Ms. 10.

261 folios; 16,3×21,1 cm; ±23 lines; naskhi; single words are written in red ink. Thick, slightly yellowish paper. The first folios are slightly waterstained. Original leather binding, slightly damaged and spotted; covers and flap with frame and centre-ornament. According to a note on fol. 1r, the Ms. was collated during 1224/1809 by Muhammad Ibn al-Hajj Umar in the village Kafarsusiya (near Damascus; → Ya'qut, Mu'jam al-buldan, ed. F. Wüstenfeld IV, Leipzig 1869, p.288). Hand of the 12th/18th century.

[2022] fols. 1v-261v: Abu Ishaq Ibrahim Ibn Mar'i Ibn Atiya al-Shabrakhiti al-Maliki أبو إسحق إبراهيم بن مرعي بن عطية الشبرخيتي المالكي : Kitab al-Futuhat al-wahbiya bi-sharh al-Arba'in al-Nawawiya كتاب الفتوحات الوهبية بشرح الأربعين النووية .

The author (died 1106/1697) is given as having the name Burhan al-Din Ibrahim Ibn Mar'i al-Shabrakhiti al-Maliki برهان الدين إبراهيم بن مرعي الشبرخيتي المالكيin GAL II 318 and S II 438. The titles al-Futuhat al-wahbiya الفتوحات الوهبية and Sharh al-Arba'in al-Nawawiya شرح الأربعين النووية are erroneously mentioned in GAL as separate books. Both refer to the same book, as can be seen from our Ms. The still unpublished text is a very extensive commentary on the Kitab al-Arba'in hadithan كتاب الأربعين حديثا , a collection of 40 or 41 traditions made by al-Nawawi النووي (died 676/1277); → GAL I 396 no. IX 16 and S I 683 no.16. - Nawawi's own commentary on his collection of traditions has now been published, together with the Arba'in hadithan, and translated into French by Louis Pouzet, Une herménutique de la tradition islamique. Le commentaire des Arba'in al-Nawawiya de Muhyi al-Din Yahya al-Nawawi (m. 676/1277), Beyrouth 1982.

Other mss. on Hadith: → text nos. [2045], [2078], [2096], [2102], [2206], [2321], [2389](fol.265r), [2393], [2402], [2414], [2415], [2419], [2453] and [2456].

Fiqh: usul أصول

Ms. 11.

16 folios; 15,5×23 cm; naskhi; single sentences are written in red ink. Yellowish paper. Cardboard covers. Copied by Ibn Murur Qasim on 3 Dhu al-Qa'da 1298/27 September 1881.

[2023] fols. 1v-16v: Abu al-Ma'ali Abd al-Malik Ibn Abd Allah al-Juwayni Imam al-Haramayn أبو المعالي عبد الملك بن عبد الله الجويني إمام الحرمين : Kitab al-Waraqat كتاب الورقات , with commentary (sharh شرح ) by Jalal al-Din Ibn Muhammad Ibn Ahmad al-Mahalli جلال الدين بن محمد بن أحمد المحلي .

On al-Juwayni (died 478/1085) and his treatise on the principles of law ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎(usul al-fiqh أصول الفقه ), commented by al-Mahalli (died 864/1460) → GAL I 389 no. I/2 and S I 671 no. I/2. An edition of text and commentary was published 1970 in Hama by Khidr Muhammad al-Lajami خضر محمد اللجمي , Thamarat ala al-Waraqat, wa-hiya ta'liqat ala al-Waraqat lil-Imam al-Juwayni wa-ala sharhiha lil-Imam al-Mahalli ثمرات على الورقات، وهي تعليقات على الورقات للإمام الجويني وعلى شرحها للإمام المحلي . → text no. [2098].

Ms. 12.

110 folios; 17,5×22 cm; 7 lines; naskhi; single words are written in red ink. Smooth paper with the Russian watermark Fabriki Sergjeva no. 6, slightly stained with water. Original brown leather binding, made from one piece; spine slightly damaged. Copied Ramadan 1138/May 1726 by Abd al-Aziz Ibn Ahundul (?) Abd al-Wahid in Herat.

