Ms. 100.

15 folios; 11×16 cm; 15 lines; small naskhi. Smooth paper, damp-stained ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (with some loss of text on fols. 9-12). According to fol. 15v copied ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (harrarahu حرره ) by Ahmad Ibn Abi Bakr. Hand of the (late ?) 12th/18th century.

[2190] fols. 1v-15v: Ali Ibn Sulayman al-Mansuri علي بن سليمان المنصوري : Risala fi kayfiyat al-nutq bi-al-dadd. رسالة في كيفية النطق بالضاد.

A treatise on the correct pronunciation and use of the letter Dad.
Author (died 1134/1722; → Kahhale VII 104) and title are not mentioned in the Ms. The identification is proposed by Naphtali Kinberg (Tel Aviv University) in a letter, dated 18 April 1994. He refers to a second Ms. in the Gazi Husrev Library (now destroyed by the Serbs), Sarajevo (former Yugoslavia): s. K. Dobrača, Katalog arapskih, turskih i perzijskih rukopisa. Gazi Husrev-Begovabiblioteka u Sarajevu. Sarajevo 1963, I 98-101, Ms. no. 2626/8 = fols. 74-82. Both mss. have the same hamdala حمدلة and refer to Ali Ibn Ghanim al-Maqdisi al-Hanafi علي بن غانم المقدسي الحنفي (died 1004/1595; → GAL II 312; S II 429), Bughyat al-murtad li-tashih al-dad بغية المرتاد لتصحيح الضاد (fols. 1v). Our author has a very bad opinion of this treatise and even doubts its ascription to Ali Ibn Ghanim al-Maqdisi; he says that he came to know the work by al-Maqdisi, since he already had finished his introduction (muqaddima مقدمة ). Our author mentions Abu Hayyan ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎(al-Gharnati) أبو حيان(الغرناطي) , Sibawaih سيبويه , Ibn Jinni ابن جني and others. Moreover, he criticizes al-Mar'ashi المرعشي (= Muhammad Ibn Abi Bakr al-Mar'ashi Sachaqlizadeh محمد بن أبي بكر المرعشي ساچقلي زاده , died 1150/1737; → Kahhale XII 14) and quotes from Mar'ashi's Risala fi kayfiyat ada' al-dadd al-mu'jama رسالة في كيفية أداء الضاد المعجمة (= Sarajevo no. 2626/3) and a treatise on tajwid تجويد , called Juhd al-muqill جهد المقل (on both see Ghanim Quduri al-Hamd غانم قدوري الحمد , al-Dirasat al-sawtiya ind ulama' l-tajwid الدراسات الصوتية عند علماء التجويد , Baghdad 1986).
Our Ms. is different from al-Mansuri's Radd al-ilhad fi al-nutq bi-al-dadd رد الإلحاد في النطق بالضاد(= Sarajevo 2626/10).

Beginning (after the Basmala):
الحمد لله وصلى الله على نبيه ومصطفاه وآله وصحبه ومن والاه ، أما بعد فإني لمل أكملت هذه المقدمة وأقمت الحجة على تواتر الضاد الصحيحة المعجمة...
فكل خير في اتباع من سلف وكل شر في ابتداع من خلف وأفضل الصلاة والتسليم على النبي الرءوف الرحيم وآله وصحبه ومتبع هداهم وتابع لمن تبع ، حرره الفقير أحمد بن أبو بكر غفر الله له ولوالديه ومشائخه والمسلمين والحمد لله رب العالمين ،

Other lexicographical works: → text nos. [2317], [2346] and [2462].

Ms. 101.

8 folios; 16,9×22,7 cm; 21 lines; nasta'liq; single words are written in red ink. Pasteboard binding, covers pasted with marbled paper ( slightly rubbed ) , with additional modern cardboard binding. Owner's stamp by Muhammad Salih ( fol. 8r ) = Muhammad Salih al-Mahasini, the copyist of the text. Owner's name on fol. 1r: Ibrahim al-Ya'qubi. Hand of the 12-13th/18-19th century.

