 985/1577 ( 129v ) and 986/1578 ( 143r ) .

[2324] fols. 1r-3v: excerpts, mostly from Persian poets like Salman سلمان ( → Rypka 261 ) ; Khaqani خاقاني ( → Rypka 202 ) ; Qadi Muhammad قاضي محمد = ( ? ) Qadi Khan Badr Muhammad Dihlavi قاضي خان بدر محمد دهلفي ( → Rypka 430 ) ; Ahli أهلي= Ahli of Khurasan ( → Rypka 496 ) of Shiraz ( → Rypka 281, 286 ) ; Qadi Isa قاضي عيسى ; Niyazi Furi Efendi نيازي فوري أفندي , Abu al-Fath Mansur Ibn al-Layth أبو الفتح منصور بن الليث .

[2325] fols. 4r-6r: ( Ibn ) Kamal Pasha (ابن ) كمال باشا : Risala murattaba fi bayan anna asma' Allah tawqifiya = Risala fi bayan anna asma' Allah tawqifiya رسالة مرتبة في بيان أن أسماء الله توقيفية = رسالة في بيان أن أسماء الله توقيفية.
On the author ( died 940/1533 ) and this unpublished treatise on the question whether God's attributes ( tawqifiya ) by analogy ( qiyasiya قياسية ) can ascribed to others than God → GAL II 451 no. 76; S II 670 no. 76 ( = Fi tahqiq tawqifiyat [Brockelmann wrong: tawfiqiyat توفيقية ]asma' Allah ta'ala في تحقيق توقيفية أسماء الله تعالى ) ; Schoeler no. 52-54 ( gives beginning and end ) .

[2326] fols. 6v-9r: Student's notes and excerpts, in part in Turkish.

[2327] fols. 9v-12v: Abu Ali Ibn Muhammad Ibn Mawla Qutb al-Din أبو علي بن محمد بن مولا قطب الدين : Risalat tabyin alfaz al-kufr رسالة تبيين ألفاظ الكفر . Author and title are not mentioned in any biobibliographical source. As the text ( 9v12 ) refers to Bazzazi بزازي ( died 827/1424; → GAL II 225; S II 316 ) its author must have written between 827/1424 and 985/1577, the date of the copy of this Ms. Our text is different from Abu al-Fath al-Muzaffar Ibn Ibrahim Ibn Mansur al-Khatib أبو الفتح المظفر بن إبراهيم بن منصور الخطيب , Alfaz al-kufr ( Daiber, Catalogue, no. 17, fols. 99r-102; add: Leningrad 6713 ) and from Muhammad Ibn Isma'il Ibn Mahmud Ibn Muhammad Ibn Badr al-Rashid محمد بن إسماعيل بن محمود بن محمد بن بدر الرشيد , Alfaz al-kufr ( → GAL II 80; S II 88 ) .

Beginning ( after the Basmala ) :
الحمد لله الذي أرشدنا وهدانا وما كنا نهتدي لولا هدانا الله ثم الصلوة على حبيبه محمد المصطفى وآله المرتضي وأصحابه...
The end is missing.

[2328] fols. 13r-14v: Student's excerpts in Turkish and Arabic.

[2329] fols. 15r-26v: Student's definitions and notes on different subjects from law and theology.

[2330] fols. 27r-28v: Anonymous: Kitab al-Idah كتاب الإيضاح , the end. On fols. 27r-28v follow some notes in Turkish.

[2331] fols.29r-47v: Student's notes ( fawa'id فوائد ) on theological themes.

[2332] fols. 48r-49v: Fragment of a commentary on Sura 78, 35-40.

[2333] fols. 49v-51r: Ibn Kamal Pasha ابن كمال باشا : A titleless treatise, in Persian.

[2334] fols. 51v-52v: Student's notes and excerpts, in Persian and Turkish.

[2335] fols. 53r-56v: Pir Muhammad Efendi بير محمد أفندي : A titleless treatise on grammatical proble Ms. The author, who is said to have been judge ( hakim shar'i حاكم شرعي ) in Hama, cannot be identified. His work is different from Muhammad Efendi al-Ajami'sمحمد أفندي العجمي glosses to Ibrahim al-Naqshbandi al-Shabishtari's إبراهيم النقشبندي الشبشتري commentary ( written ca. 900/1494 ) on the versification of Ibn Hajib's ابن حاجب Kifaya كفاية , called al-Wafiya الوافية , Ms. Gotha 262 ( mentioned in GAL I 305 no. 56 ) .
Beginning ( after the Basmala ) :
‏ حمدا لك يا من رفع حجة أهل العلم وأجهد لهم البرهان ونصب حالهم على التمييز ... وبعد فقد أشرقت شمس العلم بعد أن فارقت الأفؤل وأثمرت أغصانه ...‏

[2336] fols. 56v-59r: Qadizade al-Qastamunyawi قاضي زاده القسطمونيوي : A titleless treatise on a problem of tahara طهارة ( "purity" ).
The author mentions Sadr al-shari'a صدر الشريعة ( al-awwal الأول ; 7th/14th century ) , Wiqayat al-riwaya fi masa'il al-Hidaya وقاية الرواية في مسائل الهداية ( GAL I 377 no. 1 ).

[2337] fols. 59r-62v: A fragment of a philological commentary on single words of an unidentifiable text; a second fragment, on fols. 99r-100v, perhaps belongs to the same text.

[2338] fols. 63r-94v: Fakhr al-Din al-Hasan Ibn Mansur al-Uzjandi al-Farghani Qadikhan فخر الدين الحسن بن منصور الأوزجندي الفرغاني قاضي خان : Fatawa Qadikhan فتاوى قاضي خان , a fragment. On the author ( died 592/1196 ) and this text on fatwas → GAL I 376; S I 643f.

[2339] fol. 95r: A fragment of a work on jurisprudence, according to the last line perhaps from Burhan al-Din Ibrahim Ibn Muhammad Ibn Ibrahim al-Halabi برهان الدين إبراهيم بن محمد بن إبراهيم الحلبي ( died 956/1549 ) , al-Fawa'id al-muntakhaba الفوائد المنتخبة ( selected by Alim Ibn Ala' al-Din al-Hanafi عالم بن علاء الدين الحنفي in the 8th/14th century ) min al-fatawi al-Tatarkhaniya من الفتاوي التاتارخانية ( → GAL II 432 no. 4; S II 643 no. 4 ).

[2340] fols. 95v-96r: Two fragments, in Turkish.

[2341] fol. 98v: An anecdote on Abu Yusuf أبو يوسف , in Arabic.

[2342] fols. 99r-100r: A fragment, perhaps belonging to the text excerpted on fols. 59r-62v.

[2343] fols. 100v-123r: Excerpts from several fatwa-collections: Fatawi al-Shaykh al-Imam Abu Bakr Muhammad Ibn al-Afdal al-Bukhari فتاوي الشيخ الإمام أبو بكر محمد بن الأفضل البخاري ; Fatawi al-Shaykh al-Imam Abi Abd Allah Ahmad Ibn al-Shaykh al-Imam al-ajall Abi Hafs al-kabir al-Bukhari فتاوي الشيخ الإمام أبي عبد الله أحمد بن الشيخ الإمام الأجل أبي حفص الكبير البخاري , abbreviated as majmu' ( al-hawadith ) مجموع ( الحوادث) [100v-107v]; Nawazil نوازل [107v-115v] = perhaps Abu al-Layth al-Samarqandi أبو الليث السمرقندي ( died 373/983 or later ) , al-Nawazil fi al-furu'النوازل في الفروع ( → GAS 447, unpublished ) ; Tashil تسهيل [116r-117r] = apparently Tashil al-fatawi تسهيل الفتاوي by Badr al-Din ‏ بدر الدين‏ [→ 120r,ult.] Qadi Samawna قاضي سماونة (died 819/1416; → GAL II 225 no. 2); Khizanat al-fiqh ‏ خزانة الفقه‏ (by Abu al-Layth al-Samarqandi; → GAS I 446f.) [117r-v]; Tatarkhan تاتارخان [117v-118v] on which → fol. 95r; etc.

[2344] fols. 123v-124r: A fragment, in Persian.

[2345] fols. 124v-126v: Student's notes, in Turkish and Arabic.

[2346] fols.127r-129v: Anonymous: A lexicographical treatise, called Istilahat-i Hafiz اصطلاحات حافظ , in Persian.

[2347] fols. 129v-131r: Min kalam Jamal al-Din Abd al-Razzaq Kashi ( = al-Qashani ) من كلام جمال الدين عبد الرزاق كاشي (=القاشاني)in Persian.
On the author, a pupil of Ibn Arabi ابن العربي , → GAL II 204; S II 280.

[2348] fols. 131r-133r: Anonymous: Risala-i daqa'iq-i al-mukashifin رسالة دقائق المكاشفين .
A commentary, in Turkish, on a Persian mystical poem taken from Khizanat al-anfas al-qudsiya خزانة الأنفاس القدسية .

[2349] fols. 133r-135r: Bali Efendi بالي أفندي : A commentary on the preceding Persian poem, in Arabic. The author is perhaps Bali Khalifa al-Sufiyawi بالي خليفة الصوفيوي ( died 959/1552 ) , who wrote a commentary on Ibn Arabi's Fusus al-hikam فصوص الحكم ( → GAL S I 793 no. h ).

[2350] fols. 135v-137v: Student's excerpts from Persian poets ( Attar عطار , Jalal al-Din Rumi جلال الدين رومي etc. ) .

[2351] fols. 138r-143r: Anonymous: A theologico-mystical treatise. Mentions "Mawlana Jalal al-Din Rumi مولانا جلال الدين رومي .

[2352] fols. 143v-148v: Student's notes and excerpts.

[2353] fols. 149r-v: ( Ibn ) Kamal Pasha ‏(ابن) كمال باشا : Risala fi tabaqat al-fuqaha' رسالة في طبقات الفقهاء . On text and author ( died 940/1533 ) → GAL II 453 no. 123; S II 672 no. 123 ( unpublished ) . A second copy is on fol. 166r.

‏ اعلم أن الفقهاء على سبع طبقات : الأولى طبقة المجتهدين في الشرع كالأئمة الأربعة ومن سلك مسلكهم ...‏

[2354] fols. 150r-151r: ( Ibn ) Kamal Pasha ‏(ابن) كمال باشا : Risala fi tahqiq anna ma yasdur anhu ta'ala innama bi-al-qudra wa-al-ikhtiyar la bi-al-karh wa-al-idtirar رسالة في تحقيق أن ما يصدر عنه تعالى إنما بالقدرة والاختيار لا بالكره والاضطرار . What comes from God is by His free will. Further mss. of this still unedited theological treatise by Ibn Kamal Pasha ( died 940/1533 ) → GAL II 452 no. 84; S II 671 no. 84; Schoeler nos. 62-64.

[2355] fols. 151r-152r: Ibn Kamal Pasha ابن كمال باشا : Kitab al-Zakat, laysa ala al-sabi wa-al-majnun كتاب الزكاة ، ليس على الصبي والمجنون .
The Ms. does not mention an author; however, → Ms. Leiden CCO 1866 = Or. 981 ( 15 ) , which in GAL II 451 no. 51 is mentioned as the only Ms.