[2024] fols. 2v-109r: Abu Bakr al-Shashi = Abu Bakr Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Ibn al-Husayn Ibn Umar al-Shashi al-Qaffal أبو بكر الشاشي = أبو بكر محمد بن أحمد بن الحسين بن عمر الشاشي القفال , called Fakhr al-Islam al-Mustazhiri فخر الإسلام المستظهري : Kitab Usul al-fiqh al-musamma al-Shashi كتاب أصول الفقه المسمى الشاشي .

The colophon mentions this title and "Abu Bakr al-Shashi" as author. As the bio-bibliographical sources list quite a lot of names of jurists from Shash شاش (Tashkent) which contain the same kunya, it is helpful to have a look at the sources quoted or mentioned in the text in order to identify the author. We find al-Shafi'i ‏ الشافعي (3v, 4v, 11r, 50r, 53v, 57r, 69r, 70r, 71r, 81r, 86r), Abu Hanifa ‏ أبو حنيفة‏‏ (9v, 11v, 16r, 46r, 55r, 57r-v, 64v, 81r, 109r), Abu Yusuf ‏ أبو يوسف‏‏ (32v, 64v, 74r), Muhammad al-Shaybani محمد الشيباني , in part his Kitab al-siyar al-kabir كتاب السير الكبير or his al-Jami' al-kabir ‏ الجامع الكبير‏ (38r, 54r, 58v, 64v, 66r)‏‏, Malik Ibn Anas مالك بن أنس‏ or the Malikiya مالكية‏ (57r, 76v)‏‏; finally al-Karkhi الكرخي‏ (38v)‏‏ and al-Hamasi الحماسي‏ ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (35r): these two sources belong to a later period. al-Karkhi is apparently identical with Abu al-Hasan Ubayd Allah Ibn al-Husayn Ibn Dallal al-Karkhi أبو الحسن عبيد الله بن الحسين بن دلال الكرخي ‏ , a Hanafite faqih فقيه‏ (260/873 - 340/952); al-Hamasi is perhaps identical with al-Hasan Ibn Harb الحسن بن حرب‏ (wrote ca. 400/1010; → GAS I 499) whose nisba in Hajji Khalifa is misread by the editor G. Flügel (III, p. 637, no. 7300) as al-Hassani الحساني‏ and in the edition of Istanbul ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (II 1010) as الحوـي . According to Hajji Khalifa, al-Hasan Ibn Harb refers to the doctrines of al-Shafi'i and Abu Hanifa. This can be confirmed by our Ms.
More important, however, is the mention of "al-Qadi al-Imam Abu Zayd al-Marwazi القاضي الإمام أبو زيد المروزي " on fol. 104r: this scholar was a teacher of Abu Bakr Abd Allah Ibn Ahmad Ibn Abd Allah al-Marwazi al-Qaffal al-saghir أبو بكر عبد الله بن أحمد بن عبد الله المروزي القفال الصغير (→ Ibn al-Imad, Shadharat III, 208, 4) who died 417/1026 (→ GAS I 500f.); he was a pupil of the jurist and Hadith-scholar Abu Mansur al-Azdi al-Muhallabi al-Marwi أبو منصور الأزدي المهلبي المروي who died 410/1019 (→ Subk , Tabaqat II, 196, 12f.). The quotation of Abu Zayd al-Marwazi in our text enables us to date its author to the 11th century. This date can be confirmed and specified by a reference to the Shafi'ite Ibn al-Sabbagh ابن الصباغ and his Kitab al-Shamil كتاب الشامل on fol. 86r, 2f.; Abu Nasr Abd al-Sayyid Ibn Muhammad Ibn al-Sabbagh أبو نصر عبد السيد بن محمد بن الصباغ was born in 400/1009 in Baghdad and died in 1083 (→ GAL I 388; S I 671). Therefore, Abu Bakr al-Shashi cannot be identical with the Hanafite Ishaq Ibn Ibrahim al-Shashi al-Samarqandi إسحق بن إبراهيم الشاشي السمرقندي who is said to have died during 325/937 (→ GAL I 174; S I 294) and who is said to have written the Kitab al-Usul كتاب الأصول which is attributed to him in the editions of our text published in India (e.g. Lucknow 1293/1876). The old editions of our Ms. which were published in India between 1264/1848 and 1302/1885 (→ GAL I 174; S I 294), attribute the text to Ishaq Ibn Ibrahim al-Shashi apparently by following Abd al-Qadir Abu al-Wafa' al-Qurashi عبد القادر أبو الوفاء القرشي (died 775/1373), al-Jawahir al-mudi'a fi tabaqat al-Hanafiya الجواهر المضيئة في طبقات الحنفية (I, Haydarabad 1332/1913, p.136) and his epitomator, an Indian scholar from Lucknow, Abd al-Hayy al-Laknawi عبد الحي اللكنوي (died 1304/1886), who in his al-Fawa'id al-bahiya fi tarajim al-Hanafiya الفوائد البهية في تراجم الحنفية (published in India 1293/1876; → GAL S II 645 no. 13 and 857 no. 34 par. 15) repeated the information given by Abu al-Wafa' al-Qurashi (→ GAL S I 294). This report cannot be confirmed, however, by other bio-bibliographical sources; Sezgin (GAS I) with good reasons omitted any article on a Hanafite scholar called "Ishaq Ibn Ibrahim al-Shashi . Sezgin attributed the Kitab al-Usul to Nizam al-Din al-Shashi نظام الدين الشاشي from the 7th/13th century and based his attribution on the information given by the catalogue in Patna (Bankipore). In spite of this information and in spite of the attribution of the Kitab al-Usul to Badr al-Din al-Shashi al-Shirwani بدر الدين الشاشي الشرواني from the 8th/14th or 9th/15th century in the Ms. Peshawar 592, Brockelmann keeps to the above mentioned early date of the Kitab al-Usul and its attribution to Ishaq Ibn Ibrahim al-Shashi al-Samarqandi ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (→ GAL I 174 no.8); in GAL S I 294 he therefore explained the reference to Ibn al-Sabbagh as a late interpolation. Ignaz Goldziher (in: ZDMG 71,1917, p.443), however, had already doubted the correctness of the given year of the death of Ishaq Ibn Ibrahim al-Shashi al-Samarqandi. Sezgin (GAS I 498 no.1) accepted the above mentioned late date and the authorship as given in the catalogue of Patna.

