Koran: the text


118 folios; 7×9 cm; 5 lines; vocalized muhaqqaq محقق , chapter-headings in thuluth ثلث and written in yellow ink, as can be found in Mamluk manuscripts of the 8th/14th century: compare David James, Qur'ans of the Mamluks (London 1988). Small dimensions like our Ms. are rare: cf. James, p. 240 no.47 and 241 no.51. - Thick brownish and spotted paper, in part damaged, worm-eaten and rubbed, in a few cases with some loss of text; the first page is replaced by a later hand who wrote on the inside of the front cover. Binding repaired. Only the original of the front cover is preserved; it has in the centre an ornament filled with flowers and remnants of a geometrical frame of which each corner and the middle of every side is provided with a small triangle consisting of three geometrical points. - Paper, script and front cover point to a Mamluk origin, perhaps the 8th/14th century.

[2001] fols. 1v-18r: al-Qur'an القرآن , Sura 36.

[2002] fols. 18v-91v: Anonymous: al-Hayakil al-sab'a الهياكل السبعة .

The text starts abruptly with al-Haykal al-awwal الهيكل الأول as follows:
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم. الحمد لله الذي لا ينسى من ذكره ولا يخيب من دعاه والحمد لله الذي إذا توكل العبد...
Lacunas are at least between fols. 27v and 28r, 48r and 49r, 63v and 64r, 76v and 77r, 89v and 90r. fol. 55v continues with al-Haykal al-sadis الهيكل السادس , fol. 63v with al-Haykal al-sabi' الهيكل السابع .
The text ends on fol. 91v:
وفرّجْ عني كلّ همّ يا مفرج همّ يعقوب ! فرّج عني يا مفرّج ويا كاشف ضُرّ أيوب اكشف ضُرّي واغلب !

The text is, as the beginning of the first haykal shows, identical with Ms. Berlin 3665 and with Ms. Princeton 1965; our Ms. has not, however, the introduction which explains the marvellous power of the seven hayakil, the prayers and the praise of God. Nevertheless, our text is apparently longer than Ms. Berlin 3665/1 and Ms. Princeton 1965; its relation to them as well as to mss. Berlin 3665/2 and 3666/1 deserves a detailed investigation. - Our Ms. seems to be the oldest copy so far known.

[2003] fols. 92r-118v: Prayers, called hijab حجاب , asking for protection against evils.

The prayers are ascribed to Musa موسى (fols.92r-94r), Ali علي (fols.94v-102r), Muhammad محمد (fols.102v-106r) and Ja'far جعفر (fols.106v-118v). The text is different from the prayers called hijab حجاب or hirz حرز in mss. Berlin 3892ff. and Tübingen 178. Noteworthy is the ascription of the prayers to four of the 12 Shiite Imams: Musa موسى = Musa al-Kazim موسى الكاظم (died 183/799), the 7th Imam; Ali علي = most probaly Ali Ibn Abi Talib علي بن أبي طالب (died 40/661), the first Imam or perhaps Ali al-Rida علي الرضا (died 203/818), the 8th Imam or Ali al-Hadi علي الهادي (died 254/868), the 10th Imam; Muhammad محمد= Muhammad al-Jawad محمد الجواد (died 220/835), the 9th Imam and Ja'far جعفر = Ja'far al-Sadiq جعفر الصادق (died 148/765), the 6th Imam. See the table in Halm, Schia, p.37. Beginning (after the Basmala):
توكلت على الله وحده توكلت على الله الحي القيوم الذي لا يموت وتحصنت...

The text is incomplete at the end.

Koran : qira'a, tajwid, tafsir قراءة، تجويد، تفسير


44 folios; 16×22 cm; 17-23 lines; naskhi, different hands; single words are written in red ink. In part yellowish paper, slightly damp-stained. Blank pages are fols. 20v, 24v, 33r and 40v. Modern cardboard covers. - The first text was copied in 1143/1731 and collated ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (ta'liq تعليق ) during 1152/1740, perhaps by the commentator (s. below); the third text (fols. 31r-32r) was written in 1199/1784-5 by the author himself (Hafiz Isma'il حافظ إسماعيل) .