[2356] fols. 152r-159v: Student's notes and excerpts, in Arabic and Persian; extracts from Baydawi's البيضاوي commentary on the Koran.

[2357] fols. 159v-160r: Anonymous: Risala fi bayan adad al-anbiya' wa-al-mursalin رسالة في بيان عدد الأنبياء والمرسلين .

[2358] fols. 160r-161r: Anonymous: Risala fi haqiqat al-nafs wa-al-ruh hal huma shay' wahid aw shay'anرسالة في حقيقة النفس والروح هل هما شيء واحد أو شيآن.

[2359] fols. 161r-164v: Jalal al-Din al-Suyuti جلال الدين السيوطي : al-Kashf an mujawazat hadhihi al-umma al-alf الكشف عن مجاوزة هذه الأمة الألف . The Last Judgement shall not be at the end of the first century after Muhammad, but 500 years later. On the author and this treatise ( written by the author 898/1492 ) → GAL II 151 no. 135; S II 187 no. 135; further mss. and a rare edition are listed in Ahmad al-Khazandarأحمد الخازندار /Muhammad Ibrahim al-Shaybani محمد إبراهيم الشيباني , Dalil makhtutat al-Suyuti دليل مخطوطات السيوطي ( Kuwait 1403/1983 ) , no.387.

[2360] fol. 165r: A note on taghrir تغرير .

[2361] fol. 165v: Anonymous: Risala fi bayan al-kufr wa-anwa'iha رسالة في بيان الكفر وأنواعها .
On the same page is a short note on qisma قسمة .

[2362] fol. 166r: Ibn Kamal Pasha ابن كمال باشا : Risala fi tabaqat al-fuqaha' رسالة في طبقات الفقهاء .
The same text as on fols. 149r-v.

[2363] fols. 166v-167r: An excerpt from a commentary on al-Iji الإيجي , al-Mawaqif المواقف .
On al-Iji → GAL II 208 IV; S II 289f. IV.

[2364] fols. 167v-168v: Student's notes, in Turkish.

Ms. 141.

85 folios; 13×20,5 cm; ±17 lines; naskhi and nasta'liq ( fols. 50ff. ) . Single sentences are written in red ink. Coloured vignettes on fols. 2v and 3r, apparently by a later hand. Paper in part water-stained. Leather cover ( damaged ) . Hand of the late 12th/18th century.

[2365] fols. 2v-22v: al-Ushi, Ali Ibn Uthman al-Farghani الأوشي ، علي بن عثمان الفرغاني : al-Qasida al-lamiya fi al-tawhid القصيدة اللامية في التوحيد = Bad' al-amali بدء الأمالي or Qasidat yaqulu al-abd قصيدة يقول العبد , with commentary by Shams al-Din Muhammad Ibn Ahmad al-Nik ( u ) sari شمس الدين محمد بن أحمد النكساري . On al-Ushi ( wrote 569/1173 ) and his creed → GAL I 429 no. I and S I 764 no. I. - On al-Nik ( u ) sari ( died 901/1495-6 ) and his commentary → Hajji Khalifa col. 1350 where the commentary is classified as "short and useful commentary" ( sharh mukhtasar nafi' شرح مختصر نافع ) . Brockelmann ( GAL I 429 I no. 7 ) mentions only one Ms. ( Berlin 2420 ) which enables to identify our Ms. The end differs from Ms. Berlin and is as follows:
ويعفوا عنه لطفا وكرما وادعوا الله له بالرضوان والرحمة والمغفرة وأنه ولى الإجابة والتوفيق ، وقع الفراغ من تحريرها ، تمت ،

[2366] fols. 23v-47v: Abu Hanifa أبو حنيفة ( died 150/767 ) : al-Fiqh al-akbar = al-Fiqh al-absat الفقه الأكبر = الفقه الأبسط ( transmitted by Abu al-Muti' أبو المطيع ) , with commentary by Abu al-Layth al-Samarqandiأبو الليث السمرقندي .

A commented English translation of Abu Hanifa, al-Fiqh al-akbar ( I ) can be found in A.J. Wensinck, The Muslim Creed ( London 1965 ) , pp. 103ff.; compare now the analysis by J. van Ess, Kritisches zum Fiqh Akbar, in: Revue des Études islamiques 54, 1986 ( Paris 1988 ) , pp. 327-338 and id., Theologie und Gesellschaft im 2. und 3. Jahrhundert Hidschra. I. Berlin, New York 1991, pp. 207-211. The commentary is in some mss. and in the edition, which appeared in Hyderabad 1321/1903 ( 2nd edition 1367/1948, pp. 2-28 ) , ascribed to Abu Mansur al-Maturidi أبو منصور الماتريدي ( died 333/944 ) . In fact it is written by Abu al-Layth al-Samarqandi ( died 373/983 or later ) : see the new edition with commentary by H. Daiber, The Islamic Concept of Belief in the 4th/10th Century. Tokyo 1994 = Studia culturae islamicae 52. On fols. 48r-49v follow some student's notes, in Turkish and Arabic.

[2367] fols. 50v-76r: Athir al-Din al-Abhari أثير الدين الأبهري ( died 663/1264 ) : Kitab al-Isaghuji كتاب الإيساغوجي , with commentary by Husam al-Din al-Hasan al-Kati حسام الدين الحسن الكاتي ( died 760/1359 ).
On further mss. and old editions ( published in India ) of al-Kati's commentary on Abhari's introduction to logic, an adaption of Porphyry's Isagoge, → GAL I 464 no. II/1 and S I 841 II/1. In the margin are some notes.

[2368] fols. 77v-84r: Athir al-Din al-Abhari أثير الدين الأبهري : Kitab al-Isaghuji كتاب الإيساغوجي .

See the preceding text.

Ms. 142.

266 folios; 15×20,5 cm and 12×20,2 cm ( fols. 250-255 ) ; 15-21 lines; naskhi and nasta'liq, different hands. Single words are written in red ink or overlined in red. The text of fols. 153r-161v is written within a red frame. The paper is in some cases yellowish-brown and green. Pasteboard with red leather spine and flap; binding damaged. Owner's stamp on fols. 1r and 8r and owner's remarks dated 1272/1855 and 1285/1868. Copied 1053/1643 ( → 149r ) ; later dates are 1071/1660-61 ( copied by Umar Ibn Ahmad in Azerbaidjan; → 7r ) ; 1080/1669/70 ( copied by Ali Ibn Ahmad, also called al-Kaldik Ahmad Oghlu, in Azerbaidjan; → 81r ) and 16 Muharram 1089/10 March 1678 ( → 118r ) .

[2369] fol. 2r: A note on cupping ( hijama حجامة ) , with excerpts mainly from Abu al-Layth al-Samarqandiأبو الليث السمرقندي .

[2370] fols. 2v-7r: Sa'id Ibn Musa al-Halabi سعيد بن موسى الحلبي : Alam al-huda fi usul al-din علم الهدى في أصول الدين .

Our Ms. does not mention an author; however → Ms. Berlin 1875 and Paris 1128/3. The author and this text are also mentioned by Hajji Khalifa ( II 1161 ) who in addition gives an enumeration of the chapters in accordance with the mss. - Hajji Khalifa does not mention any date of the author; Brockelmann too could not identify him and his text ( → GAL II 978 no. 70 = II 995 no. 55! ) . According to the introduction, the author intends to write a summary of the orthodox creed. He refers to Abu Hanifa أبو حنيفة and his pupil Abu Yusuf أبو يوسف and alludes to details which are more extensively discussed in the Hanafite Creed of Abu al-Barakat al-Nasafi أبو البركات النسفي ( died 710/1310; → GAL II 197; S II 268 ) , in his Umdat aqidat ahl al-sunna wa-al-jama'a عمدة عقيدة أهل السنة والجماعة ( ed. W. Cureton, Pillar of the Creed of the Sunnites, London 1843 ) . As the Berlin Ms. of Sa'id Ibn Musa's Alam al-huda was copied during 738/1337, the author may have written in the 13th/14th century A.D. fol. 7v contains a short prayer, with notes in the margin.

[2371] fols. 8v-31v: Muhammad Ibn al-Jazari al-Shafi'i محمد بن الجزري الشافعي : al-Muqaddima al-Jazariya fi al-tajwid المقدمة الجزرية في التجويد , with anonymous commentary. The Muqaddima by Ibn al-Jazari ( died 833/1429 ) consists of approximately 108 rajaz-verses on the reading of the Koran. It was very often commented: → GAL II 202 no. 8 and S II 275f. no. 8. The numerous commentaries in the Berlin Library ( Ms. nos. 511ff. ) and in Princeton ( nos. 235ff. ) do not contain a similar commentary. Noteworthy is the first sentence of the commentary which in fact is a quotation from the commentary al-Hawashi al-mufahhima fi sharh al-Muqaddima الحواشي المفهمة في شرح المقدمة by Ibn al-Jazari's son Abu Bakr Ahmad Ibn Muhammad أبو بكر أحمد بن محمد ( → Ms. Berlin 511 ) . This observation confirms the remark by C. Rieu ( Supplement to the catalogue of the Arabic mss. in the British Museum, London 1894 ) in his description of a second copy of our text in the British Museum ( Suppl. no. 94 = Or. 4150, fols. 59-78 ) : "It is evidently abridged from the commentary of the author's son." In the margin are many notes.

[2372] fols. 31v-33v: A titleless treatise on madd مد , a technical term used in Koran recitation; it describes the drawing out of the voice over long vowels.

[2373] fols. 34v-81r: Abu Nasr Muhammad Ibn Abd al-Rahman al-Hamadhani أبو نصر محمد بن عبد الرحمن الهمذاني : al-Sab'iyat fi mawa'iz al-bariyat السبعيات في مواعظ البريات .

On the author ( wrote before 899/1493 ) and on further mss. and old editions of this collection of religious exhortations relating to every day of the week → GAL S II 583. The beginning of our Ms. differs from Ms. Berlin; but is identical with that of Ms. Berlin 8854.

[2374] fols. 81v-82r: A short commentary on quotations from the Koran which stress God's oneness and almightiness, in Turkish.

[2375] fols. 83v-118r: Siraj al-Din al-Ushi al-Farghani سراج الدين الأوشي الفرغاني : al-Qasida al-lamiya fi al-tawhid = Bad' al-amali = Qasidat Yaqulu al-abd القصيدة اللامية في التوحيد = بدء الأمالي = قصيدة يقول العبد , with commentary by Muhammad Ibn Abi Bakr al-Razi محمد بن أبي بكر الرازي ( died 660/1262 ) , called al-Hidaya min al-i'tiqad li-kathrat naf' bayn al-ibad الهداية من الاعتقاد لكثرة نفع بين العباد .

On the creed ( written in red ink ) and its author al-Ushi ( wrote ca. 569/1173 ) and on this still unedited commentary → GAL I 429 I/1 and S I 764 I/1. In our Ms. the text is ascribed to Abu al-Qasim Ibn Husayn al-Bakri أبو القاسم بن حسين البكري and has the title Kitab al-Hidaya min i'tiqad ahl al-sunna wa-al-jama'a كتاب الهداية من اعتقاد أهل السنة والجماعة .
However, compare mss. Berlin 2409 and 2410.

[2376] fols. 119v-122v: al-Ushi الأوشي : al-Qasida al-lamiya fi al-tawhid القصيدة اللامية في التوحيد .