In view of the above-given enumeration of sources and authorities quoted in the Ms. the proposed solutions are no longer acceptable. A recently (Beirut1982) published (uncritical) edition by Khalil al-Mayyis خليل الميس attributed the text to Abu Ali Ahmad Ibn Muhammad al-Shashi أبو علي أحمد بن محمد الشاشي (died 344/955), without offering convincing arguments. The text is printed (without text-critical notes), together with a commentary by Muhammad Fayd al-Hasan al-Kankuhi = Muhammad Fayz Allah Ganguhi محمد فيض الحسن الكنكوهي = محمد فيظ الله گنگوهي an Indian scholar from the beginning of the 20th century (→ GAL S I 267). As already proposed by R. Levy in his Catalogue of the Arabic Manuscripts in the Library of the India Office II/3 (London 1936), Ms. no. 1439, the Usul al-Shashi أصول الشاشي most probably was written by Abu Bakr Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Ibn al-Husayn Ibn Umar al-Shashi al-Qaffal, with the cognomen Fakhr al-Islam al-Mustazhiri ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (429/1037-507/1113; → Subki, Tabaqat VI 70ff.; GAL I 390f.; S I 674). Brockelmann mentions among the works of Ibn Umar al-Shashi al-Qaffal ابن عمر الشاشي القفال the Kitab al-Usul and its alternative title Kitab al-Khamsin fi usul al-Hanafiya كتاب الخمسين في أصول الحنفية ; he enumerates some old editions published in India without witting upon the identity with the Kitab al-Usul attributed elsewhere (→ GAL I 174; S I 294) to Ishaq Ibn Ibrahim al-Shashi.