[2191] fols. 1v-8r: Ahmad Ibn Abbad Ibn Shu'ayb al-Qina'i أحمد بن عباد بن شعيب القنائي : al-Kafi fi ilmay al-arud wa-al-qawafi الكافي في علمي العروض والقوافي .
On the author ( died 858/1454 ) and this text → GAL II 27 and S II 22. As it is evident from numerous commentaries and editions in the 19th century it was a much used textbook on prosody. The author is not mentioned in our Ms.; compare, however, mss. Berlin 7131 and Princeton no. 3846.

Rhetoric: metaphor.

Ms. 102.

48 folios; 16,4×21,6 cm; 19 lines; small naskhi. Single sentences and words are overlined in red or black ink. Somewhat brownish paper, slightly water-stained. Pasteboard binding, slightly damaged. Copied 1184/1770-71 by Salih Ibn Ali ( fols. 14v and 48r ) . After some notes on the inside of the front-cover and on fols. 1r the first text begins:

[2192] fols. 1v-14v: Abu al-Qasim Ibn Abi Bakr al-Laythi al-Samarqandi أبو القاسم بن أبي بكر الليثي السمرقندي : Fara'id al-fawa'id ( awa'id ) li-tahqiq ma'ani al-isti'ara فرائد الفوائد ( العوائد ) لتحقيق معاني الاستعارة , with commentary ( Sharh al-isti'arat al-Samarqandiya شرح الاستعارات السمرقندية) by Isam al-Din Ibrahim Ibn Muhammad Ibn Arabshah al-Isfara'iniعصام الدين إبراهيم بن محمد بن عرب شاه الإسفرائني.

On al-Samarqandi ( wrote ca. 888/1483 ) and his treatise on metaphors ( isti'ara; → S.A. Bonebakker, art. Isti'ara in EI2 IV ) which are based on the principle of comparison → GAL II 194 I and S II 259 I. The commentary by Isam al-Din ( died 944/1536 ) is only available in two old editions of the 19th century ( → GAL ) . In the margin are a few notes. The commented text is overlined in red or black ink. On fols. 15r and 15v above some notes on metaphor are added by a later hand. A second Ms. is text no. [2467].

[2193] fols. 15v-48r: Molla Hasan Ibn Muhammad al-Zibari al-Kurdi ملا حسن بن محمد الزيباري الكردي : Hawashin ala al-sharh al-mansub ila al-Mawla Isam al-Din Ibn Ibrahim Ibn Muhammad ala Risalat al-Isti'arat li-Mawlana Abi al-Qasim al-Laythi al-Samarqandi حواش على الشرح المنسوب إلى المولى عصام الدين بن إبراهيم بن محمد على رسالة الاستعارات لمولانا أبي القاسم الليثي السمرقندي .
Glosses to the preceding text, written by al-Zibari al-Kurdi ca. 1040/1630; →Ms. Berlin 7304.
On further mss. and an old edition ( Istanbul 1276/1859-60 ) → GAL II 194 no. I 1c and S II 259 I 1c. In the margin are some notes. The commented text is overlined in red or black ink.

[2194] fol. 48v: Risalat Ta'rifat al-ulum رسالة تعريفات العلوم , a fragment ( beginning ) on the preconditions of knowledge. The text is not identical with Risala fi ta'rif al-ulum رسالة في تعريف العلوم by al-Khatib al-Irbili الخطيب الإربيلي ( written 737/1337 ) of which in GAL S II 218 one Ms. ( Bologna 459/2 ) is mentioned.

Beginning ( after the Basmala ) :
الحمد لله الذي جعل مبادئ العلوم وسيلة إلى مقاصدها والصلوة على محمد الذي أرشدنا بمقدمات إلى مطالبنا لا بدّ لكلّ طالب أن يعلم...

Other mss. on rhetoric: → text nos.
[2308], [2449] and [2467].


Ms. 103.