[2004] fols. 1v-20r: al-Qasim Ibn Firroh al-Shatibi القاسم بن فره الشاطبي : Hirz al-amani wa-wajh al-tahani = al-Qasida al-Shatibiya حرز الأماني ووجه التهاني = القصيدة الشاطبية , with commentary by Hashim Ibn Muhammad al-Maghribi al-Maliki هاشم بن محمد المغربي المالكي , called Hisn al-qari' fi ikhtilaf al-maqari' حصن القارئ في اختلاف المقارئ .

On al-Shatibi (died 590/1194) and his versification of al-Dani الداني (died 444/1053 or earlier), Kitab al-Taysir fi al-qira'at al-sab' كتاب التيسير في القراءات السبع , a work on the readings of the Koran (→ GAL I 407; S I 719) → GAL I 409 no. I and S I 725 no. I. - On Hashim Ibn Muhammad al-Maghribi (studied 1145/1732 in Damascus and 1148/1735 in Istanbul) and on his still unedited commentary → GAL S II 455 no. 16a/2 (one Ms., not identified as commentary on the Shatibiya). - According to the colophon (fol. 20r) the author finished his commentary 17 Sha'ban1143/25 February 1731 and wrote his notes (in addition, a few notes resulting from a later collation can be found in the margin) during 9 Shawwal 1152/9 January 1740. As these dates fall within the lifetime of the commentator Hashim Ibn Muhammad al-Maghribi, our text is apparently an autograph.

Beginning (after the Basmala):
وبه العون وعليه التكلان. الحمد لله والصلوة والسلام على رسول الله. وبعد فهذا تقييد قصدت به بيان ما اختلف فيه من أوجه القراءات من طريق الشاطبية..
وينبغي أن يكون هو الداعي ويعتني بالأدعية المأثورة في ذلك أيضا. هذا آخر ما التزمت تحريره بحسب الطاقة ولله الحمد.

[2005] fols. 21r-30v: Notes on the qira'at قراءات of the Koran and (fol. 29r) on the reciters.

[2006] fols. 31r-32r: Hafiz Isma'il حافظ إسماعيل : Risalat al-Takbir رسالة التكبير .

The author of this small text on the recitation of the Takbir cannot be identified. He wrote it in 1199/1784-5, the date of this copy.

[2007] fol. 32v: Anonymous: Fasl fi jam' al-qur'an muntakhaban min al-Suyuti فصل في جمع القرآن منتخبا من السيوطي , in Turkish.

[2008] fols. 33v-40r: Husayn al-Aghirnasi (?) حسين الأغرناسي : Bab waqf Hamza wa-Hisham ala al-Hamza باب وقف حمزة وهشام على الهمزة .

A treatise on the Hamza used in the pausal form. The author cannot be identified.

[2009] fol. 41r: A fragment from a work on the recitation of the Koran.

[2010] fols. 41v-44r: An anonymous treatise on the madd مد , i.e. on the drawing out of the voice over long vowels in the Koran recitation, in Turkish.

The text is followed by a later note on fol. 44v, in Turkish.

Ms. 3.

12 folios; 15,2×22,6 cm; 15 lines; clearly written naskhi, tending to ruq'a. Single words and sentences are written in red ink. European paper with the Italian watermark Azzuoli. Cardboard covers. Copied 19 Dhu al-Qa'da 1306/17 July 1889 by Ibn Mudawwir Qasim.

[2011] fols. 1v-12v: Muhammad al-Maydani محمد الميداني : al-Muqaddima al-Maydaniya fi ilm al-tajwid المقدمة الميدانية في علم التجويد= Qawa'id al-tajwid قواعد التجويد , with commentary (sharh شرح ) by Ali Ibn Ahmad al-Tadmuri al-Shafi'i al-Qadiri al-Ash'ari علي بن أحمد التدمري الشافعي القادري الأشعري .