The ascription of the Usul al-Shashi to Ibn Umar al-Shashi al-Qaffal from the 5th/11th century can be corroborated by an additional demonstration of its non-identity with Muhammad Ibn Ali Ibn Isma'il al-Qaffal al-kabir al-Shashi محمد بن علي بن إسماعيل القفال الكبير ا لشاشي (291/904-365/975), Mahasin al-shari'a fi furu' al-Shafi'iya محاسن الشريعة في فروع الشافعية (mentioned GAS I 498 no.2): the quotations from the Bab al-najasat باب النجاسات in Subki, Tabaqat II, 79 cannot be found in our Ms. and its beginning (→ Ms. Saray Ahmet (Istanbul) III, 1317/Catalogue II, 308) differs from our Ms. - In view of these observations, our Ms. is most probably also different from the Kitab fi usul al-fiqh which Subki (Tabaqat III, 200, 17) mentions among the works of al-Qaffal al-kabir al-Shashi.

Finally, our Ms. cannot be identical with Abu Bakr Abd Allah Ibn Ahmad Ibn Abd Allah al-Marwazi al-Qaffal al-saghir ‏ أبو بكر عبد الله بن أحمد بن عبد الله المروزي القفال الصغير‎‎‎‎‎‎(327/938-417/1026; → GAS I 500f.), al-Fatawa الفتاوى of which one ms. is preserved ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (Süleymaniye, Istanbul 675, fols. 1-122v; copied 895/1489-1490. → GAS I 501): the quotation from this work in Subki السبكي ‏ , Tabaqat ‏ طبقات ‏ II, 134, 8ff. cannot be found in our ms.

‏ Future research into the contents of the Usul al-Shashi, other works by the same author (→ GAL) and their historical context may give more evidence of the author's starting-point from the discussions held in the 5th/11th century. These discussions on the principles of law culminated in the efforts of Ghazzali الغزالي ‏ a contemporary of Ibn Umar al-Shashi al-Qaffal, to create a more elaborate concept of ijtihad اجتهاد ‏ , i.e. of independent legal judgement which must be based on ilm علم ‏ : → I. Goldziher, Streitschrift des Ghazali gegen die Batinijja-Sekte (Leiden 1956), pp. 86ff.; art. Idjtihad in EI2 and the Usul al-Shashi, fols. 76r-v. Enumeration of the chapters in our Ms.:

‏ fols.3r-74v: al-bahth al-awwal fi Kitab Allah ‏ البحث الأول في كتاب الله‏ ‏ : fasl al-khass wa-al-amm ‏ فصل الخاص‏والعام ‏‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (3r); fasl fi al-mutlaq wa-al-muqayyad ‏ فصل في المطلق والمقيد‏ ‏‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (7v); fasl fi al-mushtarak ‏ فصل في المشترك‏ ‏‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (10v); fasl fi al-haqiqa wa-al-majaz ‏ فصل في الحقيقة والمجاز ‏‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (13r); fasl fi ta'rif ‏ فصل في تعريف‏ ‏‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (17r); fasl fi al-sarih wa-al-kinaya ‏ فصل في الصريح والكناية‏(19v); fasl fi al-taqabulat ‏ فصل في التقابلات‏ ‏‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (21r); fasl fi muta'alliqat al-nusus فصل في متعلقات النصوص ‏‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (29r); fasl: ikhtalafa al-nas fi al-amr al-mutlaq فصل : اختلف الناس في الأمر المطلق ‏‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (34v); fasl al-amr bi-al-fi'l ‏ فصل الأمر بالفعل‏ ‏‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (36r); fasl‏ ‏: inna l-amr bi-al-shay' yadullu ala husn al-ma'mur bihi ‏ فصل : إن الأمر بالشيء يدل على حسن المأمور به ‏‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (40v); fasl fi hukm al-wajib bi-hukm al-amr ‏ فصل في حكم الواجب بحكم الأمر ‏‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (42r); fasl fi nahy ‏ فصل في نهي‏(47r); fasl fi ta'rif tariq al-murad bi-al-nusus ‏ فصل في تعريف طريق المراد بالنصوص‏ ‏‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (50r); fasl fi ta'rif huruf al-ma'ani ‏ فصل في تعريف حروف المعاني‏ ‏‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (53v); fasl al-fa' lil-ta'ib wa-al-wasl فصل الفاء للتعيب والوصل‏ ‏‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (55r); fasl kalima thumma lil-tarakhi ‏ فصل كلمة ثم للتراخي‏ ‏‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (57r); fasl kalima bal li-tadaruk al-ghalat فصل كلمة بل لتدارك الغلط ‏‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (57v); fasl fi kalima hatta ‏ فصل في كلمة حتى‏ ‏‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (61v); fasl kalima ila al-intiha' ‏ فصل كلمة إلى الانتهاء ‏‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (62v); fasl fi kalima ala kalima ‏ فصل في كلمة على كلمة ‏‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (63v); fasl fi kalima fi kalima ‏ فصل في كلمة في كلمة‏ ‏‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (64r); fasl fi harf al-ba' فصل في حرف الباء ‏‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (66v); fasl fi bayan al-taghyir فصل في بيان التغيير ‏‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (68v); fasl wa-amma bayan al-hal fa-mithaluhu... ‏ فصل وأما بيان الحال فمثاله‏ ‏‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (72v).
74v-79v al-bahth al-thani fi sunnat rasul Allah ‏ البحث الثاني في سنة رسول الله ‏: fasl fi aqsam al-khabar ‏ فخل في أقسام ‏الخبر (74v);