198 folios; 12,3×20,7 cm; 11 lines; carefully written, small naskhi, tending to nasta'liq. Single sentences are written in red ink, in single cases ( fols. 91r ff. ) also in gold or blue ink. Smooth paper, in a few cases slightly water-stained and spotted. Single folios are brownish, blue or red. Folios 31v and 60v have vignettes with the colours gold, blue, green and red. Text and notes on fols. 31v-32v, 60v-61v, 104r-v and 120v are within a gold frame. Original leather binding, slightly damaged. Covers and flap with centre-medallions; the covers have two additional small ornaments above and below the medallions. Owners' stamps on fol. 2r mentioning Khalil Ibn Mahmud al-Marzifuni and Abd Allah Ibn Umar Efendi as owners; the name of a third owner is illegible. Copied by Husayn Ibn Mustafa in the middle of Jumada I 1118/end of August 1710.

[2195] fols. 2v-30r: Ka'b Ibn Zuhayr كعب بن زهير : Banat Su'ad بانت سعاد = Qasidat al-Burda قصيدة البردة , with commentary by Husayn Ibn Mustafa حسين بن مصطفى ( autograph ) .

On the poet Ka'b Ibn Zuhayr ( 1st/7th century ) and the commentaries on his Qasida in praise of the prophet Muhammad → GAS II 229ff. Our commentary, an autograph, was written during 1118/1710. The author is perhaps identical with Husayn Ibn Mustafa Ibn Husayn Shakir al-Rumi al-Hanafi حسين بن مصطفى بن حسين شاكر الرومي الحنفي , a judge of Aleppo, who is mentioned by Isma'il Pasha al-Baghdadi إسماعيل باشا البغدادي , Hadiya هدية , col. 325 ( = Kahhale IV 62 ) as an author of poems and who died in 1156/1743. Our commentary must be added to the list in GAS II 232f.

Beginning ( after the Basmala ) :
الحمد لله ربّ العالمين على السراء والضراء والشكر له على الشدّة...
The commentary on verse 1 of Banat Su'ad begins:
يقال بأن بينا وبينونة من باب ضرب إذا فارق واصله...
...ليس لهم تأخر عن حياض الموت إذا تأخر غيرهم عنها ، تمت القصيدة بعون الله وحسن توفيقه على يد العبد الضعيف... ،

[2196] fols. 31v-196v: Ibn al-Farid ابن الفارض : al-Ta'iya al-kubra التائية الكبرى , with commentary by Da'ud Ibn Mahmud Ibn Muhammad al-Rumi al-Qaysari داوود بن محمود بن محمد الرومي القيصري .

On the Sufi poet Ibn al-Fafid ( died 632/1235 in Cairo ) and his al-Ta'iya al-kubra ( all 761 verses end with the letter "ti" ) and on the still unedited commentary by al-Qaysari ( died 751/1350 ) → GAL I 262 no. 1d and S I 464 no. 1e ( sic ) . In the margin are a few notes; some are taken from Sharh Lama'at ‏شرح لمعات and from Qashani ( Kashani ) ‏ القاشاني (الكاشاني) ‏ .
After the Muqaddima ‏ مقدمة ( fols. 31v-59v ) and after one blank page ( 60r ) begins the commentary on fol. 60v which has a vignette. A survey of the sections can be found in Ahlwardt's description of Ms. Berlin 7729.

Ms. 104.

136 folios; 20×15 cm; 19 lines; naskhi. Single words are written in red or black ink or overlined in red or written in large letters. The paper is heavily water-stained; the first folio is damaged. Modern cardboard binding. According to the colophons on fols. 36v, 75v and 136v, it was copied 1006/1597 by Abu al-Khayr Ibn al-Madid al-Shafi'i.

[2197] fols. 1v-24v: al-Busiri al-Sanhaji البوصيري الصنهاجي : al-Kawakib al-durriya fi madh khayr al-bariya الكواكب الدرية في مدح خير البرية = Qasidat al-burda قصيدة البردة , with commentary by Muhammad Ibn Ahmad al-Mahalli Jalal al-Din محمد بن أحمد المحلي جلال الدين , called al-Anwar al-mudi'a fi madh khayr al-bariya الأنوار المضيئة في مدح خير البرة .