On al-Maydani (died 923/1517) and his not yet published short collection of principles used in the recitation of the Koran → GAL II 203; S II 279 (Shams al-Din Ahmad Ibn Nusayr al-Maydani al-Muqri' al-Darir ‏ شمس الدين أحمد بن نصير الميداني المقرئ الضرير‏ ; 2 mss.) and Kahhale XII 77 (Shams al-Din Muhammad Ibn Nasr al-Dimashqi al-Maydani al-Darir ‏ شمس الدين محمد بن نصر الدمشقي الميداني الضرير‏ ). The author of the commentary is mentioned by Muhammad Ibn Ali al-Muradi ‏ محمد بن علي المرادي‏ (died 1206/1791), Silk al-durar fi a'yan al-qarn al-thani ashar سلك الدرر في أعيان القرن الثاني عشر (Cairo 1874-1883), vol. III, 202f.; he died on 12 Safar 1131/4 January 1719.

Beginning (after the Basmala):
الحمد لله الفتاح العليم المان على العباد باللطف العميم... وبعد فيقول راجي العفو... على ابن الشيخ أحمد التدمري بلدا الشافعي مذهبا القادري طريقة الأشعري معتقدا : قد التمس مني بعض الأعزّة على أن أشرح لهم المقدمة الميدانية في علم التجويد.. قال المؤلّف رحمه الله تعالى : بسم الله أي الف والاسم مشتقّ من السمو..

وإليه المرجع والمآب وهو حسبي ونعم الوكيل ولا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله العلي العظيم وصلى الله على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه وسلم تسليما كثيرا. تمّ هذا الشرح بعون الله تعالى فأحسن توفيقه في اليوم ١٩ ذي القعدة الحرام سنة ١٣٠٦ على يد كاتبه الحقير المرتجي عفوا لملك العالم ابن مدور قاسم.

The text by al-Maydani is identical with Ms. Berlin 529. - A second copy of the commentary is Zahiriya no. 355; → Fahras makhtutat Dar al-Kutub al-Zahiriya فهرس مخطوطات دار الكتب الظاهرية , Ulum al-Qur'an علوم القرآن , ed. Izzat Hasan عزة حسن (Damascus 1381/1962), p. 50.

Ms. 4.

150 folios; 25,5×17cm; 21 lines; naskhi. Single words are written in red ink. Black half-leather binding ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎(repaired). Paper in part worm-eaten. Lacuna after fols. 115v, 123v, 145v, 146v and at the end. Hand of the 9th/15th century.

[2012] Fakhr al-Din al-Razi فخر الدين الرازي : Mafatih al-ghayb مفاتيح الغيب or al-Tafsir al-kabir التفسير الكبير , commentary on Sura 6.

On this fragment (= ed. Cairo 1308/1890, vol. IV, pp.2, 16-175, 18, with some lacunas) and on the author (died 606/1209) → GAL I 506 no. III and S I 922 no. III. On Fakhr al-Din al-Razi as commentator → Muhsin Abd al-Hamid محسن عبد الحميد , al-Razi mufassiran ا لرازي مفسرا , Baghdad 1394/1974; J. Jomier, Les Mafatih al-Ghayb de l'imam Fakhr al-Din al-Razi: quelques dates, lieux, manuscrits, in: Mélanges de l'Institut Dominicaine d'études orientales du Caire 13, 1977, pp.253-290; Y. Ceylan, Theology and Tafsir in the major works of Fakhr Al-Din Al-Razi, thesis Edinburgh 1980.

Ms. 5.

10 folios; 13,1×17,9 cm; 19 lines; clearly written naskhi. Single words are written in red ink. Somewhat brownish and thick paper. Copied (ta'liq) on 16 Rajab 921/26 August 1515.

[2013] fols. 1v-10r: al-Molla Khalil Allah al-Ajami الملا خليل الله العجمي : Silk al-durar fi inshiqaq al-qamar سلك الدرر في انشقاق القمر .