79v-85r al-bahth al-thalith fi al-ijma'‏ البحث الثالث في الإجماع ‏: fasl thumma ba'da dhalika naw'un gharibun min al-ijma' ‏ فصل ثم بعد ذلك نوع غريب من الإجماع (81v); fasl al-wajib ala al-mujtahid talb hukm al-haditha min Kitab Allah thumma min sunnat rasul Allah bi-sarih al-nass aw bi-dalalatihi ala ma marra dhikruhuma ‏ فصل ‏الواجب على المجتهد طلب حكم الحديثة من كتاب الله ثم من سنة رسول الله بصريح النص أو بدلالته على ما مر ذكرهما(83r);
85r-109r al-bahth al-rabi' fi al-qiyas البحث الرابع في القياس : fasl shurut sihhat al-qiyas khamsa ‏ فصل شروط صحة ‏القياس خمسة (86v); fasl al-ahkam al-shar'iya ‏ فصل الأحكام الشرعية(100v); fasl qala al-qadi al-Imam Abu Zayd: al-mawani' arba'at aqsam ‏ فصل قال القاضي الإمام أبو زيد : الموانع أربعة أقسام (103v); fasl al-fard lughatan huwa-al-qat' wa-al-taqdir wa-mafrudat al-shar' muqaddaratuh ‏ فصل الفرض لغة هو القطع والتقدير ومفروضات الشرع مقدرته‏ (105r).
Beginning (after the Basmala):
الحمد لله الذي أعلى منزلة المؤمنين... وبعد : فإنّ أصول الفقه أربعة : كتاب الله تعالى وسنّة رسوله وإجماع الأمّة والقياس فلا بدّ من البحث في كل واحد من هذه الأقسام ليعلم بذلك طريق تخريج الأحكام. والبحث الأول : ...
قال : ما بال السمك لا خمس فيه ؟ قال : لأنه كالماء ولا خمس فيه. تمت الكتاب (!) أصول الفقه المسمى شاشي ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (!) من تصانيف الشيخ أبو (!) بكر الشاشي...

In the margin and between the lines are many notes. Scholars' notes can also be found on fols. 1-2r and 109v-110v.

Ms. 13.

84 folios; 12,5×18cm; 15 lines; small naskhi, single words are written in red ink or overlined. Smooth, thin and in part brownish paper. Fol. 8v is damp-stained with some loss of text. Pasteboard binding with red leather spine; covers and flap with leather frame. Hand of the 12th/18th century.

[2025] fols. 1v-38v: Muhammad Ibn Faramurz Molla Khosraw محمد بن فرامرز ملا خسرو : Mirqat al-wusul ila ilm al-usul مرقاة الوصول إلى علم الأصول .