→ the preceding text.

[2377] fols. 123v-149r: al-Birgili ( al-Birkawi ) البرگلي ( البركوي) : Mu'addil al-salat معدل الصلاة .

On the duty to pray; on the author ( died 981/1573 ) and this still unpublished treatise → he description of Ms. no. 37, text no. [2062]. In the margin are a few notes. fols. 149v-152r are left blank.

[2378] fols. 152v-161v: al-Birgili ( al-Birkawi ) البرگلي (البركوي) : Dhukhr al-muta'ahhilin wa-al-nisa' fi ma'rifat al-athar wa-al-dima' ذخر المتأهلين والنساء في معرفة الأطهار والدماء .
On further mss. of this still unedited treatise on the purity and impurity of women → GAL II 441 no. 11; S II 656 no. 11. A further Ms. → Daiber, Catalogue, no. 1, fols. 137v-142v.

[2379] fols. 163r-184v: Aziz Mahmud al-Uskudari عزيز محمود الأسكداري : Hayat al-arwah wa-najat al-ashbah حياة الأرواح ونجاة الأشباح .

On the author ( died 1037/1628 ) and this still unedited treatise on death and resurrection → GAL II 445 no. 1 and S II 661 no. 1.

[2380] fols. 184v-223r: Aziz Mahmud al-Uskudari عزيز محمود الأسكداري : Jami' al-fada'il wa-qami' al-radha'il جامع الفضائل وقامع الرذائل . On religious ethics and duties like salat صلاةand zakat زكاة , principles regarding marriage, sexual relations ( adab al-jima' آداب الجماع : 197v ) , family etc. For additional mss. of this still unedited treatise: → GAL S II 661 no. 6.

[2381] fols. 223v-227r: Ali Ibn Ahmad Ibn Muhammad al-Kiz ( a ) wani ( Kazuwani ) علي بن أحمد بن محمد الكزواني (الكازواني) Kashf al-qina' an wajh al-sama' كشف القناعة عن وجه السماع .

On the author ( died 955/1548 ) and this still unedited description of the features of Sufi music → GAL II 334 no. 5 and S II 462 no. 6 ( sic ) . Beginning and end are as in Ms. Berlin 5516.

[2382] fols. 227r-232r: Aziz Mahmud al-Uskudari عزيز محمود الأسكداري : Fath al-bab wa-raf' al-hijab فتح الباب ورفع الحجاب .
Sufi considerations on man, in three chapters:
1) fi khulq al-insan في خلق الإنسان (227r);
2) fi al-tawba ‏ في التوبة‏ (227v);
3) fi jami'iyat al-insan wa-ihtijabihi bi-al-sirr al-ilahi‏ في جامعية الإنسان واحتجابه بالسر الإلهي ‏ .
On further mss. of this still unedited treatise → GAL II 445 no. 2 and S II 661 no. 2. Beginning and end are as in Ms. Berlin 3107.

[2383] fols. 232r-239r: Aziz Mahmud al-Uskudari عزيز محمود الأسكداري : Miftah al-salat wa-mirqat al-najat مفتاح الصلاة ومرقاة النجاة .
On further mss. of this still unedited treatise on prayer → GAL S II 661 no. 8; Brockelmann wrongly has Miftah al-salah مفتاح الصلاح and offers the variant al-falah الفلاح ( in place of al-najat ).
The treatise consists of 3 chapters:
1) fi kayfiyat iqamat al-salat wa-ba'd asrariha wa-ri'ayat adabiha‏ في كيفية إقامة الصلاة وبعض أسرارها ورعاية أدبها (232r).
2) fi fada'il al-salat‏ في فضائل الصلاة (235r).
3) fi fada'il al-jum'a wa-al-jama'a ‏ في فضائل الجمعة والجماعة (236v).

الحمد لله الذي أمر عباده بالمحافظة على الصلوات والصلوة الوسطى والصلوة على من دنى...
واجتهد في إمامة أمر الدين واعبد ربّك حتى يأتيك اليقين ،

[2384] fols. 239v-246r: Aziz Mahmud al-Uskudari عزيز محمود الأسكداري : Habbat al-mahabba حبة المحبة . On the love of God and the prophet Muhammad and on different kinds of love ( ruhaniya, qalbiya, nafsaniya, aqliya روحانية ، قلبية ، نفسانية ، عقلية ).
On further mss. of this treatise → GAL S II 661 no. 9.

الحمد لله الذي أنبت حبة المحبة في قلوب من أحبّ واصطفى كزرع أخرج...

The text is edited ( from this Ms. and a Ms. in Bologna ) and translated into Japanese by Hiroshi TARUI in: Annals of Japan Association for Middle East Studies 9, 1994, 273-307. .

[2385] fols. 246v-249v: Aziz Mahmud al-Uskudari عزيز محمود الأسكداري : Risala fi al-Tariqa al-Muhammadiya wasila ila al-sa'ada al-sarmadiya رسالة في الطريقة المحمدية وسيلة إلى السعادة السرمدية.

On the life and sayings of the prophet Muhammad as guide to eternal happiness. Further mss. of this still unedited text → GAL S II 661 no. 10.

‏ الحمد لله الذي قدر ما قدر في المنازل ودبّر أمور الخلق وقوة حكمته من غير قصور ولا خلل ...‏
‏ ولكنهم لم يصلوا إلى نور الكشف والعبارة كما وصل إليه أهل الشهود والعرفان واما (؟) التوحيد ،

[2386] fols. 250r-v: Some student's notes.

[2387] fols. 251r-255r: A fully vocalized prayer with some notes in Turkish; written in red ink. Between 251v and 254v two folios ( green paper ) are inserted. They contain notes on religious duties. On fol. 255v are some fragments from prophetic traditions and from an anecdote on the Sufi Junayd.

[2388] fols. 256v-257v: Some poems by Khayyali خيالي , Jami جامي and Kirmani كرماني , in Turkish.

[2389] fols. 258r-265r: Letters to the Sultan, written by Naqibzade نقيب زاده , Mahmud al-Qadi Nirusi ( Biruti? ) ‏ محمود القاضي نيروسي (بيروتي؟)‏ , Ibrahim al-Qadi إبراهيم القاضي and Abd al-Halim عبد الحليم , in Turkish.

On fol. 265r follows a saying by Abu Hurayra أبو هريرة , taken from Sharh al-mashariq شرح المشارق=apparently Atufi al-Marzifuni عطوفي المرزيفوني ( died 948/1541 ) , Sharh Mashariq al-anwar شرح مشارق الأنوار ( mentioned in GAL S II 639 ).

Ms. 143.

104 folios; 14×19 cm; ±21 lines; naskhi ( different hands ) and nasta'liq ( fols. 58-85 ) . Single words are written in red ink. Text on fols. 96v-104r within a double-lined red frame. Paper sometimes damaged and water-stained; in a few cases repaired ( some loss of text on fols. 58ff. ) . Pasteboard binding ( damaged ) with red leather spine. Several owners' remarks: fol. 1r mentions al-Hajj Muhammad al-Chelebi and ( with the date Rajab 1286/October 1869 ) Rashid Ibn Sayyid Muhammad Ibn Abd Allah Ibn Sayyid Abd al-Rahim al-Khatib; fol. 2r mentions Muhammad Sayyid al-Qadiri al-Khatib; fol. 88r mentions Abd al-Khaliq al-Qarafi and the year 1244/1828-29. The oldest date, however, can be found on fol. 2r: during 999/1590-91 Abd [cut off] al-Zubayri al-Makki al-Zabidi became owner of the Ms. ( fols. 2-33; compare the remark below on fol. 34v ) . fol. 57v mentions as date 6 Rajab 1091/2 August 1680 and Rajab as copyist; fol. 95v mentions 10 Rajab 1207/17 February 1793 and the copyist Muhammad Ibn al-Hajj Hasan al-Tabaristani and fol. 104r the date Dhu al-Hijja 1136/August 1724.

[2390] fols. 2v-6r: Qissat jald Zayd Ibn Amir al-mu'minin Umar Ibn al-Khattab wa-ma waqa'a lahu ma'a walidihi قصة جلد زيد ابن أمير المؤمنين عمر بن الخطاب وما وقع له مع والده .

This legend on Zayd, the son of the caliph Umar Ibn al-Khattab, also called Abu Shahma أبو شحمة ( → 6r12 ) , can with variants also be found in two Berlin mss. ( 8997 and 8998 ) entitled Qissat Abi Shahma Ibn Umar Ibn al-Khattab قصة أبي شحمة بن عمر بن الخطاب and Fi Fadilat Umar Ibn al-Khattab wa-waladihi Abi Shahma في فضيلة عمر بن الخطاب وولده أبي شحمة respectively. A summary of the contents can be found in Ahlwardt's description of the Berlin Ms. 8997.

The beginning ( after the Basmala ) differs from the Berlin mss.:
‏ الحمد لله ربّ العالمين والصلاة والسلام على سيدنا محمد خاتم الأنبياء والمرسلين وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين ، حدثنا أبو جعفر الوراق عن عطاء بن عروة الهروي عن أحمد ‏بن عبد الله المرواني رضي الله تعالى عنهم أجمعين وعن بقية الصحابة والتابعين ، قال : لما ولي عمر بن الخطاب رضي الله عنه الخلافة كان يقضي بالمعروف في الموضع ‏الذي كان أقضى فيه أبو بكر الصديق ...‏

End ( different from the Berlin mss. ) :
... فعند ذلك طابت نفس عمر وذهب ماكان يجده من الخوف هوو هل بيته وهذا ما انتهى إلينا من قصة عمر بن الخطاب و وليه زيد و قيل أبو شحمة و السلام و لا حول و لا قوة إلا بالله العلي العظيم و صلى الله على سيدنا محمد و على آله و صحبه و سلم ,

[2391] fols. 6r-33r: Kitab al-Azama كتاب العظمة , ascribed to Ibn Hibban ابن حبان .

A fanciful description of paradise and hell. The author relies heavily on Islamic religious traditions. The Ms. mentions Ibn Hibban as author on fols. 2r and 6r; this may be a wrong rendering of Ibn Hayyan ابن حيان who lived 274/887-369/979 ( → GAS I 200f. ) . The text is transmitted in varying versions; our Ms. is different from the Kitab al-Azama ascribed to Abu Shaykh أبو شيخ which is described by Anton Heinen, Islamic Cosmology ( Beirut-Wiesbaden 1982. = BTS 27 ) , p.38ff. and which is edited by Rida' Allah Ibn Muhammad al-Mubarakfuri رضاء الله بن محمد المباركفوري ( Riyad 1408/1988 ) . Some preliminary remarks on the authorship can be found in Wim Raven ( who is preparing an edition of the unpublished version ) , A Kitab al-Azama: on Cosmology, Hell and Paradise, in: Miscellanea arabica et islamica. Dissertationes in Academia Ultrajectina prolatae anno MCMXC. Selegit et edidit F. de Jong. Leuven 1993 ( = Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 52 ) , pp. 135-142.