On the author (lived in Aleppo; died 908/1502) → Kahhale IV 129 (Khalil Ibn Nur Allah al-Shafi'i al-ma'ruf bi-Molla Khalil Allah خليل بن نور الله الشافعي المعروف بملا خليل الله ). - According to Najm al-Din al-Ghazzi نجم الدين الغزي (died 1061/1651), al-Kawakib al-sa'ira bi-manaqib ulama' al-mi'a al-ashira الكواكب السائرة بمناقب علماء المئة العاشرة (ed. Jibra'il Sulayman Jabbur جبرائيل سليمان جبور , Beirut 1945) I, 190, 19-20 and Abd al-Hayy Ibn al-Imad al-Hanbali عبد الحي بن العماد الحنبلي (died 1089/1678), Shadharat شذرات VIII, p.39, 1-3, the author wrote on Koranic expressions like rabb al-mashriqayn wa-rabb al-maghribayn رب المشرقين ورب المغربين (Sura 55, 17/16), rabb al-mashriq wa-al-maghrib رب المشرق والمغرب (Sura 26, 28/27) and rabb al-mashariq wa-al-magharib رب المشارق والمغارب (Sura 70, 40). Yet neither of these historians, up to now our only sources on Molla Khalil Allah, mention our treatise, a sophisticated interpretation of the splitting of the moon (mentioned in Sura 54, 1), by referring to earlier interpretations by commentators of the Koran (e.g. al-Baydawi البيضاوي and the Sufis), but also to philosophers like Aristotle, Abu Nasr al-Farabi أبو نصر الفارابي and Ibn Sina ابن سينا (fol. 6v).

Beginning (after the Basmala):
وبه ثقتي. الحمد لله الواجب الذي أفاض على الممكنات رشحة من أنوار جماله ولمعة من أشعّة جلاله... وبعد : فهذه أقمار معان دقيقة طلعت من أفق سماء الحقيقة... فاستقام رأي واستقرّ على أن أدرج هذه الفرائد المتعلقة بانشقاق القمر في سلك النظام فجاءت بتوفيق الخبير العلام رسالة مشتملة على أكثر ما قاله السلف في تأليفاتهم وعلى ما لم يوجد في تعليقاتهم وسميتها بسلك الدرر في شقّ القمر،
والله مفيض لكل جدير وبيده أزمة التقدير وهو على ما شاء قدير والصلوة والسلام على محمد شفيع الأمة وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين والتوكل على الله ربّ العالمين.
The text is collated.
Other mss. on qira'a, tajwid and tafsir: → text nos. [2044], [2069], [2070], [2292], [2332], [2356], [2371], [2372], [2374], [2392], [2407] and [2427].

Hadith حديث

Ms. 6.

20 folios; 15,1×20,5 cm; 21-30 lines; clearly written naskhi; single words and sentences are written in red ink. The text is within a red frame and collated. Smooth paper; the margin is cut (with some loss of text of the notes on fols. 11v, 12r and 12v). Hand of the 13th/19th century.

[2014] fols. 1v-11r: Ibn Farah al-Ishbili ابن فرح الإشبيلي : Qasida (manzuma) ghazaliya (gharamiya) fi alqab al-hadith = Gharami sahih قصيدة (منظومة) غزلية ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (غرامية) في ألقاب الحديث = غرامي صحيح , with anonymous commentary.

On Ibn Farah al-Ishbili (died 699/1300) and his poem in which terms from the science of hadith are used in puns → GAL I 372; S I 635. The commentary cannot be identified and contrary to a note on fol. 1r it is not written by al-Qarafi القرافي . As the text quotes verbatim from Qarafi's commentary (→ the following text and compare e.g. 2r14 with 11v6f.) it must have been composed after 962/1555. It is different from the commentary by Muhammad Ibn Muhammad Ibn al-Amir al-Kabir محمد بن محمد بن الأمير الكبير (died 1232/1816): → Ms. Berlin 1059. Its identity with one of the commentaries mentioned in GAL S I 635 I nos. 6-14 is unclear.