The Ms. does not mention the author; compare, however, the beginning of Ms. Princeton no. 949. On the author (died 885/1480) and this text on theological and juridical terms → GAL II 227 no.2 and S II 317 no.2.
As a comparison of the chapters on fol. 9v ff. shows, our text has the same sections as a later text, written by the Zaidite author al-Mansur billah al-Qasim Ibn Muhammad Ibn Ali Ibn Rasul Allah المنصور بالله القاسم بن محمد بن علي بن رسول الله (died 1029/1620; → GAL II 405; S II 558f.): compare the chapters in his much shorter work with the same title in Ms. Berlin 10299. The following pages are blank.

[2026] fols. 41v-84v: Abu al-Barakat Abd Allah Ibn Ahmad Ibn Mahmud al-Nasafi أبو البركات عبد الله بن أحمد بن محمود النسفي : Manar al-anwar fi usul al-fiqh منار الأنوار في أصول الفقه .

On the author (died 710/1310) and his work on the principles of law → GAL II 196 no.I and S II 263 no. I. Our Ms. does not mention author and title; compare, however, Ms. Berlin 4385.

Other mss. related to usul al-fiqh: → text nos. [2098], [2353], [2362], [2408].

Fiqh: furu', fatawi ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (hanafi) فروع، فتاوي (حنفي) ‏

Ms. 14.

239 folios; 13,5×20,5 cm; 21 lines; small, regular Turkish naskhi. The text is within a gold (fols.1-3r) and red frame; title-page with vignette (with the colours blue, golden, red and green). Smooth paper, sometimes spotted and damp-stained. Original red leather binding; covers and flap with centre-ornament and with a frame consisting of geometrical lines; the inside is pasted with marbled paper. Fol. 1r with owners' stamps: "Rashid Ibrahim" = Rashid Ibn Nu'man Ibn Uthman Ibn Muhammad, Istanbul 1277/1860; al-Sabri Ibn Abd Allah al-Khadimi, teacher (mudarris) of the Beyazit mosque in Istanbul, 1221/1806 and Zarif Mustafa, 1268/1851-2. The Ms. was copied by Ahmad Ibn al-Hajj Bashir Ibn Uthman Ibn Yusuf on 19 Safar 1094/17 February 1683.

[2027] fols. 1v-233v: al-Shaybani الشيباني : al-Jami' al-saghir الجامع الصغير , revised version with commentary by Umar Ibn Abd al-Aziz Ibn Maza عمر بن عبد العزيز بن مازة , called Jami' al-Sadr al-Shahid جامع الصدر الشهيد .

This still unedited version is based on the redaction by Abu Tahir Muhammad Ibn Muhammad Ibn Sufyan al-Dabbas أبو طاهر محمد بن محمد بن سفيان الدباس (Ms.: al-Dayyas الدياس ) al-Baghdadi البغدادي , who died about 340/951. - On al-Shaybani (died 189/805) and his work on Hanafite applied law in the commented revision by Ibn Maza (died 536/1141) → GAS I 428 no. V e. Our Ms. mentions as author the name "Husam al-a'imma Burhan al-Din Imam al-Haramayn حسام الأئمة برهان الدين إمام الحرمين " (fol.1v2); as a comparison with Ms. Berlin 4437 shows, however, the text is composed by Ibn Maza. Sezgin (GAS I 429 j) mentions " Burhan al-Din Imam al-Haramayn" - according to him "most probably" from the 6th/12th century - as author of another redaction of Shaybani’s al-Jami' al-saghir and refers to a Ms. in the Zahiriya الظاهرية (Damascus). This reference is incorrect, however, and the source mentioned by Sezgin does not confirm it. The entry in Sezgin is apparently based on a misunderstanding and should be dropped, as it appears to be the work by Ibn Maza. This work is mentioned in the new catalogue of the Zahiriya as no. 8291: the Ms. has a different beginning and is attributed to "Husam al-Din Umar Ibn Abd al-Aziz Ibn Umar Ibn Maza al-Bukhari حسام الدين عمر بن عبد العزيز بن عمر بن مازة البخاري ; s. Fahras makhtutat dar al-kutub al-Zahiriya فهرس مخطوطات دار الكتب الظاهرية , al-Fiqh al-hanafi الفقه الحنفي II, ed. Muhammad Muti' al-Hafiz محمد مطيع الحافظ (Damascus 1401/1980), p.245. Our Ms. contains numerous empty spaces; as a comparison with Ms. Berlin 4437 shows, they had been assigned for a later addition of the chapter-headings.