Beginning ( after the Basmala ) :
‏‏ الحمد لله ربّ العالمين وصلى الله وسلم على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين ، وبعد فهذا كتاب العظمة مما أنزله الله تعالى على آدم عليه السلام في نمط من الحرير ‏الأبيض مكتوب فيه العلم المنزل على قلب نبيه المرسل ...‏

‏ فإنه يبلغ ما أراد من تنكيس (تنكيب؟) الجوع والعطش وزوال الأعياء والنصب والله أعلم بالصواب وإليه المرجع والمآب ، لا إله إلا الله ،<

fol. 34r: An enumeration of the titles of texts found on fols. 2-57v, including the preceding two texts. This proves that fols. 34-57v originally preceded fols. 2-33.

[2392] fols. 34v-38r: al-Qari' al-Herewi القارئ الهروي : al-Fasl ( Ms.: al-Fadl ) al-mu'awwal fi al-saff al-awwal الفصل (م : الفضل) المعول في الصف الأول .

An interpretation of Sura 37, 1 and an explanation why those who pray in the first row must be preferred. On the author ( died 1014/1605 ) and on further mss. of this unedited text → GAL II 396 no. 45 and S II 540 no. 45.

[2393] fols. 38v-57v: Muhammad Ibn Salama Ibn Ja'far Ibn Muhammad Ibn Ali Ibn Nasr al-Quda'i محمد بن سلامة بن جعفر بن محمد بن علي بن نصر القضاعي : Kitab fi al-wasaya wa-al-amthal wa-al-hikam min kalam rasul Allah = Kitab al-Shihab = Kitab Shihab al-akhbar fi al-hikam wa-al-amthal wa-al-adab min al-ahadith al-marwiya an al-rasul al-mukhtar كتاب في الوصايا والأمثال والحكم من كلام رسول الله = كتاب الشهاب = كتاب شهاب الأخبار في الحكم والأمثال والآداب من الأحاديث المروية عن الرسول المختار.

Further mss. and other titles of this unedited work can be found in GAL I 343 no. 2 and S II 584 no. 4. The author ( died 454/1062 ) collected from Hadith gnomological sayings ascribed to the prophet Muhammad. The isnad إسناد is omitted.

[2394] fols. 57v-87r: A titleless summary on diseases and their treatment, beginning with diseases of the head.
The first 4 lines of the introduction ascribe the text to Ibn Sina ابن سينا .
This can not be correct, however for the lines are added later and, besides this, the following text scarcely has any similarities with Ibn Sina's medical encyclopedia al-Qanun القانون , which in book III discusses diseases starting with the head and ending with the feet ( = ed. Bulaq 1294/1877, repr. Beirut II 1ff. ) . The text was perhaps ascribed to Ibn Sina because of some principal convergences with Ibn Sina's Qanun. The anonymous author aims at a summary according to the practical rules ( al-qawanin al-amaliya القوانين العملية ) and has - as he explicitly informs us - omitted remedies of the 10 brain diseases. In this point he differs from Ibn Sina's Qanun, which in the first chapter on the diseases of the head included the diseases of the brain. In the structure of the text the author follows a common scheme.
An identification seems to be impossible as there are no convincing similarities either to Ibn Sina or to later adaptions of the Qanun by e.g. Najib al-Din al-Samarqandi نجيب الدين السمرقندي ( died 619/1222 ) ; compare Dietrich, Medicinalia, pp. 74ff. and ( on Najib al-Din ) p. 212. As the author of our text wrote his summary on behalf of "al-Amir Muhammad الأمير محمد ", who is given the epithet "Muftakhir al-fatiya al-sayfiya مفتخر الفتية السيفية ", we should consider a ruler with the names Muhammad and Sayf al-Din سيف الدين .
‏Since the time of the Ayyubids quite a lot of emirs received the epithet Sayf al-Din: → H.L. Gottschalk, al-Malik al-Kamil الملك الكامل ‏von Egypten und seine Zeit, Wiesbaden 1958, index p. 247; Edouard Zambaur, Manuel de généalogie et de chronologie pour l'histoire de l'Islam ( Hannover 1927 ) , index s.n. "Sayf al-Din " mentions two persons who could have been addressed by the author of our text, the Ghurid Sayf al-Din Muhammad Ibn al-Husayn غرد سيف الدين محمد بن الحسين ( died Rajab 558/June 1163; → Zambaur 284 ) and ( with more probability ) the Burhani Muhammad III Ibn Abd al-Aziz II برهاني محمد بن عبد العزيز from the Burhani-family in Bukhara who ruled ca. 560/1164-5; → Zambaur 210; O. Pritsak, Al-i Burhan, in: Der Islam 30, 1952, p. 81-96, esp. 91.
The text consists of 150 chapters, of which the first eight are listed here:
1) fi al-suda' al-mutawallid min al-harr ‏ في الصداع المتولد من الحر (58v).
2) fi al-suda' al-mutawallid min su' mizaj barid ‏ في الصداع المتولد من سوء مزاج بارد (58v).
3) al-suda'a fi ahad shiqqay a-ra's ‏ الصداع في أحد شقي الرأس (58v-59r).
4) waj' al-ra's min aradin darabahu ‏ وجع الرأس من عرض ضربه (59r).
5) al-zukam al-hadith min buruda ‏ الزكام الحادث من برودة‏ (59r-v).
6) al-zukam min harara ‏ الزكام من حرارة (59v).
7) ramad al-ayn ‏ رمد العين (59v).
8) zulmat al-basar ‏ ظلمة البصر (59v-60r) etc.

Beginning ( after the Basmala ) :
‏ قال الفقير إلى الله تعالى الراجي رحمته أبو علي الرئيس ابن سينا : الحمد لله حمدا يليق بجلاله وفضله وكماله والصلاة والسلام على جميع أنبيائه خصوصا محمد وآله وبعد : ‏لما كان علم الطب من أجلّ العلوم للبحث فيه عن ما يرد إلى بدن الإنسان من الأمراض والاهتمام بخلاصه والتماس صحته من تلك الأغراض – أمر حضرة مفتخر الفتية ‏السيفية ومطهر محاسن المعاني العلية ومنتهى فخارها وقطب مدارها حضرة الأمير محمد – متع الله الأنام بزمامه زمانا مليا ورفع الفضل والعلم بمكان مكانا عليا – أن نكتب ‏لحضرته نبذة منه على حسب الاختصار بما تداولته أيدي التجارب ... واختصرت من الكتب الطبية ما وقع اختياري عليه من القوانين العملية وأغفلت ذكر أدوية الأمراض ‏الدماغية العشرة ...‏
The first chapter begins on fol. 58v1:
‏الباب الأول في الصداع المتولد من الحرّ ، هذا يكون إما من سبب خارج كحرّ الشمس وغيره وإما من داخل كأخذ الأدوية الحارّة والأغذية الضارّة للدماغ ، علاجه ...‏
The second chapter begins on fol. 58v9:
‏‏ الباب الثاني في الصداع المتولد من سوء مزاج بارد وذلك أيضا يكون إما من أسباب خارجة كالذي يعرض من برد الهواء ...
‏ ... ومن بعد الثلاثين سنة فهو عتيق إلى أن تأتي عليه ستون سنة وفعله فيما يحتاج إليه وسط ومن بعد الستون سنة تضعف قوته ولا يكاد يعمل عمله ، تمّ الكتاب ،‏

In the margin are a few notes.

[2395] fols. 88v-95v: Athir al-Din al-Abhari أثير الدين الأبهري : Kitab Isaghuji كتاب إيساغوجي .

In the margin and between the lines are notes. On this introductory treatise on logic and on the author ( died 663/1264 ) → GAL I 464 no. II; S I 839 no. II.

[2396] fols. 96v-104r: Mahmud Ibn Umar al-Zamakhshari محمود بن عمر الزمخشري : Nawabigh al-kalim نوابغ الكلم .
On the author ( died 538/1144 ) and this collection of gnomological sayings → GAL I 292 no. XIV and S I 512 no. XV ( sic ) . In the margin and between the lines are some notes.

Ms. 144.

121 folios; 15×21,5 cm; 11-15 lines; naskhi. Single words are written in red ink or overlined in red.Text sometimes within a red frame. Paper water-stained. Dark red leather binding with geometrical centre-ornament and vignettes, damaged. Owner and copyist of the Ms. is Husayn Ibn Muhammad Ibn Mahmud Ibn Uthman Ibn Ali ( fols. 1r and 2r, with owner's stamp ) ; he is also mentioned on fol. 26v, with the date 13 Shawwal 1102/25 June 1691; fol. 32v, with the date 20 Dhu al-Qa'da 1102/15 August 1691; fol. 64v, with the date 8 Jumada II 1103/26 February 1692; fol. 120v, with the date 1 Muharram 1105/2 September 1693 and the place Makhlad Khazinat Dad ( ? ) . In addition, fol. 2r mentions the date 26 Safar 1105/3 October 1693.

[2397] fols. 2v-26v: Yahya Ibn Abi Bakr al-Hanafi يحيى بن أبي بكر الحنفي : Mukhtasar fi bayan al-i'tiqad مختصر في بيان الاعتقاد .

On the text → description of Ms. 137, text no. [2302]. In the margin are a few notes. .

[2398] fols. 27r-32v: al-Birgili ( al-Birkawi ) البرگلي (البركوي)‏ : Iqaz al-na'imin إيقاظ النائمين .

The treatise criticizes piety only for the sake of success and reward and was written by the author during 972/1564. According to Hajji Khalifa ( sub title ) , the text is a reaction to Abu al-Su'ud al-Imadi أبو السعود العمادي ( died 982/1574; → GAL II 439; S II 651 ) who refuted al-Birgili's Inqadh al-halikin إنقاذ الهالكين ( GAL II 440 no.1; S II 654 no.1 ) . Further copies: → Daiber Catalogue, nos. 1 ( 143r-145r ) and 17 ( 95r-98v ) . In the margin are some notes.

[2399] fols. 33v-64v: al-Birgili ( al-Birkawi ) البرگلي (البركوي)‏ : Inqadh al-halikin إنقاذ الهالكين .
An answer on the question whether it is allowed to take money for the recitation of the Koran or not. Further mss. of this unedited text: → GAL II 440 no. 1 and S II 654 no. 1; Daiber, Catalogue, no. 1 ( 146v-148v ) and no. 17 ( 51v-71r ) . fols. 65r-67r are blank and on fol. 67v are some students' notes.

[2400] fols. 68v-120v: Abu Hanifa أبو حنيفة : al-Fiqh al-akbar الفقه الأكبر ( transmitted by Hammad حماد ) , with commentary ( sharh شرح ) by Abu al-Muntaha Ahmad Ibn Muhammad al-Maghnisawi أبو المنتهى أحمد بن محمد المغنساوي.
On Abu Hanifa ( died 150/767 ) , his al-Fiqh al-akbar ( in the transmission by his son Hammad ) and the commentary by al-Maghnisawi ( written 939/1532 ) → GAS I 413. Additional mss.: → text no. [2401] and Daiber, Catalogue, no. 18, fols. 1v-27v. A commented English translation of Abu Hanifa's text can be found in A.J. Wensinck, The Muslim Creed, London 1965, p. 188ff.

Ms. 145.