A poem in praise of Muhammad by al-Busiri ( died 694/1294 ) , with commentary by al-Mahalli ( GAL II 114; S II 140 ) .
On further mss. of this still unpublished commentary → GAL I 265 no. 14 and S I 468 no.12. Beginning and end can be found in the description of Ms. Berlin 7790.

[2198] fols. 25r-44v: Ka'b Ibn Zuhayr كعب بن زهير : Banat Su'ad بانت سعاد , with commentary by Abd Allah Ibn Yusuf Ibn Hisham al-Ansari عبد الله بن يوسف بن هشام الأنصاري , epitome by Abd al-Aziz Ibn Muhammad Ibn Khalil عبد العزيز بن محمد بن خليل .
On the Banat Su'ad ( 1st/7th century ) , a poem in praise of the prophet Muhammad, the commentary by Ibn Hisham al-Ansari ( died 761/1360 ) and its epitome by Abd al-Aziz Ibn Muhammad Ibn Khalil → GAS II 231 no. 11 ( mentions two mss. of the epitome ) . According to the colophon on fol. 44v, the commentary in its abridged form was finished on 8 Dhu al-Qa'da 1004/4 July 1596.

[2199] fol. 45r, 1-19: Abu Hamid al-Ghazzali أبو حامد الغزالي: [al-Qasida] al-munfarija ‏ [القصيدة] المنفرجة .
The beginning of the text ( still unedited ) is identical with Ms. Berlin 7637/4b and differs from the text ascribed to al-Tawzari ‏ التوزري ( → below ). Its authenticity and identity with other texts bearing the same title ( → GAL I 268 no.2; S I 756 no. 70 ) is not yet clear; on more details →

Ms. 105, fols. 2-197r.

[2200] fol. 45r, 20-28 is an excerpt from al-Buni البوني ; fol. 45v is blank; fol. 46r contains a short note on love and fol. 46v a short prayer; the circle on fol. 46v cannot be identified.

[2201] fol. 47r, 9-19: Zayn al-Din al-Iraqi al-Kurdi زين الدين العراقي الكردي : Istihbab al-wudu' استحباب الوضوء .

On the author ( died 806/1404 ) and his still unpublished short poem ( 11 verses; metre: tawil ) on ritual ablution before prayer → GAL II 66 no. 13 ( mentions one Ms. ) . The title is not mentioned; compare Ms. Gotha 1077 ( 10 verses ) . The poem is followed by a short note by "Shaykh Badran شيخ بدران " ( fol. 47r, 20-23 ) .

[2202] fols. 47v-75v: al-Tawzari التوزري : al-Qasida al-munfarija القصيدة المنفرجة = al-Faraj ba'd al-shidda الفرج بعد الشدة , with commentary by Abu Yahya Zakariya' al-Ansari أبو يحيى زكرياء الأنصاري , called al-Adwa' al-bahija fi ibraz daqa'iq al-Munfarija الأضواء البهجة في إبراز دقائق المنفرجة . On al-Tawzari ( died 505/1113 or later ) , his Qasida ( which sometimes is ascribed to al-Ghazzali الغزالي ( compare also the text fol. 45r, 1-19 which is different and the references given above ) and on the commentary ( still unedited ) by Abu Yahya Zakariya' al-Ansari ( died 926/1520 ) → GAL I 269 2b and S I 474 no. 1b. Beginning and end can be found in the description of Ms. Berlin 7638. In the margin are some glosses.

[2203] fols. 76r-100v: al-Tawzari التوزري : al-Qasida al-munfarija القصيدة المنفرجة , with comentary ( sharh شرح ) by Ali Ibn Yusuf al-Bosrawiعلي بن يوسف البصروي .
On the still unpublished commentary ( 4 mss. ) → GAL I 269 no. 2d and S I 474 no. 1d ( "al-Busiri البوصري " instead of al-Bosrawi البصروي is wrong ) ; on al-Tawzari → the preceding text.