Ms. 15.

77 folios; 14,5×20,3 cm; 23 lines. Small naskhi, tending to nasta'liq. The text is written within a red frame; chapter-headings are written in red ink and single words are overlined in red. Original black cloth binding with dark brown leather spine; in addition the corners of the covers are pasted with leather. Owners' remarks on fols. 1r, 5r and 77, some in Turkish. Hand of the 10th/16th century.

[2028] fols. 5v-75v: Abu al-Layth al-Samarqandi أبو الليث السمرقندي : Khizanat al-fiqh خزانة الفقه .

On this short handbook on the Hanafite furu' and its author (died 373/983 or later) → GAS I 446. The text was published (together with the Uyun al-masa'il عيون المسائل by Abu al-Layth) 1385-6/1965-7 in Baghdad by Salah al-Din al-Nahi صلاح الدين الناهي .
fols. 2v-4r contain an enumeration of all chapters. In the margin are a few notes. On fols. 76r-v follow three short excerpts on furu'.

Ms. 16.

51 folios; 11,2×19,4 cm; 17 lines; regular naskhi, tending to nasta'liq. The text on fol. 9v-10r (beginning) is written within a gold frame. Single words are written in red ink. Thick, smooth paper, slightly spotted; fols. 9 and 50 are slightly damaged. Original leatherbinding; covers and flap are decorated with geometrical lines and points and their inside is pasted with marbled paper. Owner's remark on fol. 1r: Mustafa Ibn Hasan al-Turkmani. Hand of the 11-12th/17-18th century.

[2029] fols. 8v-9r: Muhammad Ibn Sa'id al-Busiri محمد بن سعيد البوصيري : al-Qasida al-Mudariya fi al-salat ala khayr al-bariya القصيدة المدرية في الصلاة على خير البرية .

On the author (died 694/1294) and this poem in praise of the Prophet → GAL I 267 no. V and S I 472 no. V. The text contains 26 verses; according to other mss. the poem consists of 34 or 40 verses: → Ms. Berlin 7840.

[2030] fols. 9v-49v: Siraj al-Din Qari' al-Hidaya سراج الدين قارئ الهداية : al-Fatawi al-Sirajiya الفتاوي السراجية .

The formal legal opinions of Qari' al-Hidaya (died 829/1426) were collected by his pupil Kamal al-Din Ibn Humam al-Hanafi كمال الدين بن همام الحنفي (died 861/1457). The collection contains juridical questions by a judge and the answers by Qari' al-Hidaya. On further mss. of this still unedited text → GAL II 81 and S II 91.
The text of Ms. Berlin 4824 ends with fol. 48r 8 in our Ms., which has seven more questions and answers.
وقال في مكان آخر هو إن لا اعتقاد لها ولا نصّا ولا حرمة بشيء من الأشياء وفي قبول توبته روايتان ترجح قبول توبته. ولله الحمد والمنّة. تمّ ذلك وصلى الله على سيدنا محمد وآله وصحبه وسلّم وحسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل ولا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله العلي العظيم وغفر الله تعالى لمؤلّفه وكاتبه وقارئه ولملكه والناظر فيه ولجميع المسلمين آمين يا ربّ العالمين. تمّ.

An enumeration of all 279 questions can be found on fols. 1v-8v. In the margin are a few notes. On fol. 50r follows a short prayer by Abu Su'ud Efendi أبو سعود أفندي ; cf. Daiber, Catalogue, no. 227. - Fol. 50v contains some notes, in part in Turkish.

Ms. 17.

105 folios; 18×26,8 cm; 13 lines; carefully written and partially vocalized naskhi. Chapter-headings are written in thuluth. Brownish, somewhat thick paper, partially damp-stained and repaired. Original leatherbinding, slightly damaged; covers and flap are decorated with geometrical lines and dots; covers with centre-ornaments. The inside of the covers is pasted with green-gold coloured paper in which ornamental flowers (in white) are impressed; on the bottom of the front-cover's inside is printed with capital letters "OHANN". Owner's remark on fol. 6r: al-Sayyid Hafiz Salih Ibn al-Hajj Muhammad Qawuqji-zade. Owner's stamp on fol. 6v and 7r (illegible). Hand of the 10th/16th century.