Beginning (after the Basmala):
هذه تلويحات رشيقة وتلميحات أنيقة توضيح من قصيدة ابن فرح الإشبيلي معانيها عليها من إيهام التورية... قال متيمنا بسم متعلق في كل مقام بدئ بفعل...

وهو إبراهيم، الله أعلم وصلى الله على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه وسلم تسليما كثيرا إلى يوم الدين آمين يا ربّ العالمين. تمّ الشرح المبارك بعون الله تعالى والحمد لله وحده وصلى الله وسلم على من لا نبي بعده.

[2015] fols. 11r-17r: Ibn Farah al-Ishbili ابن فرح الإشبيلي : Qasida ghazaliya fi alqab al-hadith قصيدة غزلية في ألقاب الحديث (→ above), with commentary (sharh شرح ) by Yahya Ibn Abd al-Rahman al-Isfahani al-Qarafi al-Zabidi يحيى بن عبد الرحمن الإصفهاني القرافي الزبيدي .

On Qarafi and his commentary (composed 962/1555) → GAL I 372 no. I 3 and S I 635 no. I 3. - The front page (fol. 1r) wrongly attributes the commentary to Ibn Jama'a ابن جماعة . However, compare Ms. Berlin 1056.


30 folios; 16×21 cm; 17 lines; naskhi, single sentences are overlined in red; brownish paper. Modern cardboard covers. Copied in the second half of the month Shawwal 1134/first half of August 1722 by Fath Allah Ibn Mahmud al-Mawsili (→ below).

[2016] fol. 1r: Some short excerpts from al-Zarkshi الزركشي (died 794/1392), al-Qawa'id القواعد (fi al-furu' في الفروع ; → GAL S II 108 no. 15a); from al-Qastallani القسطلاني (died 923/1517), Sharh al-Bukhari = Irshad al-sari شرح البخاري = إرشاد الساري , a commentary on al-Bukhari البخاري (died 256/870), al-Jami' al-sahih الجامع الصحيح , a collection of traditions; from Hisn al-hasin حصن الحصين = apparently al-Hisn al-hasin min kalam sayyid al-mursalin الحصن الحصين من كلام سيد المرسلين by Shams al-Din al-Jazari شمس الدين الجزري (died 833/1429; → GAL II 203 no. 19) and from al-Baydawi البيضاوي (died ca. 685/1286), al-Ghaya al-quswa الغاية القصوى (→ GAL I 418 no. III).

[2017] fols. 1v-30r: Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani ابن حجر العسقلاني : al-Tawdih التوضيح or Nuzhat al-nazar نزهة النظر .

The text is a commentary by Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani (died 852/1448) on his own Nukhbat al-fikar fi mustalah al-athar نخبة الفكر في مصطلح الأثر, a summary of Ibn al-Salah al-Shahrazuri ابن الصلاح الشهرزوري (died 643/1243), Kitab Aqsa al-amal wa-al-shawq fi ulum hadith al-rasul = Kitab Ma'rifat anwa' ilm (ulum) al-hadith كتاب أقصى الأمل والشوق في علوم حديث الرسول = كتاب معرفة أنواع علم (علوم) الحديث ; →GAL I 359 no. 1 e; S I 611 no. 1 e.
This commentated treatise on technical terms used in the science of Hadith was dictated by Ibn Hajar to his pupils in Cairo; fol. 30v gives an authorization (ijaza إجازة ) of the transmitted text by offering a chain of transmitters which ends with Fath Allah Ibn al-Shaykh Mahmud al-Mawsili al-Hanafi فتح الله بن الشيخ محمود الموصلي الحنفي and mentions as date Shawwal 1134/July-August 1722. The title is not mentioned in our Ms. which, as Ms. Berlin 1096, on fol. 1r in the margin mentions the title Kitab Nukhbat al-fikar fi mustalah al-athar كتاب نخبة الفكر في مصطلح الأثر ; this information should be supplemented by the addition ma'a sharhiha مع شرحها . The correct title is given by Hajji Khalifa II, col. 1936.
In the margin are some notes.