[2204] fols. 101r-136v: al-Busiri البوصيري : Qasidat al-Burda قصيدة البردة , with commentary by Zakariya' Ibn Muhammad al-Ansari زكرياء بن محمد الأنصاري ( died 926/1520 ) , called al-Zubad ( GAL: al-Zubda ) al-ra'iqa fi sharh al-Burda al-fa'iqa الزبد الرائقة في شرح البردة الفائقة .
On al-Busiri → above fols. 1-24r. Two more mss. of the still unpublished commentary are mentioned in GAL I 265 no. 18 and S I 468 no. 16.

Ms. 105.

200 folios; 11×16 cm; 14 lines; naskhi. Single words and sentences are written in red ink or overlined in red. Thick, sometimes yellowish paper, in a few cases slightly water-stained. Pasteboard covers with leather frame and spine. Binding repaired. Copied from the author's exemplar by al-Hajj Hasan Ibn Ali Ibn Bara'i al-Tibani al-Khalwati in the middle of Ramadan 1164/7 August 1751 ( fols. 197r ) .

[2205] fols. 2v-197r: al-Ghazzali الغزالي : al-Qasida al-munfarija القصيدة المنفرجة , with commentary by Ahmad Ibn Yasin أحمد بن يسين , called al-Badr al-mutalali bi-sharh Munfarijat al-Imam al-Ghazzali البدر المتلالي بشرح منفرجات الإمام الغزالي . The authorship of the commented religious poem is doubtful ( → also Ms. 104, fol. 45r, 1-19 ) . It starts ( as Ms. Berlin 7637, no. 4 ) : الشدّة أودت بالمهج يا ربّ فعجل بالفرج

Brockelmann GAL S I 756 no. 70 mentions some mss. but no commentary. The poem should not be confused with another qasida with the same title and sometimes ascribed to Ghazzali; compare Bouyges, Essai, pp. 134f. no. 218 and ( on the differing qasida ) p. 148 no. 255. The author of the commentary, Ahmad Ibn Yasin ( =Yasin ) ‏ أحمد بن يسين (= ياسين)‏ cannot be identified. According to the colophon he wrote his extensive commentary during Rajab 1149/November 1736.
Beginning of the commentary ( after the Basmala ) :
‏ الحمد لله الذي يذكره تفرج الكروب والشدائد وبالالتجاء إليه تزول المحن والمكايد ...وبعد فيقول الملتجئ إلى مولاه القوي المتين المدعو بأحمد ابن يسين: هذه لفاظ شريفة رقمتها ومعان لطيفة وضعتها على منفرجة حجة الإسلام الغزالي ... ،
The commented text and the commentary begins on fol. 4r.
End ( fol. 196v ):
...ونسألك ونتوسل إليك بهمّ أن تكمل لنا ولإخواننا لمسلمين ذلك بمنّك وفضلك العظيم ... ان الحمد لله ربّ العالمين ،

Other poetic works: → text nos. [2087] ( fol.9v ) , [2301], [2324], [2350], [2388], [2416], [2418], [2457] and the sections on fiqh, theology and arithmetic.


Ms. 106.

99 folios; 12,5×20 cm; 17 lines; nasta'liq. Single words are written in red ink. Paper slightly water-stained and spotted. Leather covers and flap have a centre-ornament filled with flowers; a similar ornament can be found in Weisweiler, plate 39, illustration no. 62. The inside of the covers is pasted with marbled paper ( in part repaired ) . Binding repaired. Owner's remark on fol. 98v: Nur Allah Ibn Mustafa. fol. 99r mentions as copyist of an excerpt from Ghazzali's Ihya' ulum al-din "Uskudari Shaykh Mahmud Efendi". Copied 1012/1603-1604.