[2031] fols. 6v-105v: Abu al-Barakat Abd Allah Ibn Ahmad Ibn Mahmud al-Nasafi أبو البركات عبد الله بن أحمد بن محمود النسفي : Kanz al-daqa'iq fi al-furu' كنز الدقائق في الفروع .

On the author (died 710/1310) and this work on Hanafite applied fiqh, of which there are a number of commentaries, several printings in the 19th century and a translation into Persian → GAL II 196 no. III and S II 265 no. III. According to the introduction it is a summary, made by Nasafi, of his al-Wafi fi al-furu' الوافي في الفروع .
In the margin and between the lines are a few notes. Fol. 1v-5v give an enumeration of all chapters. The Ms. is incomplete at the end (perhaps one folio is missing).

Ms. 18.

158 folios; 14,5×20 cm; 23 lines; Turkish naskhi, written by at least three different hands. Single words and chapter-headings are written in red ink or overlined. Thick, smooth paper, slightly water-stained and spotted. Modern red leather covers with flap, each with a gold frame and with a centre-ornament which is filled with flowers. Copied (at least fol. 111 till the end) by Yusuf Ibn Mahmud Ibn Yusuf Ibn Abd al-Nabi in the month Dhu al-Hijja 1095/November 1684.

[2032] fols. 2v-157v: Tahir Ibn Islam Ibn Qasim al-Ansari al-Khwarizmi طاهر بن إسلام بن قاسم الأنصاري الخوارزمي : Kitab Jawahir al-fiqh كتاب جواهر الفقه .

On the author (wrote 771/1369) and on more mss. of his still unedited work on the Hanafite furu', a compilation from many works, → GAL I 80 no. 1 and S I 89 no.1. Tahir al-Khwarizmi mentions his sources on fol. 3r-5r and gives us an idea of his broad knowledge of theology (with special preference for eastern theology of the school of Maturidi الماتريدي ) and fiqh of his time. Remarkable is his extensive use of fatwa فتوى -collections in the section on furu'. The description and enumeration of chapters in the catalogue of Ms. Berlin 3520 gives an idea of the contents. - A list of all chapters is given in our Ms. on fol. 2r. A few notes (in part in Turkish) can be found on fol. 1r, 157v-158r and in the margin.

Ms. 19.

486 folios; 15×21,2 cm; 27 lines; carefully written Turkish naskhi; single sentences are written in red ink. The text is within a golden frame; its beginning (fol. 8v) has a vignette with the colours gold, blue, red, green and brown; fol. 4v has a vignette with the colours gold, blue and green. Thin, slightly worm-eaten paper. Original black leather binding with a gold medallion in the middle and in the corners of the covers which are damaged and worm-eaten. Between covers and book is a marbled wrapper. Owners' stamps on fol. 8r, one (as on fol. 483v) with the year 1227/1812; Owner's name: Muhammad Qudsi Halimzade and the date Rabi' I 1206/end October 1791. The copy was ordered by Muhammad Khalil Efendi al-Muradi and accomplished by Mustafa Ibn Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Ibn Mahmud al-Kanji on 10 Muharram 1194/17 January 1780.

[2033] fols. 8v-485v: Muhammad Ibn Ali al-Haskafi محمد بن علي الحسكفي : al-Durr al-mukhtar: Sharh Tanwir al-absar ‏ الدر المختار : شرح تنوير الأبصار‏ (by Shihab al-Din Ahmad al-Timirtashi شهاب الدين أحمد التمرتشي ).

A voluminous commentary by al-Haskafi (died 1088/1677) on al-Timirtashi (died 1004/1595), Tanwir al-absar wa-jami' al-bihar تنوير الأبصار وجامع البحار , a compendium of the Hanafite furu'. The commentary is only accessible in old printings of the 19th century published in India; → GAL S II 428 no. 1b.
The beginning of the text differs from Ms. Berlin 4623. Fol. 4v-7r contain an enumeration of all chapters. These folios as well as three preceding folios are not included in the Arabic numbering of the pages.