171 folios; 13×19 cm ( fols.1-48 ) ; 12,8×18,7 cm ( fols. 49-141 ) ; 13×18,6 cm ( fols. 142-171 ) ; 15, 13 and 17 lines; naskhi ( 3 different hands ) . Single words are written in red ink or overlined in red. Text within a red frame ( 49r-141r ) . In part yellowish paper, spotted and water-stained ( with some loss of text on fols. 18v-25r ) . Red pasteboard binding with red leather spine ( rubbed ) . Binding damaged. The section fols. 49-141 is copied by Husayn Ibn Abd Allah during Safar 998/December 1598. The other parts of the Ms. may have been copied later.

[2401] fols. 1v-40v: Abu Hanifa أبو حنيفة : al-Fiqh al-akbar الفقه الأكبر ( transmitted by Hammad حماد ) , with commentary by al-Maghnisawi المغنساوي . → description of the preceding Ms., fols. 68v-120v.

[2402] On fols. 41r-v follows a fragment from a commented work on traditions. At the end the copyist adds "Ibn Malak lil-Mashariq ابن ملك للمشارق " = perhaps al-Saghani الصاغاني ( 650/1252 ) , Mashariq al-anwar al-nabawiya min sihah al-akhbar al-Mustafawiya مشارق الأنوار النبوية من صحاح الأخبار المصطفوية , with commentary by Ibn Malakshah ابن ملك شاه ( ca. 800/1397 ) , Mabariq al-azhar مبارق الأزهار ; → GAL I 361c and S I 612 c.

[2403] fols. 42r-48r: al-Sanusi السنوسي : Umm al-barahin = Aqidat ahl al-tawhid al-sughra أم البراهين = عقيدة أهل التوحيد الصغرى .

Beginning and end differ slightly from the edition by M. Wolff, El-Senusi's Begriffsentwicklung des muhammedanischen Glaubensbekenntnisses, arabisch und deutsch, Leipzig 1848; generally, the Ms. does not differ from the printed version. On Sanusi ( died 892/1486 or later ) → GAL II 250 II; S II 353 II and on his creed compare Daiber, Mu'ammar, p. 188 and references given there.

[2404] fols. 49r-141r: Husam al-Din Umar Ibn Abd al-aziz Ibn Maza al-Sadr al-Shahid al-Bukhari حسام الدين عمر بن عبد العزيز بن مازة الصدر الشهيد البخاري : Kitab al-Nuqaya ( al-sughra ) fi ilm al-hidaya = Nuqayat Qadikhan = Kitab Umdat al-fatawa = Umdat al-mufti wa-al-mustafti ( ? ) = al-Umda كتاب النقاية (الصغرى) في علم الهداية = نقاية قاضي خان = كتاب عمدة الفتاوى = عمدة المفتي والمستفتي (؟) = العمدة . .

Our Ms., a Hanafite collection of fatwas, has no author; it mentions the title on fol. 141r ( Kitab al-Nuqaya fi ilm al-hidaya ) . The author ( killed 536/1141 in Samarqand; → GAL S I 640 ) is mentioned in other mss. ( → Princeton no. 1001 ) ; unlike to the opinion of Brockelmann ( GAL I 374 ( 2462 ) no. 3; however, corrected in S I 640 no. 3 ) the text is different from Ms. Berlin 4812; it is often transmitted anonymously and based on the Fatawa by Qadikhan ( died 592/1196; → GAL S I 643f. ) .
As the survey of chapters in the catalogue of the Buhar Library ( no. 153 ) shows, the first three chapters ( bab باب ) of the still unpublished text are missing in our Ms. which starts with the end of the Kitab al-Salat, in the section ( faslفصل ) on Salat al-musafir صلاة المسافر ; the missing part is approximately 18 folios in the Buhar Ms. ( less than one-third of the whole text ) .
On fol. 141v follows a short praise of God and an admonition ( maw'iza موعظة ).

[2405] fols. 142v-171v: Muhammad Ibn Amr Ibn Ibrahim al-Ballali ( = al-Mallali ) al-Tilimsani محمد بن إبراهيم البلالي (=الملالي) التلمساني : Fath al-mubin فتح المبين , a commentary on al-Sanusi السنوسي , Umm al-barahin أم البراهين .
On al-Tilimsani ( wrote ca. 1000/1591 ) and on more mss. of this still unedited commentary on Sanusi's Creed → GAL II 251 ( I 2 ) and S II 354 ( I 2 ) . On al-Sanusi's Creed → above fols. 42r-48r.

Ms. 146.

92 folios; 16,5×21,2 cm; 11-15 lines; regular naskhi, different hands. Single words are written in red ink. Brownish paper, in part water-stained and repaired ( some loss of text on fol. 34r ) . Original pasteboard binding, damaged. Owner's stamp on fol. 1r. According to a note on fol. 1r the Ms. was bequeathed by Muhammad al-Qarmashli Ibn Ni'ma Ibn Muhammad Ibn Husayn Ibn Hasan Ibn Zulafi Ibn Abd Allah from the tribe al-Zandan in Diyarbakir at the Great Mosque to his son Muhammad Sa'id, to his grandson Muhammad Rashid and to the ulama' of al-Sanah in the year 1269/1852-1853. The full names are added later, with the year 1278/1861-2. On fols. 69v-70r is a list of the birthdays of several persons with dates ranging between the year 1257/1841 and 1284/1867/1868. fol. 31v mentions the scribe "Muhammad" and the year 1241/1825-1826; fol. 93r mentions as date of the copy the year 1253/1837. Parts of the Ms. may have been written by the first owner, Muhammad al-Qarmashli ( → fols. 7r and 32v ) .

[2406] fols. 1v-7r: Salih صالح : Kalimat fi bayan madhhab al-ta'ifa al-Yazidiya wa-hukmihim wa-hukm al-amwal al-ka'ina bi-aydihim كلمات في بيان مذهب الطائفة اليزيدية وحكمهم وحكم الأموال الكائنة بأيديهم , with commentary by Muhammad al-Barqal'i محمد البرقلعي .

On the top of the first page the copyist added: hadhihi mas'alatun qala al-Yazidin ‏ هذه مسألة قال اليزيدين ( sic ) . The above-mentioned authors cannot be identified.
The text is an interesting document on the Yezidis, a Kurdish tribe which had their own religion with many syncretistic features ( → Th. Menzel, art. Yazidi in EI IV, 1934 ) . It was written perhaps at the beginning of the 19th century ( or somewhat earlier ) , but before 1837, the date of the copy, and starts with a survey of the doctrines of the Yezidis, from the Muslim point of view ( fols. 1v-2v ) . It continues with a discussion of the legal aspects of those who renounce their Yezidi religion, the conditions of their conversion to Islam and the consequences for their propriety ( 2v-4v ) . This is followed by a commentary, written by Muhammad al-Barqal'i, to the preceding text ( fol. 1v4 till 3v, ult. ) ; the commented text is introduced by qawluhu قولهand overlined in black ink ( fol. 4v6-7r ) .
Our text is different from a much younger Ms. ( written 1305/1889 ) published by R.Y. Ebied and M.J.L. Young, An Account of the History and Rituals of the Yazidis of Mosul, in: Le Muséon 85, 1972, pp. 481-522; this text does not include a discussion of the legal aspects of Yezidis living in a Muslim environment.
An analysis of our Ms. may contribute to the modern discussion on the Yezidis; → now John S. Guest, The Yezidis: A Study of Survival, London 1987 and the review by M. Moosa, JAOS 109, 1989, 447f. - On the legal position of non-Muslims, the Dhimmis, → Bath Yeor, The Dhimmi. Jews and Christians under Islam, Toronto 1985.

Beginning ( after the Basmala ) :
‏ اللهم الهمنا الصواب وفضل (وفصل المخطوط) الخطاب وجنّبنا الفناء (الفي المخطوط) والعناء (والعنى المخطوط) والارتياب وهب لنا من لذلك رحمة إنك أنت الوهاب ، أما ‏بعد : فهذه كلمات في بيان مذهب الطائفة اليزيدية وحكمهم وحكم الأموال الكائنة بأيديهم ، اعلم أنهم متفقون على أباطيل من عقائد وأقاويل (!) كلها ...‏

End ( of the commentary ) :
‏ اللهم اهدنا للحق واجعله لنا فطنا ولا يجعلنا من الذين يرون أقبح ما يأتونه حسنا ، والحمد لله ربّ العالمين ،

A second copy is text no. [2283].

[2407] fols. 7r-v: Excerpts, taken from Baydawi's البيضاوي commentary ( Anwar al-tanzil أنوار التنزيل ) on Suras 1, 2 and 3.

[2408] fols. 7v-8v: A fragment from a late work on fiqh.

[2409] fols. 9r-10r: Muhi al-Din al-Jazari محي الدين الجزري : Risalat al-Tunbak رسالة التنباك ( = tobacco ) .

A legal opinion on smoking, with remarks on taqlid تقليد and ijtihad اجتهاد .Text and author cannot be identified. More treatises on smoking tobacco can be found in mss. Berlin 5490-5496.

Beginning ( after the Basmala ) :
‏ قد بلغنا من هؤلاء الأئمة الأعلام الأفتاء في تحرير شرب الدخان المشهود فهل يجب علينا تقليدهم ...

‏ ... من غير تعنّت ولا عناد في الجواب والله شاهد الخطاب وإليه المرجع والمآب ، تم ،

[2410] fols. 10r-31v: al-Ushi, Ali Ibn Uthman al-Farghani الأوشي ، علي بن عثمان الفرغاني : al-Qasida al-lamiya fi al-tawhid القصيدة اللامية في التوحيد = Bad' al-amali بدء الأماليor Qasidat yaqulu al-abd قصيدة يقول العبد , with commentary by Khalil Ibn al-Ala' al-Bukhari Ghars al-Din خليل بن العلاء البخاري غرس الدين : Nafis al-riyad li-i'dam al-amrad نفيس الرياض لإعدام الأمراض .

On al-Ushi ( wrote 569/1173 ) , his creed and the still unedited commentary by Khalil Ibn al-Ala' ( wrote ca. 750/1349 ) → GAL I 429 I no.2 and S I 764 I no. 2. The beginning is as Ms. Berlin 2411, but the end differs slightly.
In the margin and on some loose slips ( inserted between folios 19/20 and 23/24 ) are some notes.

[2411] fols. 32r-v: Muhammad al-Qarmashli محمد القرمشلي : Nubdha fi ta'rif awsaf sayf Ali – karramahu Allah wa-harasahu – al-musamma bi-dhi al-faqar نبذة في تعريف أوصاف سيف علي – كرمه الله وحرسه – المسمى بذي الفقار .

On the sword of Ali, called dhu al-faqar ذو الفقار , written by Muhammad al-Qarmashli, the first owner of the Ms. ( → above ) .

[2412] fols. 33r-69r: al-Shaybani الشيباني : Aqida عقيدة ( in 79 verses ) , with commentary by Qadi Ajlun قاضي عجلون : Badi' al-ma'ani fi sharh Aqidat al-Shaybani بديع المعاني في شرح عقيدة الشيباني .

On al-Shaybani ( died 189/805 ) and his Creed ( perhaps attributed to him ) and the still unedited commentary by Qadi Ajlun ( died 876/1472 ) → GAS I 431f. According to the colophon, the commentary was compiled on 21 Rajab 859/7 July 1455. In the margin are some notes. - A second Ms. is text no. [2423].

fols. 69v-70r: → above the description of the Ms.