Ms. 8.

16 folios; 18,5×12 cm; 19 lines; regular, clearly written naskhi. Smooth, somewhat brownish and spotted paper. Copied 1122/1710 (fols. 6v and 15r).

[2018] fols. 1v-6v: al-Birkawi البركوي (al-Birgiliالبرگلي) : Risala fi usul al-hadith رسالة في أصول الحديث.

On the author (died 981/1573) and this treatise on the structure and criteria of Hadith → GAL II 440 ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (= II2 584) no. 8; S II 654 no. 8 (mentions some old editions of the 19th century). A different hand mentions on fols. 1r and 6v as author "Sharif Muhammad al-Uzbeki شريف محمد الأوزبكي ". This is wrong, as a comparison with beginning and end of mss. preserved in Turkish libraries shows: → Türkiye yazmalari toplu kataloğu 07/II (Istanbul 1982) nos. 968 and 969.

Beginning (after the Basmala):
اعلم أيها الطالب الصادق أن لأهل الحديث اصطلاحات لا بدّ من معرفتها لمن أراد أن يطلع مرادهم من اطلاقاتهم...
... فصلنها إزالة لحيرتهم. الحمد لله الذي هدانا لهذا وما كنا لنهتدي لولا أن هدانا الله.

[2019] fols. 6v-15v: Ibn al-Salah al-Shahrazuri ابن الصلاح الشهرزوري : Kitab Aqsa al-amal wa-al-shawq fi ulum hadith al-rasul = Kitab Ma'rifat anwa' al-ulum = Muqaddima fi ulum al-hadith كتاب أقصى الأمل والشوق في علوم حديث الرسول = كتاب معرفة أنواع العلوم = مقدمة في علوم الحديث , an extract made by As'ad Ibn al-Jalal al-Asradi أسعد بن الجلال الأسرادي .

According to the colophon (fol. 15v) the extract was written during the year 832/1428-9. The author, al-Asradi cannot be identified and is not mentioned in any bio-bibliographical source. - On Ibn al-Salah (died 643/1243) and his work about the science of Hadith, a most popular and often extracted and commentated textbook, → GAL I 359; S I 610-612.

Beginning (after the Basmala):
واعتصم بكرمه العميم. الحمد لله الهادي من استهداه الواقي من اتقاه الكافي... أما بعد : فقد قال ابن الصلاح في مقدمته : هذا كتاب معرفة أنواع علم الحديث وكشف لأسراره الخفية... وبعد : اعلم - علّمك الله ما لم تعلم - أن الحديث عند أهله ينقسم إلى صحيح وحس وضعيف...
فلا مزيد لك على قدر إدراك الكهان. تمت الرسالة الشريفة هذا ما نقدته والتقطته من كتاب المقدمة للشيخ الإمام أعني ابن الصلاح وأنا العبد الفقير إلى المولى الغني المدعو بأسعد بن الجلال الأسرادي (الأسراري ؟) رزقه الله علما نافعا وعملا رافعا في سنة ٨٣٢.

[2020] On fol. 16v follows a short note entitled Fi bayan suhuf munzala في بيان صحف منزلة .

صحف آدم عليه السلام خمسون وكل صحيفة خمسون سورة وكل سورة ألف آية باللسان الهندي. صحف شيث عليه السلام خمسون صحيفة...
فرقان محمد عليه السلام أربع عشر ومائة سورة باللسان العربي.

Ms. 9.

22 folios; 12×18 cm; Turkish naskhi; single words are written in red ink. The text is within a red frame. The paper is stained with water and in part spotted. On fol. 22 Waqf Hajji Nu'man (?). Copied 1053/1643.

[2021] fols. 1v-22r: Anonymous: Arba'un hadithan أربعون حديثا .

Two more copies of this still unedited collection of traditions, one of them dated Dhu al-Qa'da 1124/November 1712, are in Princeton (Garret collection no. 747). The text is preceded by a short prayer and by a note in Turkish.