[2206] Besides some notes and excerpts, mainly from tradition literature ( fols. 2r-v and 99r-v ) the Ms. contains the following text:

[2207] fols. 3v-98v: Abu Hafs Umar Ibn Abi al-Hasan ( Brockelmann: Husayn ) al-Nisaburi al-Samarqandi أبو حفص عمر بن أبي الحسن النيسابوري السمرقندي : Rawnaq al-majalis رونق المجالس . A collection of moral tales ( hikayat حكايات ) on the Prophet and his contemporaries, on Sufis and saints, originally written in Persian and translated into Arabic by Isa Ibn Abi Sa'id Ibn al-Amin al-Nisaburiعيسى بن أبي سعيد بن الأمين النيسابوري .
On the contents → Ahlwardt's description of Ms. Berlin no. 8855. As the Berlin manuscript was copied in approximately 900/1494, Brockelmann ( GAL S II 285 no. 4b ) assumed the 9th/15th century as lifetime of the author. Isma'il Pasha al-Baghdadi إسماعيل باشا البغدادي , Hadiya هدية , col. 793 mentions the year 840/1436-37 ( taken over by Zirikli VII 282 ) . Other mss. on narratives: → text nos. [2071], [2240], [2284], [2290], [2341], [2390] and [2411].

Proverbs, gnomological sayings.

→ text nos. [2294], [2393] and [2396].


→ text nos. [2417] and [2458].


→ text no. [2286].


→ text no. [2303].


Ms. 107.

6 folios; 15,2×20,6 cm; 22 lines; regular naskhi. Slightly water-stained paper with watermark ( star with half-moon on fols. 1 and crown on fol. 6 ) . According to an additional note by a different hand on fol. 5v, the Ms. was copied ( kutiba ) during Jumada II 1093/June 1682.

[2208] fols. 1r-5v: Anonymous: Kitab Fada'il al-quds al-sharif كتاب فضائل القدس الشريف .

The text begins without Basmala:
‏ قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم : لا تشدّ الرجال إلا إلى ثلثة مساجد : مسجد الحرام ومسجد الرسول والمسجد الأقصى ، صدق رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم أي لا تشدّ ... ‏،
‏ ... الذين أنعمت عليهم غير المغضوب عليهم ولا الضالين آمين ، يا آله العالمين ويا خير الناصرين برحمتك يا أرحم الراحمين ، تمّ ،

The text often refers to traditions about the Prophet and his ashab أصحاب and tabi'un تابعون , but does not quote any sources which could offer a terminus post quem. The text seems to be collated ( one correcting addition of a homoioteleuton is in the margin of fol. 4v ) . Our Ms. is one of the few texts on fada'il al-quds, on the excellences of Jerusalem. Other examples are Abu Bakr al-Wasiti أبو بكر الواسطي ( 5th/11th century ) , Fada'il al-bayt al-Maqdis فضائل البيت المقدس ( ed. Ishaq Hasun إسحق حسون , Jerusalem 1979 ) and Ibn al-Jawzi ابن الجوزي ( died 597/1201 ) , Fada'il al-quds فضائل القدس ( ed. Jibra'il Sulayman Jubur جبرائيل سليمان جبور , Beirut 1979 ) . Other examples are mss. Berlin 6098-6104. On the origin and development of the fada'il-literature → R. Sellheim, art. Fadila فضيلة in EI2 II ( 1965 ) and Ernst August Gruber, Verdienst und Rang. Die Fada'il فضائل als literarisches und gesellschaftliches Problem im Islam ( Freiburg/Br. 1975 = Islamkundliche Untersuchungen 35 ) , esp. pp. 68ff.

Biography, history.

Ms. 108.

86 folios; 15×23,2 cm; 15 lines; somewhat stiff naskhi. Single words and chapter-headings are written in red ink. Brownish paper, sometimes repaired. Owners' remarks, sometimes in Turkish, on the inside of the covers and on fols. 1r-2r and 85v-86v; fol.86r mentions the year 1203/1788-9. Original red leatherbinding ( flexible covers ) , made from one piece; slightly damaged.Copied during Dhu al-Hijja 1083/March-April 1673.