[2413] fols. 70v-93r: Shams al-Din Abu al-Khayr Muhammad Ibn Muhammad Ibn al-Jazari شمس الدين أبو الخير محمد بن محمد بن الجزري : Dhat al-shifa' fi sirat al-nabi wa-al-khulafa' ذات الشفاء في سيرة النبي والخلفاء .

A poem ( metre: rajaz ) by Shams al-Din Ibn al-Jazari ( died 833/1429 ) on the biography of the prophet Muhammad and the first four caliphs, followed by a survey of the history up to Sultan Beyezid and the conquest of Constantinople. The text was written on request of Sultan Muhammad from Shiraz, 3 days after the battle of Nikopolis and enables us to fix the date of this battle. On the unedited text → GAL II 203 no. 18 and S II 277 no.18.
In the margin and on a loose slip ( inserted between fols. 71 and 72 ) are some notes.

Ms. 147.

74 folios; 13,6×18,4 cm; 15-25 lines; somewhat stiff naskhi, different hands. Single words are written in red ink. The text is collated. Thick, yellowish and in part brownish paper. Original pasteboard binding with leather spine. Covers pasted with marbled paper ( rubbed ) . Owner's remarks by Amin al-Khanji, dated 17 Jumada II 1302/3 April 1885 ( 1r; 62r ) . Copied by Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Ibn Hamid during 20 Rajab 833/14 April 1430 ( 20r ) and by Abu al-Mahamid Abd al-Qadir Ibn Muhammad Ibn Da'ud Ibn Muhammad Ibn Da'ud Ibn Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Ibn al-Dahhan Ibn al-Halabi al-Khawafi on 4 Rajab 873/18 January 1469 ( 27r; 27v ) .

[2414] fols. 1v-20r: Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani ابن حجر العسقلاني : Ma'rifat al-khisal al-mukaffira lil-dhunub al-muqaddama wa-al-mu'akhkhara = Khisal al-mukaffira معرفة الخصال المكفرة للذنوب المقدمة والمؤخرة = خصال المكفرة ( etc. ) .

On Ibn Hajar ( died 852/1449 ) and his still unedited collection of traditions on the personal qualities which are necessary for the remission of past and future sins → GAL II 69 no. 24. Together with each tradition Ibn Hajar mentions the transmitters and their reliability. As the author informs us, he used a collection of traditions written by al-Mundhiri المنذري ( died 656/1258; → GAL I 367 ) . Our text is apparently the oldest copy, two years older than Ms. Berlin 1394.

[2415] fols. 21v-27v: Zayn al-Din Abu al-Fadl Abd al-Rahim Ibn al-Husayn ( Ms. + Ibn ) al-Iraqi al-Kurdi al-Shafi'i زين الدين أبو الفضل عبد الرحيم بن الحسين ( المخطوطة : + ابن) العراقي الكردي الشافعي : Takhrij al-ahadith wa-al-athar al-waqi'a fi minhaj al-Baydawi تخريج الأحاديث والآثار الواقعة في منهاج البيضاوي .

On the author, a Hadith-scholar in Cairo ( died 806/1404 ) → GAL II 65f.; S II 77f. - Hajji Khalifa II, col. 1880, l.8 informs us that Zayn al-Din ( Hajji Khalifa wrong: Shams al-Din شمس الدين ) collected the traditions included in Baydawi ( died 685/1286 ) , Minhaj al-wusul ila ilm al-usul منهاج الوصول إلى علم الأصول , an introduction to the principiles of law ( → GAL I 418 no. II ) . However, a copy was unknown till now. Zayn al-Din Abd al-Rahim al-Iraqi زين الدين عبد الرحيم العراقيalso versified and wrote a commentary on the Minhaj ( → GAL S I 742 ) .
On fol. 21 is a remark ( text in part damaged ) with regard to Burhan al-Din Sibt Ibn al-Ajami برهان الدين سبط بن العجمي ( 753-841/1352-1437; → Kahhale I p. 92f. ) , a contemporary of Zayn al-Din al-Iraqi. A later hand informs us that Burhan al-Din Sibt Ibn al-Ajami studied this Takhrij together with Zayn al-Din al-Iraqi. This is repeated on fol. 27v in a later confirming note by a different hand, that of Muhammad Ibn Ibrahim Ibn Muhammad al-Sallafi ‏محمد بن إبراهيم بن محمد السلافي who gives the additional information that the copyist of the Takhrij, al-Dahhan Ibn al-Halabi al-Khawafi الدهان بن الحلبي الخوافي , studied the Takhrij together with Burhan al-Din Sibt Ibn al-Ajami. al-Sallafi gives this date: 19 Dhu al-Hijja 876/28 May 1472.

Beginning ( after the Basmala ) :
‏ اللهم لا سهل إلا ما جعلته سهلا ، الحمد لله كما ينبغي لجلاله وأشهد أن لا إله إلا الله المتوحد بكماله وأشهد أن محمدا عبده ورسوله الذي ختم به ختام إرساله صلى الله عليه ‏وسلم وعلى صحبه وآله ، وبعد : فقد ذكرت في هذه الأوراق الأحاديث التي ضمنها قاضي القضاة ناصر الدين عبد الله بن عمر بن محمد بن علي البيضاوي كتابه المنهاج ذاكرا ‏من خرّجها (كذا) من الأئمة وصحابي كل حديث أو من رواه مرسلا مع التنبيه على صحتها وضعفها على سبيل الاختصار ، وأسأل الله أن ينفع به إنه سميع الدعاء ،

‏ ... وعن علي : لو كان الدين بالرأي لكان أسفل الخف أولى بالمسح من أعلاه ، رواه أبو داود ،

In the margin are some notes, in part attributed to Burhan al-Din ( Sibt Ibn al-Ajami ) .

[2416] fols. 28v-33v: Muhammad Ibn Abd al-Rahman Ibn al-Khidr Ibn Muhammad Ibn al-Imad al-Misri al-Ghazzi Ibn Burayti' al-Misri al-Salihi al-Hanafi, Husam al-Din محمد بن عبد الرحمن بن الخضر بن محمد بن العماد المصري الغزي بن بريطع المصري الصالحي الحنفي ، حسام الدين : Manzumat al-fiqh منظومة الفقه .

On the author ( 811-874/1409-1470 ) and his poem → Kahhale X 139; Zirikli VII 67. Both mention his poem on law, but no manuscript. Our text apparently was copied during the lifetime of the author.

Beginning ( after the Basmala ) :
‏ الحمد لله النعيم حمدا يوافي نعمة الرحيم / والشكر لله على أيد ...‏

كذا الصلاة والسلام كلا على النبي المصطفى الذي سما ، تمت ، والحمد لله وحده ،‏

The text should not be confused with Ahmad Ibn Imad al-Din al-Aqfahsi Ibn al-Imad أحمد بن عماد الدين الأقفهسي بن العماد , Manzuma fi al-ma'fuwat منظومة في المعفوات on which → GAL II 94 no. 4 and S II 110 no.4 and Ms. Daiber,Catalogue, no. 105.
The following two folios are blank.

[2417] fols. 36v-44v: Izz al-Din Abd al-Salam al-Baghdadi al-Hanafi عز الدين عبد السلام البغدادي الحنفي : Alghaz Ibn al-Ulayyif wa-halluha ألغاز ابن العليف وحلها or Jawab lughz Ibn al-Ulayyif ( or: al-Ulayf )جواب لغز ابن العليف .

During the first days of Dhu al-Qa'da 849/January 1446 Izz al-Din Abd al-Salam was visited in Cairo by Ahmad Ibn Nizam al-Din Bahram al-Makki al-Shafi'i أحمد بن نظام الدين بهرام المكي الشافعي , who asked him to explain the riddles ( alghaz ) of verses on different topics made by the well-known poet Badr al-Din Husayn Ibn Isa Ibn Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Ibn Muslim Ibn Akki Ibn al-Ulayyif ( or: al-Ulayf ) بدر الدين حسين بن عيسى بن محمد بن أحمد بن مسلم بن عكي بن العليف , also called sha'ir al-Batha' شاعر البطحاء .
The full name of the author ( 770-859/1369-1455 ) is Izz al-Din Abd al-Salam Ibn Ahmad Ibn Abd al-Mun'im Ibn Ahmad Ibn Muhammad Ibn Kaddum Ibn Umar Ibn Sa'id al-Husayni al-Qaylawi al-Qahiri al-Hanbali al-Hanafi عز الدين عبد السلام بن أحمد بن عبد المنعم بن أحمد بن محمد بن كدوم بن عمر بن سعيد الحسيني القيلوي القاهري الحنبلي الحنفي ( → Kahhale V 222 ) . He is not mentioned in Brockelmann ( GAL ) , nor can we find our text in any bio-bibliographical source. The poet Ibn al-Ulayyif ( or: Ulayf ) can be found in GAL II 171 no.2; it is still unknown whether our verses are included in the collection of Ibn al-Ulayyif's poems compiled by Muhammad Ibn al-Husayn al-Samarqandi al-Makki al-Madani محمد بن الحسين السمرقندي المكي المدني during 1008/1591 ( → GAL ) . Notweorthy, however, is the fact that, according to Ibn al-Imad ابن العماد , Shadharat IIX 141, 9f. ( taken over by Kahhale I 208 ) Ibn al-Ulaiyif is said to have been born in 851/1447; this cannot be correct, as the author of our text mentions the year 849/1446 and, in addition, refers in the introduction to Shams al-Din Muhammad al-Bisati شمس الدين محمد البساطي , who some time before Izz al-Din already tried to solve the riddles of Ibn al-Ulayyif. As al-Bisati is said to have died in 842/1439 ( → Kahhale VIII 291 ) this must have been shortly before this date of death. The unavoidable conclusion is therefore that the biobibliographical sources have confused the dates of father and son; according to Ibn al-Imad, Shadharat VIII 141, 8, both are called "Ibn al-Ulayyif ( Ulayf ) ". The Ms. is collated; a unique and old copy.

Beginning ( after the Basmala ) :
‏وصلى الله على سيدنا محمد ، أما بعد : فقال الشيخ الإمام العالم العامل ... عز الدين عبد السلام البغدادي ... إنه قد ورد عليّ الشيخ ... شهاب الدين أبو العباس ... ومعه عدة ‏أبيات في مسائل متنوعة بطريق الألغاز ذكر أنها نظم الشيخ ... بدر الدين حسين بن عيسى ... وهذه الأبيات : قال السائل : سل العلماء ما لبلد الحرام وأهل العلم ...‏
...لازالت معاملها سحونة بأولى الألباب والزبد ، انتهى ،

[2418] fols. 45r-61v: Abd al-Karim al-Hafi al-Halabi عبد الكريم الحافي الحلبي : Mawlid al-nabi, mukhammas مولد النبي ، مخمس .

Author and title are mentioned on the cover-page. The author of this poem in praise of the prophet Muhammad ( in the form of a takhmis تخميس ) cannot be identified.

Beginning ( after the Basmala ) :
وإن كنت تطمع من جواد مفضل بسعادة أبدية وتطول ...‏
والسامعين جميعهم فاجعل لهم جنات عدن فهي أحسن منزل ، تم القصيد المبارك ، الحمد لله وحده وصلى الله على سيدنا محمد وآله وصحبه وسلم ،

[2419] fols. 62v-73r: Jalal al-Din al-Suyuti جلال الدين السيوطي : Kitab al-Azhar al-mutanathira fi al-akhbar al-mutawatira كتاب الأزهار المتناثرة في الأخبار المتواترة .

A summary of Suyuti, Fawa'id ( Jawahir ) al-mutakathira fi al-akhbar al-mutawatira فوائد ( جواهر ) المتكاثرة في الأخبار المتواترة , a collection of traditions attributed to 10 adherents of the Prophet. The text is divided into chapters on iman إيمان ( 63v ) , tahara طهارة ( 64v ) , hajj حجّ ( 66r ) , adab أدب ( 66r ) , ahkam أحكام ( 69r ) , manaqib مناقب ( 70v ) and hawd حوض ( 72v ) .
On the author ( died 911/1505 ) and the texts → GAL II 148 nos. 57 and 58 and S II 184f. nos. 57 and 58. fols. 73v and 74v are blank.

Ms. 148.

42 folios; 15,8×20 cm; 19-22 lines. Turkish naskhi. Single words are written in red ink. Smooth paper, slightly water-stained. Modern cardboard binding. Copied by Darwish Muhammad Ibn al-Hajj Wali Ibn Abd Allah Ibn Ramadan Ibn Sha'ban al-Qawirani ( sic ) al-Tarsusi al-Hanafi al-Qadiri al-Rifa'i on 1 Sha'ban 1134/17 May 1722 ( 5v ) and at the end of Rabi' I 1134/in the midst of January 1722.

[2420] fols. 1r and 42v: A collection of some legal opinions ( fatawa فتاوى ) , written by a later hand.

[2421] fols. 1v-5v: al-Birgili ( al-Birkawi ) البرگلي (البركوي)‏ : Iqaz al-na'imin إيقاظ النائمين .
→ description of text no. [2398].

[2422] fols. 6r-7v: A fragment of a theological treatise on the attributes of God, followed ( fols. 6v-7v ) by a Turkish commentary ( incomplete at the end ) .

[2423] fols. 8r-42r: Muhammad Ibn Abd Allah Ibn Abd al-Rahman Ibn Muhammad al-Shafi'i Qadi Ajlun محمد بن عبد الله بن عبد الرحمن بن محمد الشافعي قاضي عجلون : Badi' al-ma'ani fi sharh aqa'id al-Shaybani بديع المعاني في شرح عقائد الشيباني .

→ description of text no. [2412]. The commented text is written in red ink.

Ms. 149.

106 folios; 14,4×19,8 cm; ±25 lines; small, carefully written nasta'liq. Single words and sentences are written in red ink. In part brownish paper. Modern cardboard binding. Owners' and readers' remarks with years 1285/1868 ( 1v ) ; 1277/1860-1 ( 21r ) ; 1278/1861-2 ( 20r ) . Copied 1272/1855-6 ( 15v ) ; 1275/1858-9 ( 20v ) ; Ramadan 1277/March 1861 ( 31r ) and Sha'ban 1272/April 1856 ( 35v ) by Husayn Hajatizade ( also mentioned as copyist on fol. 101v ) ; 1268/1851-2 ( 47r ) .

[2424] fols. 1v-2r: Student's notes, in Turkish.

[2425] fols. 2v-9v: Khwaja Ahmad al-Sadiq al-Tashkandi al-Kashani al-Hanafi al-Naqshbandi خواجة أحمد الصادق التاشكندي الكاشاني الحنفي النقشبندي : al-Manhaj al-muwassil ila al-tariq al-abhaj المنهج الموصل إلى الطريق الأبهج .

An introduction to the mystical path ( tariq ) , written by a member of the Naqshbandiya. The author constantly refers to Koran and Hadith and declares in the introduction ( 2v ) that he wrote his treatise in the years 991/1583 and 992/1584. The author cannot be identified.
In the margin are some notes, in part in Turkish.

Beginning ( after the Basmala ) :
‏ الحمد لله الذي خلق لعبادته ومعرفته وخص الإنسان بحبّه والخلق بأخلاقه ... وبعد فيقول راقم هذه الأوراق ... خواجة أحمد الصادق ... كتبت أسطرا تتضمن بعض الفوائد ‏الجميلة ... وسميتها بالمنهج الموصل إلى الطريق الأبهج ... فاعلم أيها الطالب أرشدك الله إلى أشرف المطالب أن الحكمة المقتضية لابداء الثقلين استعمالهما في عبادة الخالق ...‏

‏ ... وهدانا إلى سبيل الرشاد وصلى الله تعالى على سيدنا محمد وآله وصحبه وسلم إلى يوم الثناء ، تمّ ،

[2426] fols. 10r-v: Ibn Arabi ابن عربي : Man arafa nafsahu arafa rabbahu = Risala fi al-ahadiya من عرف نفسه عرف ربه = رسالة في الأحدية .

The text is perhaps not written by Ibn Arabi ابن عربي ( died 638/1240 ) ; → below the description of fols. 12v-15v, which contain a different and longer text with the same title.

‏ قال الشيخ الأكبر في معناه : وقد ظهر سرّ من هذا الحديث ما يجب كشفه ويستحسن وضعه وهو أنه سبحانه وتعالى وضع هذا الروح الحيوانية في هذه الجثة ...‏

[2427] fol. 10v4-13: al-Qashani القاشاني : Tafsir تفسير , a fragment.

On Abd al-Razzaq al-Qashani ( al-Kashani ) ‏ عبد الرزاق القاشاني (الكاشاني)‏ , who died in 730/1330, and on his mystical commentary on the Koran, entitled Ta'wilat al-Qur'an ‏ تأويلات القرآن‏ , → GAL II 204; S II 280. The commentary is wrongly (→ Yahya, Histoire II 483f.) ascribed to Ibn Arabi ‏ ابن عربي‏ (published in two volumes in Beirut 1968: Ibn Arabi, Tafsir al-Qur'an al-karim ‏ تفسير القرآن الكريم‏).
Our fragment decribes the attributes of the soul (nafs نفس ‏); compare the commentary on Sura 12 (ed. Beirut I 588ff.).

[2428] fols. 10v13-11r4: A fragment from a work by Jalal al-Din al-Rumi جلال الدين الرومي , in Persian.
On the Persian mystic Rumi → Rypka 240ff.; A. Schimmel, Mystical Dimensions, index. On fols. 11r4-12r follow different notes, in part in Turkish.

[2429] fols. 12v-15v: Anonymous: Fi bayan ma'na qawl al-nabi salla Allah ta'ala alayhi wa-sallam: "man arafa nafsahu fa-qad arafa rabbahu" في بيان معنى قول النبي صلى الله تعالى عليه وسلم : "من عرف نفسه فقد عرف ربه."‏.

The Ms. does not mention an author; the text is written either by Ibn Arabi ابن عربي ( died 638/1240 ) or by Awhad al-Din Abd Allah Ibn Mas'ud al-Balbani أوحد الدين عبد الله بن مسعود البلباني ( died 686/1287 ) and is also entitled Risala fi al-ahadiyaرسالة في الأحدية ; → Yahya, Histoire I, pp. 145f. no. 13; compare Daiber, Mu'ammar, p. 366 and on the history of the formula Alexander Altmann, The Delphic Maxim in Medieval Islam and Judaism, in: Biblical and Other Studies, ed. by A. Altmann, Cambridge, Mass. 1963, pp. 196-232.
The text on fols. 10r-v with the same title and ascribed to Ibn Arabi is different and much shorter. The mss. listed in Yahya apparently contain the longer text. A comparison of all mss. may shed new light on the still unsolved problems of authorship.

Beginning ( after the Basmala ) :
‏ الحمد لله الذي لم يكن قبل وحدانيته قبل الا والقبل هو ولم يكن بعد فردانيته بعد الا والبعد هو كان ولا بعد معه ولا قبل ولا فوق ... ولهذا قال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم : من ‏عرف نفسه فقد عرف ربه وقال صلى الله عليه وسلم عرفت ربي بربي أشار النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم بذلك أنك ...‏

وفقنا الله لما يجب ويرضى من القول والعقل والعمل والعلم والنور والهدى انه على كل شيء قدير وبالإجابة جدير ، تمت بعونه المعين وبلطفه المستعين وسلام على المرسلين والحمد لله رب العالمين

[2430] fols. 15v-18v: Badr al-Din Sibt al-Maridini بدر الدين سبط المارديني : Kifayat al-qunu' fi amal bi-al-rub' al-maqtu' كفاية القنوع في عمل بالربع المقطوع .

The text is a summary of Izhar al-sirr al-mawdu' fi al-amal bi-al-rub' al-maqtu' إظهار السر الموضوع في العمل بالربع المقطوع.On the author ( died 912/1506 ) and his treatise on the use of the "cut" quadrant → GAL II 168 no. 8 and S II 216 no.8.
In the margin are some notes, in part in Persian.

[2431] fols. 19r-v; 20v: Astronomical tables, containing a list of geographical names with their degrees of latitude and longitude ( 19r ) and calendars including the stars. fol. 20v has a drawing which lists in a circle the months and their stars. In the margin and on fols. 20r and 21r are many notes.

[2432] fols. 21v-31r: Badr al-Din Sibt al-Maridini بدر الدين سبط المارديني : Risala fi al-amal bi-al-rub' al-mujayyab = al-Risala al-Shihabiya al-Fathiya fi al-a'mal al-jaybiya fi rub' al-mujayyab رسالة في العمل بالربع المجيب = الرسالة الشهابية الفتحية في الأعمال الجيبية في ربع المجيب , with commentary ( tawdih توضيح ) by Ahmad Ibn Ahmad Ibn Abd al-Haqq al-Sunbati أحمد بن أحمد بن عبد الحق السنباطي .

On Sibt al-Maridini ( died 912/1506 ) and his treatise on the use of the sinus quadrant, commented by al-Sunbati ( died 995/1587 ) → GAL II 168 no. 7b and S II 216 no. 7b.
Our Ms. inorrectly reads al-Sinati السيناتي instead of al-Sunbati السنباطي . An incorrect reading can also be found in GAL S II 1019 no. 22: "al-Bati الباطي ", among not identifiable authors ! The commented text is written in red ink. Our Ms. contains the complete text ( still unpublished ) , whereas Ms. Berlin 5821 appears to be incomplete at the end ( ends with fol. 30v20 of our text ) .
وقسمنا قامة الشخص على ظله وضربنا الحاصل في ظل السحابة خرج بعدها عن الأرض كالأول ، تمت الرسالة ،

In the margin are a few notes. The commented text ( without commentary ) can also be found on fols. 33v-35v.

[2433] fol. 31v: Grammatical notes, in Persian.

[2434] fols. 32r-v: Some excerpts, in Arabic and Persian, in part on mystical themes.

[2435] fol. 33r: A fragment of a work on the sinus quadrant. In the margin are some notes.

[2436] fols. 33v-35v: Badr al-Din Sibt al-Maridini بدر الدين سبط المارديني : Risala fi al-amal bi-al-rub' al-mujayyab = al-Risala al-Shihabiya al-Fathiya fi al-a'mal al-jaybiya fi rub' al-mujayyab رسالة في العمل بالربع المجيب = الرسالة الشهابية الفتحية في الأعمال الجيبية في ربع المجيب .
→ above fols. 21v-31r. In the margin are many notes.