[2209] fols. 2v-85r: Abu Isa Muhammad Ibn Isa Ibn Sawra al-Tirmidhi أبو عيسى محمد بن عيسى بن سورة الترمذي : Kitab al-Shama'il كتاب الشمائل .
On the author ( died 279/892 ) and this well-known book on the qualities of the prophet Muhammad which is based on numerous traditions → GAS I 156 and Andrae pp.199ff. The book was often commented ( → GAS I 156-159 ) ; the notes and glosses in the margin of our Ms. may in part be derived from these commentaries.

Ms. 109.

90 folios; 14×19,7 cm; 17 lines; Turkish naskhi. The chapter-headings are written in red ink; single words are overlined in red. fols. 89f. are written by a different hand. Smooth, in part slightly brownish and water-stained paper. Original pasteboard binding, covers with centre-ornament ( scarcely visible ) and pasted with black cloth; spine repaired. According to the colophon, copied on 28 Rajab 1099/29 May 1688 and collated with another copy on 10 Rabi' I 1200/10 January 1786.

[2210] fols. 1r-90v: Aziz Mahmud al-Uskudari Huda'i عزيز محمود الأسكداري هدائي : Khulasat al-akhbar fi ahwal al-nabi al-mukhtar خلاصة الأخبار في أحوال النبي المختار .

On the author ( died 1038/1628 ) and this biography of the prophet Muhammad → GAL II 445 and S II 661 ( 6 mss. ) . The biography is strongly influenced by the legendary picture of the prophet as developed in Islamic mysticism since Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani عبد القادر الجيلاني ( died 561/1166 ) and Ibn Arabi ابن العربي ( died 638/1240 ) . An analysis of the still unedited text may add to our knowledge of the prophet as an ideal figure; → Andrae pp. 164ff.
The text consists of numerous chapters ( bab باب ) and sections ( faslفصل ) and begins with the middle of section one = Ms. Leiden Or. 2638 ( CCA 1093 ) , fols. 3r, 13.
[Bab 1] al-fasl al-thani: Fi al-ard wa-al-jibal wa-al-bihar wa-ma tahtaha الفصل الثاني : في الأرض والجبال والبحار وما تحتها ( fols. 1v-2v ).
3. Fi al-samawat wa-al-shams wa-al-qamar wa-al-janna wa-al-nar في السموات والشمس والقمر والجنة والنار ( 2v-4v ).
4. Fi al-mala'ika في الملائكة ( 4v-7v ).
Bab 2: Fi khalq Adam wa-Hawa alayhima al-salam في خلق آدم وحواء عليهما السلام ( 7v-14r ).
Fasl fi kayd al-shaytan li-Adam alayhi al-salam فصل في كيد الشيطان لآدم عليه السلام ( 14r-15r ).
Fasl fi al-tawba wa-al-istighfar فصل في التوبة والاستغفار ( 15r-22r ) .
Bab 3: Fi nash'at al-nabi ( s-m ) wa-wiladatihi wa-sa'ir ahwalihi ‏ في نشأة النبي (ص- م) وولادته وسائر أحواله‏ (22r-30r).
Fasl fi mi'rajihi (s-m) ‏ فصل في معراجه (ص- م)‏ (30r-34v).
Fasl fi al-hijra ‏ فصل في الهجرة‏ (34v-37v).
Fasl fi al-ghazawat wa-tahwil al-qibla ‏ فصل في الغزوات وتحويل القبلة (37v-54v).
Fasl fi khalqihi wa-khulqihi ‏ فصل في خلقه وخلقه (54v-67r).
Fasl fi al-salat ‏ فصل في الصلاة‏ (76r-75r).
Bab [4] fi al-tasbih wa-al-dhikr wa-al-du'a' wa-al-tawhid في التسبيح والذكر والدعاء والتوحيد (75r-90v).

‏ .. وكن على سير الصالحين الكاملين وأعبد ربك حتى يأتيك اليقين ، تمت الرسالة الشريفة المسماة بخلاصة الأخبار لقطب العارفين وسلطان الموحدين محمود أفندي قدس سرّه ‏العزيز ،