[2437] fols. 35v-37r: A short astrological fragment on the "happy times" ( al-awqat al-sa'ida الأوقات السعيدة ).

[2438] fols. 37v-42r: Anonymous: Risala fi ilm al-muqantarat رسالة في علم المقنطرات,Turkish translation by Sulayman Murad Ibn Umar Ibn Ahmad Ibn Sa'di al-Kadusi سليمان مراد بن عمر بن أحمد بن سعدي الكدوسي .

The chapters ( in Arabic ) are written in red ink:
1)fi ma'rifat darajat al-shams ‏ في معرفة درجة الشمس (38v).
2)fi ma'rifat nisf al-fadla ‏ في معرفة نصف الفضلة (38v).
3)fi ma'rifat akhdh al-irtifa' fi hadhihi al-alat ‏ في معرفة أخذ الارتفاع في هذه الآلات (39r).
4)fi ma'rifat al-mayl wa-al-ghaya ‏ في معرفة الميل والغاية (39v).
5)fi ma'rifat waqt istikhraj ard al-balad ‏ في معرفة وقت استخراج عرض البلد (40r).
6)fi ma'rifat waqt al-zuhr ‏ في معرفة وقت الظهر (40v).
7)fi ma'rifat asr al-awwal wa-asr al-thani ‏ في معرفة عصر الأول وعصر الثاني (40v).
8)fi ma'rifat dukhul awwal waqt al-maghrib wa-hissatay al-shafaq wa-al-fajr ‏ في معرفة دخول أول وقت المغرب وحصتي الشفق ‏والفجر (40v).
9) fi ma'rifat waqt al-amsak ‏ في معرفة وقت الأمساك (41r).
10) fi ma'rifat salat al-idayn ‏ في معرفة صلاة العيدين(41r).
11) fi ma'rifat al-qibla ‏ في معرفة القبلة ‏(ib.).
12) fi ma'rifat waqt al-dahwa ‏ في معرفة وقت الضحوة‏ (41v).
13)fi ma'rifat sa'at al-zamaniya ‏ في معرفة ساعات الزمانية‏‏ (42r).
‏On al-Kadusi → the following text.

[2439] fols. 42v-47r: Anonymous: Risalat al-Jayb رسالة الجيب , Turkish translation by Sulayman Murad Ibn Umar Ibn Ahmad Ibn Sa'di al-Kadusi سليمان مراد بن عمر بن أحمد بن سعدي الكدوسي.

As in the preceding text the chapters ( in Arabic ) are written in red ink:
1 ) fi ma'rifat darajat al-shams في معرفة درجة الشمس (42v).
2) fi ma'rifat al-jayb min qaws wa-al-qaws min al-jayb ‏ في معرفة الجيب من قوس والقوس من الجيب‏(43r).
3) fi ma'rifat al-mayl ‏ في معرفة الميل‏ (43v).
4) fi ma'rifat ard al-balad wa-ghayat al-irtifa' ‏ في معرفة عرض البلد وغاية الارتفاع‏‏ (43v).
5) fi ma'rifat bu'd al-qutr wa-asl al-mutlaq ‏ في معرفة بعد القطر وأصل المطلق‏ (44r).
6) fi ma'rifat nisf al-fadla wa-nisf al-qaws ‏ في معرفة نصف الفضلة ونصف القوس‏ (44r).
7) fi ma'rifat akhdh al-irtifa' ‏ في معرفة أخذ الارتفاع‏‏ (44r).
8) fi ma'rifat waqt al-zuhr ‏ في معرفة وقت الظهر‏ (45r).
9) fi ma'rifat asr al-awwal wa-asr al-thani ‏ في معرفة عصر الأول وعصر الثاني‏ (45v).
10) fi ma'rifat hissat al-shafaq ‏ في معرفة حصة الشفق‏‏ (46r).
11) fi ma'rifat hissat al-fajr ‏ في معرفة حصة الفجر‏‏ (46r).
12) fi ma'rifat al-amsak ‏ في معرفة الأمساك‏ (46v).
On Kadusi (= Kadusi Sulayman Murad Efendi ‏ كدوسي سليمان مراد أفندي‏) and his Turkish translation of the Risalat al-Jayb → Bursali III, p. 2197 (mentions as date the year 1268/1851-2).
On fols. 47v-48r follow additional remarks supplementing the preceding treatise.

[2440] fols. 48v-56r: Astronomical tables ( in Turkish ) , containing the months and their signs of the zodiac. With additional notes interspersed.
fol. 50r: Muhammad Ibn Muhammad Ibn Abd al-Ghani Ibn Mustafa al-Mar'ashi al-Ayntabi = Muhammad Munib al-Ayntabi محمد بن محمد بن عبد الغني بن مصطفى المرعشي العينتابي = محمد منيب العينتابي ( died 1234/1819; → Kahhale XI 256; XII 54 ) : al-Awqat الأوقات , apparently only the beginning ( 7-8 lines ) . The title is not mentioned in the biobibliographical sources.

[2441] fols. 56v-59r: Astrological fragments and notes, with drawings on fols. 58r and v.

[2442] fols. 59v-67v: Salim al-Wa'iz al-Mawsili al-Hanafi سليم الواعظ الموصلي الحنفي : al-Kawakib al-durriya fi usul al-jafriya الكواكب الدرية في أصول الجفرية .

The author of this treatise on divination from letters apparently wrote in the 12th/18th century; → Ms. Princeton no. 5147 and further mss. mentioned there. Salim al-Wa'iz is mentioned in GAL S II 1042 no.47 among those authors who cannot be identified.
In the text are some tables and in the margin a few notes.
On jafr → T. Fahd, art. Djafr in EI2 and Fahd, Divination, pp. 219ff.

[2443] fols. 68r-74r: A titleless astrological fragment. The beginning is missing. With a drawing ( fol. 70v ) and with tables ( fol. 72r ) . The text begins with a chapter ( fasl فصل ) on ma'rifat siyasat al-mulukمعرفة سياسة الملوك .

[2444] fols. 71r-v is inserted from a different work and contains Nasir al-Din al-Tusi نصير الدين الطوسي : al-Sultaniya fi al-raml السلطانية في الرمل ( the beginning is missing ) . The Persian version can be found on fols. 74r- 82v: Nasir al-Din al-Tusi: al-Sultaniya fi al-raml = ( apparently ) al-Wafi fi ilm al-ramlالوافي في علم الرمل , in Persian.
The title of this treatise on geomancy ( raml; → Fahd, Divination, pp. 147ff. ) cannot be found in the text; however, compare fol. 74r22f. with the beginning in Ms. Princeton 5141 and München 880. The text seems to be identical with Tusi, Risala al-Wafi fi ilm al-raml رسالة الوافي في علم الرمل , of which more mss. are listed in GAL I 512 no. VIII and S I 933 no. VIII.
A short description of Tusi's book on geomancy ( according to the Ms. in Munich ) can be found in Strothmann pp. 66f.

[2445] fols. 83r-84r: Some explanations and notes concerning astrology, in Turkish.

[2446] fols. 84r-90r: Abu Abd Allah Zanati Maghribi أبو عبد الله زناتي مغربي : Fi bayan shara'it al-raml في بيان شرائط الرمل .

On geomancy, in Turkish. Abu Abd Allah al-Zanati أبو عبد الله الزناتي ( lived before A.D. 1230, apparently belonged to the North African Berber tribe of Zanata زناتة ) is mentioned as authority in two Arabic mss. on raml رمل ( mss. Berlin 4201 and 4202 ) ; our text is perhaps a fragment from a Turkish translation of Zanati, Hulul al-ashkal = Kitab al-Fasl fi usul al-raml حلول الأشكال = كتاب الفصل في أصول الرمل ( mentioned with some mss. in Fahd, Divination, pp. 201f.; on prints → Savage-Smith p. 3, n. 8 ) or of Zanati, al-Aqwal al-mardiya fi al-ahkam al-ramliyaالأقوال المرضية في الأحكام الرملية ( mentioned by Savage-Smith ) .
In the margin are some notes. On fol. 90v follows a note on Ali علي , in Turkish.

[2447] fols. 91r-v: Ahmad Zarruq al-Burnusi al-Fasi أحمد زروق البرنسي الفاسي : Ta'sis al-qawa'id wa-al-usul wa-tahsil al-fawa'id li-dhawi al-usul تأسيس القواعد والأصول وتحصيل الفوائد لذوي الأصول , a fragment, in Turkish.

On the author ( died 899/1493 ) and the Arabic original of this treatise on mysticism → GALII 253 no. 3 ( Tamhid/Ta'sis aqa'id al-tasawwuf wa-usulihi تمهيد / تأسيس عقائد التصوف وأصوله ) and Kahhale I 155 ( Ta'sis al-qawa'id wa-al-usul wa-tahsil al-fawa'id li-dhawi al-wusul fi al-tasawwuf تأسيس القواعد والأصول وتحصيل الفوائد لذوي الوصول في التصوف).

[2448] fols. 91v-92r: Adud al-Din al-Iji عضد الدين الإيجي : al-Risala al-wad'iya الرسالة الوضعية .

On the author ( died 756/1355 ) and his semantic treatise → GAL II 208 no. III; S II 288 no. III; on a Ms. with commentary → Daiber, Catalogue, no. 1, fols. 91v-132v.

[2449]fols. 92v and 93r contain some notes and excerpts, in Turkish.

[2450] fols. 93v-101v: Abu al-Qasim Ibn Abi Bakr al-Laythi al-Samarqandi أبو القاسم بن أبي بكر الليثي السمرقندي : Fara'id al-fawa'id ( awa'id ) li-tahqiq ma'ani al-isti'ara فرائد الفوائد ( عوائد ) لتحقيق معاني الاستعارة =al-Risala al-Samarqandiya الرسالة السمرقندية or Risalat al-isti'ara al-Samarqandiya رسالة الاستعارة السمرقندية , with commentary ( sharh شرح ) and with glosses ( taqrir تقرير ) which in part are in Turkish.

On al-Samarqandi ( wrote in the 9th/15th century ) , his treatise on the metaphor and the numerous comments → GAL II 194 no. I and S II 259 no. I. Our Ms. has the title Taqrir al-isti'ara تقرير الاستعارة ; however, it mentions no author. fol. 93v3f. is a quotation from the beginning of the Risala al-Samarqandiya.
In the margin are some notes. On fol. 101v follows a short excerpt from a work by Ayn al-qudat Hamadani عين القضاة همداني ( died 525/1131; → GAL S I 674f. ) , in Turkish.

[2451] fols. 102r-104r: Notes and excerpts ( in part in Turkish ) from different works on astrology and divination, including one table and three circles.

[2452] fols. 104v-106v: Ahmad Ibn Taj al-Din أحمد بن تاج الدين : Risala ( fi al-jafr ) رسالة ( في الجفر).

The author of this treatise on divination from letters refers to a question which he was asked during 1073/1662-63 ( 105r3-6 ) ; therefore we can conclude that the end of the 11th/17th century was the lifetime of the author. He is perhaps identical with Ahmad Ibn Ibrahim أحمد بن إبراهيم , who died ca. 1100/1689 ( → Kahhale I 179 ) . On fols. 106r and v are two tables.